Is this a series?
Also, can somebody explain their names? All I understood was that Hana and Eru (and their father) has the same character on their names but why is it pronounced differently?
Because kanjis have several pronunciations depending if they're alone, put together with other kanji or put together with hiragana/katakana. As a result, it's not unusual when japanese introducing themselves to explain which kanji to use to write their name or how to properly read it if it's just written.
That's alo why in many mangas, you see someone seeing the name of another character on a list and wondering how they should read it or making a mistake when later calling them out.
Heck, even in japanese books, they sometime have to put how to read a kanji if the author meant for it to have an unusual/rare reading. >< That's kind of the case here, 花 is the usual reading for "Hana", but the father decided to use an ususual reading of 英 that is normally read "Ei", so the teacher made a mistake writing it and if she does use the "Ei" character, you can bet that most people reading it without knowing her would think she's named Ei. Dad wanting to put part of his own name in probably causes her a tons of issues like that. :/
TLDR : kanjis are a pain with several reading. @_@
Cute story, wouldn't mind a continuation, but works pretty well as a stand-alone, so...
last edited at Sep 8, 2015 4:11AM