Referring back to previous speeches, about Seju, destabilized me from my initial impession, the author's statement about the fact that she has not had sex with anyone other than sumin, for over ten years? A beautiful and rich as Seju? I hope the author as well as with Sumin and Sungji, with flashbacks, tell something about her past at the moment has only been reported in flashback of Sumin.
I even had the suspicion that has hired Sunji deliberately, knowing the tastes of Sumin, to what end, I do not know, I do not exclude to make her happy having hurt and broken their relationship in a difficult moment for Sumin, accepting in 10 years (not just sexually ) whenever Sumin returned disappointed by yet another love story bankruptcy.
Surely between them there is a very deep relationship, Sumin remains deeply disappointed by Seju and shafts, as it does with others to keep everyone at a distance,
and to me it seems to be the only Sumin to seek sexual contact with Seju and not the opposite ...
Sunji is young and seems immature, but I have idea that something happened to her parents who are never included in the story, and you can reserve many surprises, I'm really curious to see how it will behave with her Sumin.
The story is interesting because of the presence of the three characters, I like so much.
The "pure", the "mess", and the rich and mysterious daughter...
last edited at Jul 10, 2015 7:52AM