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joined Feb 15, 2013

Above ^

At this rate, we will eventually bring in environmental law regarding crime of deliberate local weather pattern changing by dragon maid, or the violation in handling of Non-registered concealed weapons (magical sword) in school by illegally immigrated Russian kids.

I means they all technically will send a wrong message to our kids about what can and can't be done in real world

last edited at Jul 20, 2015 5:08AM

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015


That must be a pretty darn strict country, since it's legal everywhere in America to marry even your straight-up cousins. Some unnamed states even encourage it.

Finally. I think I got that sorted out. I mixed things with degree of relation and degree of cousin (if you can say that.) So from what I got in my country you can marry anyone who is in second degree of relation to you, except for your siblings. So you can marry your first cousin. Things gets weird when you are christian, because church doesn't allow you to marry anyone below forth degree of relation, so only forth cousin for you. Good thing I'm a atheist, though it doesn't matter since gay marriage is illegal in my country anyway, so I'm still screwed but I digress ;x

Miku...I don't know what to feel about her quite yet. I don't think she'd treat Anna good one bit...she'd just be a "best friend in crime" type. Ema I think actually fits quite well with her imho. But there's always development to go ofc.

I don't mind Ema, but she just didn't charm me yet. For now, I think that actually relationship with Ema wouldn't be good for Anna. Miki didn't show that much personality, so it's hard to judge her, but comparing to Ema, I still like her more.

Anna gets squeamish about it, but she doesn't seem to mind it one bit, so while it's technically sexual harassment, Anna doesn't seem to suffer from what that does to girls/women (make them uncomfortable because of the way they're body is put on a sexual pedestal of sorts). I suppose if they do end up having sex in the future, it'd also be technically statutory, but Anna wouldn't go out and complain to the police because there'd be consent and mutually informed feelings involved.

I would disagree with that. Anna actually don't like what Ema is doing. She clearly told her to stop. It wasn't like she thought to herself that she liked it, but is embarrassed about it. She was annoyed by Ema's behavior. Similar with make-up etc. to me it's more Anna just giving up and going along with Ema than actual consent. She could report that to police, but then what? She would go back to her parents (which she stated, she doesn't want) so she thinks the only option for her is going along with Ema's pranks. Unless Ema makes her fall in love, all she does is pushing herself on Anna and taking advantage of her. There wasn't really any positive development between them. Only Anna thinking "it can't be helped".


I can't believe how some people get so serious about the blood relationship or whether it's statutory rape or not between fictional characters. There's worse here than Age 15. Crotch sniffing between cousins is rather tame and there's some comedic value to it.

I'm not getting serious about anything. We discuses it because it was brought up in manga as important plot point. I agree that there was no point analyzing if it would be statutory rape or not. Rape is rape and it doesn't change a fact, that Ema's behavior is on the edge on breaking law. I really hate argument that "you can't think about stuff if it's about fictional characters". So what if there are worse things in other mangas, we aren't talking about them. Crotch sniffing might be tame or comedic, but in context, it's actually pretty dangerous. So if you don't want to join the discussion, at least don't criticize it with your "there is no point in getting invested" attitude.

last edited at Jul 20, 2015 5:50AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Laws are constantly broken in manga. Especially in ecchi ones. If we start here, I don't see any end in sight.

joined Feb 15, 2013

Yeah, and focus on one despite obviously ignoring many others, will only means your argument was (literally) biased in the first place.

Not to mention the questionable status when it comes to use real law to judge fictional story. Imagine if a guy turned up here and state that every characters in this manga should be jailed or stoned to death for homosexuality behaviour or committing incest. And yes these are "plot-related" as well

last edited at Jul 20, 2015 6:37AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm pretty sure in my country you can marry only from your 3rd cousin and so on, because at this point you're almost not blood related hence it's barely a incest, but it was ages since I heard that so I might remembering it wrong.

That must be a pretty darn strict country, since it's legal everywhere in America to marry even your straight-up cousins. Some unnamed states even encourage it.

Well, that's not exactly true given that something like half the country prohibits it. But it does seem pretty complicated all the same.

joined Feb 11, 2014

Laws are constantly broken in manga. Especially in ecchi ones. If we start here, I don't see any end in sight.

This. And I would add that pretty much every fictions, be it movies, comics, novels, manga, anime and so on, casually break some law at some point.

Even slice of life, yeah. Because most of the time, the characters are criminally cute !

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Laws are constantly broken in manga. Especially in ecchi ones. If we start here, I don't see any end in sight.

This. And I would add that pretty much every fictions, be it movies, comics, novels, manga, anime and so on, casually break some law at some point.

Even slice of life, yeah. Because most of the time, the characters are criminally cute !

So its ok to rape. Ok, I got that.

joined Feb 11, 2014

Seriously... ? You call this rape ? I guess you also get offended by people in manga bonking another one on the head calling it "beating people to a pulp" ?

Meh, getting sick of people taking things too damn seriously on the net, just gonna enjoy the yuri and leave you guys overanalyse every little thing, then blow it out of proportion...

joined Mar 28, 2015

So its ok to rape. Ok, I got that.

