i was liking the manga, the last chapters just dint do for me. There shouldve been at least a character explaining more about their plan and progress, and about the other lilycure and the incest situation. Theyve shown a bit of MiyukixHikari, but YurixMary lacked a hole lot, to even make sense, how they went from incest to loving deeply someone else.
Well i guess the incest to me it just dint felt like a joke, i took it to heart, like they just werent showing the private sister time and focusing on the plot. In the end it was just slapped out as some kind of replacement for the missing girl, mixed with fooling around? It was just too sad/weird how their relationship had absolutely no impact on them. Miyuki just kinda put aside it with time, but Yuri? She dint even wink, sure it had some jealousy at the start but as soon as she got used to Hikari, then its suddenly all okay? Suddenly Miyuki meant nothing? Just a replacement for someone we know nothing precise about, whether their relationship or the person. That whole execution just felt so, so shitty, i cant forgive the manga