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joined Apr 27, 2014

I'd say that the biggest issue is that we don't get any context for the break up. We don't know why they can't go together nor what are the plans each girl has, that combined with the multiple showing of love between the two leaves the reader with the impression of the breaking being done by drama's sake.

Thing is we don't know anything really, maybe they were super in love but most likely..who knows? Maybe they need to be apart to realize how really strong their feelings are and blah blah or something

joined Mar 28, 2015

Granted of course, in a bygone age couples managed to find a way even when the only communication was a letter that took weeks or even months to arrive. And there are a great many yuri stories like Yearning For Macaron, Summer Is All About and Female x Female = Love which push the idea of putting in the effort to make a LDR work. The possibility is there, even if you're Japanese.

It seems to be harder for Japanese, because in their culture, when you move, you're more or less expected to cut ties with people. Except maybe with your family (and even then), living in different cities, or even in different neighborhood, means the end of the relationship.

It seems Japanese have class reunions though, where you gather people from the same class each year, to see how everyone is doing. So it seems that they try to keep some friendships (barely) alive. But if they are living far away, most wouldn't bother.

This doesn't mean it's mandatory. I'm sure a lot of people there try to make it work. They are humans, not robots.

last edited at Jun 14, 2015 2:37PM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I didn't realize that. I'd noticed that divorce seems to be . . . much more final there. None of this "and he has the kids for one week in four, picks them up from daycare sometimes etc." stuff. Very much more "And my parents divorced and then I never saw whichever parent I wasn't living with again until years later".
I've actually seen quite a few manga, yuri and boy-girl, where long distance relationships are attempted, and the difficulties seem to be pretty much the normal problems with long distance relationships.

(If anything slightly less because it is, in the end, a geographically small country with a very good transportation system. As a Canadian, for me "long distance relationship" means "You gotta take a plane or do a multi-day road trip to get together". For these Japanese types it's "You're three hours away by bullet train! How will we ever manage?!" Bah. It's like getting from the city centre to an outlying burb.)

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I didn't realize that. I'd noticed that divorce seems to be . . . much more final there. None of this "and he has the kids for one week in four, picks them up from daycare sometimes etc." stuff. Very much more "And my parents divorced and then I never saw whichever parent I wasn't living with again until years later".
I've actually seen quite a few manga, yuri and boy-girl, where long distance relationships are attempted, and the difficulties seem to be pretty much the normal problems with long distance relationships.

(If anything slightly less because it is, in the end, a geographically small country with a very good transportation system. As a Canadian, for me "long distance relationship" means "You gotta take a plane or do a multi-day road trip to get together". For these Japanese types it's "You're three hours away by bullet train! How will we ever manage?!" Bah. It's like getting from the city centre to an outlying burb.)

Look at Shoujo Holic, she makes such a big deal about being in a remote, rural location. But when she goes to Tokyo, it's only four hours by train. A day trip! It's like the time from Toronto to Ottawa by rail, not that much in the end. Now try being in Ontario and having a SO in Missouri, now that's a challenge.

Cyfer Uploader
Divulge Scans
joined Jun 17, 2014

Granted of course, in a bygone age couples managed to find a way even when the only communication was a letter that took weeks or even months to arrive. And there are a great many yuri stories like Yearning For Macaron, Summer Is All About and Female x Female = Love which push the idea of putting in the effort to make a LDR work. The possibility is there, even if you're Japanese.

There we go. Though you could've just stuck with Takemiya works.

joined Jun 6, 2014

A long distance relationship "forever" is impossible, all right. But if you can overcome a temporary seperation without wavering, it can be ok.

That's exactly what the end of "Girl friends" is about if you remember. Re-read it.

The cop-out ending of Girl Friends aside, I do think you and Nez are pointing to the main issue with the story. They didn't even try to make it work. They just accepted that it wouldn't instead of fighting to try. Of course that might be reading more into it than what Jin wanted (my best guess is she just wanted to highlight a healthy and bittersweet breakup with a silver lining).

Look at Shoujo Holic, she makes such a big deal about being in a remote, rural location. But when she goes to Tokyo, it's only four hours by train. A day trip! It's like the time from Toronto to Ottawa by rail, not that much in the end. Now try being in Ontario and having a SO in Missouri, now that's a challenge.

I have the utmost respect for my sister (a professional contemporary dancer) who is holding out a long distance relationship with a boyfriend in Portland while she travels from Europe to Israel to LA to NY all within the span of a couple months; rinse, wash, repeat.

Granted she was going steady for 4 years until she joined a different company that tours all over rather than just staying in Portland.

joined Nov 7, 2014

The theme of this doujin would be a lot more profound if there was actually some context.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I guess the theme is "first love".

And that it means that it doesn't have to be the last.

But it's stiil something to remember.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

I'm usually one to defend a story like this especially from Takemiya Jin, but even in light of Nya-chan's points this is still a bit hard to suspend belief for. Not so much about the moving on part, since honestly not that many people end up long term with their first love (something Jin's touched on before) but the giving up and walking away part. Especially since there are quite a few yuri stories on the reader where separation is not enough to cause a breakup.

This! I am an utter Takemiya fan-girl and I really did not like this one. The moving girl is just like "Oh well, Im moving so were not going to be together. And I'll find happiness!" But you have it right there... you even said you didn't want to walk to the station to end! It seriously made me want to facedesk for real lol.

She's an idiot, and I feel bad for her girlfriend who got dumped because her SO moved to Tokyo.

Just ugh. I award her the withered stem of a lily for a score lol.

joined Aug 17, 2013

I rather like the ending, in that it doesn't put love over ambition. I think it's more sad to give up on your dreams and goals for a relationship. The whole, "You mean more to me than anything else in my life" mindset is just annoying to me.

Of course, I never like Takemiya's style, so I wasn't much for this, but I at least approved of the message.

joined Jun 6, 2014

I rather like the ending, in that it doesn't put love over ambition. I think it's more sad to give up on your dreams and goals for a relationship. The whole, "You mean more to me than anything else in my life" mindset is just annoying to me.

Of course, I never like Takemiya's style, so I wasn't much for this, but I at least approved of the message.

Well it depends. If it's with a long, stable relationship partner who you either are married to or are basically married to (laws and stuff preventing you), that's one thing. But I agree that it is naïve to give up on dreams and ambition over someone who is effectively only a girlfriend/boyfriend, even if things are going strong and well.

joined Mar 20, 2012

I put my money down on them getting back together. I's just too obvious.

joined Apr 4, 2012

Welp that was extremely forced for a cheap drama.

joined Feb 2, 2015

It's sad but sweet. I think the characters handled it in a mature way overall and the signs that they still have feelings for each other suggest that, maybe when their paths cross again, they will date again.

joined Apr 12, 2014


joined Oct 12, 2016

I understand that the point of this is not about long distance relationships or anything but that people who love each other, can still love each other without a relationship.

That said, they gave up WAY to easily. Every relationship is gonna have its challenges and long distance is one of these potential challenges that may be faced. It is true that many relations do not survive the difficulties it presents but the point is to tackle challenges, not back down before even facing it.

I disagree with this approach. Challenges will come with all things and nothing can be accomplished without facing down these challenges. Not all fights will be victories but every surrender is a defeat.

On a more optimistic note, nothings is to say that the happiness they find in their future won't be with each other if either of them decides to give it a shot. Given that they still have strong feelings for each other, contact information and live in modern times where the whole world is connected, I think it is likely that this would not be the end.

last edited at Nov 15, 2016 11:31AM

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