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joined Dec 16, 2013

Robot girls anime started!

joined Jan 27, 2015

Hibike is het! nooo suicide..

The only rational response.

Wait, do you guys know something I don't?

joined Apr 27, 2013

Euphonium is currently setting up a het couple, but nothing to threaten Kumiko x Reina

I don't care what happened in the novels, KyoAni hasn't been faithful to the source material since Haruhi

And, yeah, RGZ+ started. Worth a look

joined Nov 29, 2014

Dude, you were just talking about Mai Hime a page or two back, the focus is in your heart, not screen time.


And, yeah, RGZ+ started. Worth a look

Nice, the first season was really fun and really gay,

joined Feb 4, 2015

Dude, you were just talking about Mai Hime a page or two back, the focus is in your heart, not screen time.


You were talking about how Mai wasn't in the top two of her own show, then saying that the two yuri subtext characters weren't the focus of there's. The focus is what you want it to be.

joined Nov 29, 2014

You were talking about how Mai wasn't in the top two of her own show, then saying that the two yuri subtext characters weren't the focus of there's. The focus is what you want it to be.

Ah yeah, Dekomori and Shinka pretty much carried the second season harder than Medusa ever could yay for Dota puns nobody is gonna get. I just didn't want her to have too high expectations.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Dude, you were just talking about Mai Hime a page or two back, the focus is in your heart, not screen time.


You were talking about how Mai wasn't in the top two of her own show, then saying that the two yuri subtext characters weren't the focus of there's. The focus is what you want it to be.

Well if you watch a show for a very specific character or detail in the history yeah, I find myself many many times watching titles just for X pairing or for the mere reason that someone in there is a total maniac, so I think that is true

joined Dec 16, 2013

Dekomori anime original character? didn't know that.
Is this a good or a bad thing for the yuri status?

last edited at May 21, 2015 10:38AM

joined Jan 17, 2014

You were talking about how Mai wasn't in the top two of her own show, then saying that the two yuri subtext characters weren't the focus of there's. The focus is what you want it to be.

Ah yeah, Dekomori and Shinka pretty much carried the second season harder than Medusa ever could

Told ya so~

Dekomori anime original character? didn't know that.
Is this a good or a bad thing for the yuri status?

It prevented me from rage quitting Chuunib ¯_(ツ)_/¯

joined Mar 28, 2015

Dekomori anime original character? didn't know that.
Is this a good or a bad thing for the yuri status?

It's KyoAni. It will never go past subtext, unless the novel they are adapting is specifically yuri.

Like someone said, the relationship between Rikka and Yuuta is so boring that some writer felt free to add some yuri flags here and there.

But Dekomori is awesome, death.

joined Dec 16, 2013

So it will never become Canon.. sucks

joined Nov 29, 2014

I gave up on hoping for subtext to become canon a long time ago. Except for Madoka, Nanoha and Symphogear. ITS GONNA HAPPEN!

joined Mar 9, 2014

DekoMori is canon and no one can make me think otherwise

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

It's KyoAni. It will never go past subtext, unless the novel they are adapting is specifically yuri.

Midori was canonically in love with Tamako, so...
The bigger KyoAni related problem is the fact they'll never make a third season.

But Dekomori is awesome, death.

This we can agree on!

joined Dec 5, 2014

Dekomori anime original character? didn't know that.
Is this a good or a bad thing for the yuri status?

Well, good thing I suppose.
In the novel, it seems like Nibutani has feelings for Yuuta.

joined Nov 29, 2014

It's KyoAni. It will never go past subtext, unless the novel they are adapting is specifically yuri.

Midori was canonically in love with Tamako, so...
The bigger KyoAni related problem is the fact they'll never make a third season.

I heard they actively tried to make Midori unlikeable, anyone knows if that's true?

DekoMori is canon and no one can make me think otherwise

Well I agree but I meant the waifu-hunters-can't-even-lie-to-themselves-anymore kinda canon.

joined Mar 9, 2014

A Mori Summer in love with Yuuta and without Dekomori sound sooooo boring...

last edited at May 21, 2015 11:52AM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Well, good thing I suppose.
In the novel, it seems like Nibutani has feelings for Yuuta.

In the novel everyone has feelings for Yuuta :X It's a completely different story. Though, I feel like in season 2 it was hinted that Nibutani had feelings for Yuuta before he got together with Rikka. This would seem to be a rather awful retcon of actual events that happened if it came true.

I heard they actively tried to make Midori unlikeable, anyone knows if that's true?

I...don't really know if anyone would ever be able to confirm that, lol. Sounds like baseless speculation to me. /biased

joined Dec 16, 2013

Dekomori anime original character? didn't know that.
Is this a good or a bad thing for the yuri status?

Well, good thing I suppose.
In the novel, it seems like Nibutani has feelings for Yuuta.

NOOOO!!! suicide...

joined Nov 29, 2014

Sounds like baseless speculation to me. /biased

Well, I didn't watch the show so it may very well be baseless speculation, yuri fans hate the show after all. Thanks for clearing that up.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Sounds like baseless speculation to me. /biased

Well, I didn't watch the show so it may very well be baseless speculation, yuri fans hate the show after all. Thanks for clearing that up.

Well to actually clear it up, I would assume many observant people* rooting for Mr. Love Interest (MIL) despised her. She's set up as being extremely protective of Tamako, which means she's constantly foiling MIL's advances. I've seen fans and bloggers deriding her role in the series because they were rooting for the dude. In this sense, I could even imagine someone at KyoAni saying, "Midori was meant to be disliked [for her role in the romance]."

As far as her actual character, though? She's just a normal girl, plenty of good and bad points. Probably not a fan favorite, but hardly annoying. Definitely not someone I'd ever think was made up to be disliked.

*I specify observant because as canon as Midori's feelings are, the reveal is pretty subtle. I know of more than a few folks who just didn't get it without being told.

last edited at May 21, 2015 12:20PM

joined Nov 29, 2014

I know of more than a few folks who just didn't get it without being told.

Haha, that seems to be the case with everything that's not heterosexual. Some people also don't get NanoFate but pair her with Yuuno cause apparently they have way more going on than she and Fate. Half of the subtext in anime would be straight up romance if one of them would be a dude with the same kinds of interactions.
But well, that's besides the point. Again, thanks. The last few pages here made my (apparently unwarranted) dislike against KyoAni fade a little. I even have a bit of faith in Hibike Sound Whatever now.

joined Jun 1, 2013

this season I only picked up Hello! Kiniro mosaic so far. The anime is done as good as the 1st season, might better. Ayaya and Yoko ♥ Anyone else follows the show?
and upcoming is Non non biyori 2. Excited to see my girls.

joined Mar 28, 2015

It's KyoAni. It will never go past subtext, unless the novel they are adapting is specifically yuri.

Midori was canonically in love with Tamako, so...

Bleh.. it was still a het resolution, with Tamako going for Mochizo.

joined Mar 28, 2015

this season I only picked up Hello! Kiniro mosaic so far. The anime is done as good as the 1st season, might better. Ayaya and Yoko ♥ Anyone else follows the show?

I follow it, but it's very subtexty. Aya is the gayest one so far.

But damn, the cuteness of this show make my teeth hurt, so I don't think there's going anything more than hand-holding. Maybe.

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