That's what tentacles are for.

joined Feb 15, 2013

So its ok to rape. Ok, I got that.

That's what tentacles are for.

Hey put that in spoiler tag, it will not happen in this manga until much later....

joined Jun 6, 2014


Anna gets squeamish about it, but she doesn't seem to mind it one bit, so while it's technically sexual harassment, Anna doesn't seem to suffer from what that does to girls/women (make them uncomfortable because of the way they're body is put on a sexual pedestal of sorts). I suppose if they do end up having sex in the future, it'd also be technically statutory, but Anna wouldn't go out and complain to the police because there'd be consent and mutually informed feelings involved.

I would disagree with that. Anna actually don't like what Ema is doing. She clearly told her to stop. It wasn't like she thought to herself that she liked it, but is embarrassed about it. She was annoyed by Ema's behavior. Similar with make-up etc. to me it's more Anna just giving up and going along with Ema than actual consent. She could report that to police, but then what? She would go back to her parents (which she stated, she doesn't want) so she thinks the only option for her is going along with Ema's pranks. Unless Ema makes her fall in love, all she does is pushing herself on Anna and taking advantage of her. There wasn't really any positive development between them. Only Anna thinking "it can't be helped".

Of course, obviously, there is a lot of gray area here, so I am by no means saying you are wrong. Simply that, at the moment, I disagree.

I suppose that's a discretion thing. Because to a certain degree by that argument, every relationship is then started without any real positive development. Meaning, if you simply pushing yourself onto someone == not positive then all relationships are not positive. At some point, someone has to go a level of aggressive, otherwise the feelings just pass by each other for all of eternity. And in this particular case, our sample size is too small to legitimately claim whether or not Anna dislikes it for sure, so I'm giving Ema the benefit of the doubt. Plus Anna acquiescing did seem more of her own choice than it seemed like it was forced upon her.

That must be a pretty darn strict country, since it's legal everywhere in America to marry even your straight-up cousins. Some unnamed states even encourage it.

Well, that's not exactly true given that something like half the country prohibits it. But it does seem pretty complicated all the same.

It's that 'complicated' part. 'Legal' was the wrong word to use, my bad. But it's caught about at the same level possession of weed is caught: you were probably doing something really stupid and were screaming to the sheriff to cuff you up, or it was stumbled upon because you were pulled over for a different offense. But most of the time, it's really easy to loophole around those laws.

Source(s): 7 members of my family (1st degree of relation) are lawyers. I asked them this particular question a little under a year ago out of curiosity during a family birthday/reunion.

last edited at Jul 20, 2015 11:37PM

joined Mar 4, 2015

I hope Anna makes her cousin jealous, by starting to get really friendly with the new friend she made in school. But I also hope that her cousin starts to make more moves on Anna, for example an almost kiss. I also have another thought that Anna make an indrect move on her cousin, like that when short gets out of the bath and accidentally falls on top of her cousin completely naked I saw this in a different manga. Another idea that her cousin sees how Anna gets her first kiss stolen by Anna's friend right in front of her.

joined Mar 28, 2015

First kiss is serious business. There should be a criminal offense related to first kiss theft. But between girls it doesn't count, so it's okay.

Cryssoberyl Uploader
Zefiberyl Translations
joined Apr 11, 2011

As always, Asagi Ryuu remains a great weakness of mine. I like how this is developing. Comparatively speaking, it's been a pretty tame, relationship-focused beginning, and I look forward to more.

joined May 8, 2015

An Asagi Ryuu with plot and wonderful pacing? Subscribed

joined Jul 19, 2014

Wow, Asagi Ryuu actually managed to draw two chapters with no sex? What a record!

joined Jul 19, 2015

When is the next chapter going to be out?

joined Apr 27, 2014

<3 I really like these two, I can not stop thinking about Itsuki and eh the other one in Otome Saku,but I like that too xD

joined Feb 3, 2013

this last page actually make me laugh. ain't no asagi ryuu without watersport

joined Aug 1, 2015


joined May 25, 2015

Not sure if you would call that depressing or not

joined Nov 9, 2014

Id say depressing for sure.

joined Jul 3, 2015

Good stuff, good stuff...

joined Feb 10, 2013

I have the feeling of missing something...
Can someone enlighten me if what happens here is really happening (and the protagonist is able to react not the least) or all it is just in her head?

Still doesn't look like quite normal to me, by the way, to allow her cousin to reach certain points... and still think about it from an certain "innocent" view.

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

I have the feeling of missing something...
Can someone enlighten me if what happens here is really happening (and the protagonist is able to react not the least) or all it is just in her head?

It is, in fact, all in her head.

I am very certain you won't be the only one wondering this, so I'll lay it out here. A black background behind the panels always means that something is different, usually (but not always) either a flashback or an imaginary scene. Also, what Ema is saying does not match up with the action, and she would have a very hard time saying it at all with her mouth occupied like that. Add that up and this being Anna's imagination is the only possibility.

Besides that, Miku's reactions after Anna snaps out of it also don't line up with that action.

last edited at Aug 22, 2015 9:47PM

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