Forum › Romance Girls File discussion

joined Apr 15, 2012

thanks a lot

joined Feb 8, 2013

thanks for the upload! regret not picking this up when i was in japan ( ´Д⊂ヽ

joined May 25, 2012

Well that was cute. Thanks a lot Fly by Yuri!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Fly By Yuri has increased my happiness by 100 steps, and I didn't even throw rupees!

joined Jul 23, 2013

Morishima always seems to know how to pull on my heartstrings. My creepy, sensitive heartstrings.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Thank you Fly by Yuri. Anything by Morishima makes me a happy bunny.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

regret not picking this up when i was in japan ( ´Д⊂ヽ

It's such a cute book too!

Morishima always draws such delicate, realistic scenes of intimacy. It's really a quality that helps put her art near the top of my favorites. And the older couple in this is so adorable! Especially between the cat scene and the "If you don't wear panties, you'll catch a cold" line, I couldn't help but loving the two of them together.

last edited at Jul 31, 2013 5:57PM

joined Apr 10, 2013

Creation of Morishima is pretty amazing! Never failed to entertain me...

Cryssoberyl Uploader
Zefiberyl Translations
joined Apr 11, 2011

Another masterpiece from Morishima, just as expected.

joined Jun 1, 2013

Thank you your Group for this pure gold chapter !! Morishima-sama. gasp

I flew happily. ; v;

last edited at Jul 31, 2013 8:17PM

joined Apr 13, 2012

Thank you so much ~
I'm happy to find out everyone here love Morishima's works just as me ♥
Please, keep up the good work ~

joined Jul 3, 2013

Fly By Yuri has increased my happiness by 100 steps, and I didn't even throw rupees!

Laughed so hard at this! Thanks, needed a good one :) Makes me wanna dig out my old games, lol

And many thanks to all who brought this great manga here! This is one of the cutest I've read in awhile. I hope there is lots more to come.

last edited at Jul 31, 2013 8:47PM

joined May 22, 2013

Woah, here comes another great English scanlation.

One minor mistake, though: File 007: Middle, "ぐ~" -> growl~ (hungry sfx)

last edited at Jul 31, 2013 9:31PM

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

One minor mistake, though: File 007: Middle, "ぐ~" -> growl~ (hungry sfx)

This can mean a hug, but can also mean a stomach growl; I forgot. Given the context, I think you are right. I'll fix this soon along with a missing sound effect I located on page 14.

Edit: Or rather, hug would be "Gyuu," this is "Guu." It's fixed.

I hope there is lots more to come.

Two more chapter of these couples, though not as long. The next is 12 pages, so I'm hoping to have it out by this weekend. Three other chapters and a short extra.

last edited at Jul 31, 2013 10:34PM

joined Jun 3, 2013


joined Feb 1, 2013


That moment made me LOL so hard XD

joined Jul 3, 2013

I hope there is lots more to come.

Two more chapter of these couples, though not as long. The next is 12 pages, so I'm hoping to have it out by this weekend. Three other chapters and a short extra.

You're awesome Yuri Girl :) Thanks!

joined Feb 8, 2011

Read this long time ago. Thanks for the nice chapter.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Mmm, always good to see something new by Morishima Akiko.

joined Feb 2, 2013

thank for the hard work, being an one person group sure must be difficult,

where i can find the traslated volumes of the last uniform?
if it ends with a cliffhanger it better not to begin to read it yet, but i like mera too much

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

where i can find the traslated volumes of the last uniform?
if it ends with a cliffhanger it better not to begin to read it yet, but i like mera too much

They can be purchased used at, and probably other places.
The first volume is a little expensive, but it's a good buy.

It would be nice if everybody who reads vol 3 would also buy 1 and 2, but I know that won't happen. So I am planning to include a page with character descriptions and relations, as well as a brief summary of the events leading into chapter 25.

joined May 31, 2013

I get the feeling Teacher girl might not be so good with hints, as her girlfriend kept on her bra (largely considered the most uncomfortable article of clothing) yet removed everything else. also Im noticeing allot of teachers and beauticians in yuri works and find myself wondering if its just trope's or if those are considered gay professions in japan. (in my part of canada we consider the medical field a gay profession as we have a fair amount of homosexual nurse's.)

joined Feb 2, 2013

They can be purchased used at, and probably other places.
The first volume is a little expensive, but it's a good buy.

It would be nice if everybody who reads vol 3 would also buy 1 and 2, but I know that won't happen. So I am planning to include a page with character descriptions and relations, as well as a brief summary of the events leading into chapter 25.

i was asking about digital version, but thanks anyway, it's good to read on paper sometimes,
i trust you about its worthness

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

I don't think there is a digital version. For people who don't know, Seven Seas published the first two volumes in the US, but for lack of sales, it's out of print. They also never licensed the third volume for the same reason.

joined Feb 2, 2013

I don't think there is a digital version. For people who don't know, Seven Seas published the first two volumes in the US, but for lack of sales, it's out of print.

but now i know that at last 3 people in the world likes Hakamada Mera's works: me, you and Mera

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