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joined Mar 8, 2014


ahahaha! I'm like that too a lot of the times! But I'm just normal with people that are really outgoing but some other times I seem quite shy at first, then when I'm more comfortable I'm just really crazy and I start dancing and jumping around all the time! :D B-but some people think that's weird ;_;... I'm genuinely sad about it... sometimes I feel like they won't like me if I'm myself! but I don't care >.< I'm wanna jump around and I don't care what they say! I'm not jumping around literally all the time either, I mean I'm not being inappropriate or anything, just saying... >.>

Sounds like you're really fun to be with xD
I'm not that hyper but I giggle and laugh a lot. Also, I'm loud. Like really loud. I get scolded a lot of times bc of that XD

come to Greece! We're really loud there! :D
okay not all, I'm really quiet at first! BUT! LISTEN! ONLY in Greece do people ask me "why are you so shy/quiet?" ahaha. Never anywhere else :P

I can see it happening too. I mean who wouldn't ?? With all this fun we have. I wouldn't be so surprised if we all get on skype. :>

We should!!!! Also lets all play some mmo! :D Like Lucent Heart or sth :P Though I prefer ffxiv, but... -.- I wish I could cancel my friendship with that stupid jerk but I can't... -.- it's like a friendship code you make when you create your account and you get some free stuff -.- I don't care about free stuff gosh! she disgusts me, I don't wanna contribute to her getting anything >:|

joined Feb 5, 2015

I gotta say people here have such an interesting life/love story xD

joined Sep 15, 2015

As long as you regret what you did in that relationship you've been, I guess it's fine now. Rather than getting all stubborn and not admitting to the actions you've actually done. And it's never too late to change. At least the girl you dated made you realize something and that you can still change and be a better person.
I think, you'll be fine in the next serious relationship you'll find soon.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Safest indicator that you're in a forum full of women: the topic changes.
You people are giving me a whiplash here. xD

I swear I just give up. My head hurts.

joined Mar 17, 2016

I know hahaha we have so much fun here it will most likely happen.

Yeah my brother can lack the Evil Brother Stare most of the time, he can be a real shit XD

Lol you are too funny, just agree that she should get fired because it's totally true haha

And I'm totally lost on this whole jelly conversation lol

joined Mar 8, 2014


You ?? Asshole ?? How ?? Hahaha

I screwed up. I had gotten used to college life and things were going my way. I had already came out as bi (not to my parents though), when I met her. She had the same values as me, she was fun and kind, so I was pretty happy dating her. The best part of it was being able to share things with someone, you know? Things that made your day, things that got you down, yada yada. I'm not fond to sharing things with anyone I know, unless that person is very important to me and she knew that. BUT when it was time to listen, I just didn't have enough time for her. I have this problem of being a little overachiever and self-centered. So one day she decided to talk about it. I realized I couldn't bring myself to quit my things, so I could have more time for her, even though I really liked her. So I broke up with her and it made me feel very bad, because she cried a lot.

ugh, that story pierced my heart... sorry, but I must admit that's a bit mean >.> but well ^-^''' don't worry, you seem to have realized that so ^-^''' err... :< but well, sometimes you have to sacrifice some things in a relationship, especially if the other person is going the same for you... I mean you have to reciprocate what they do I guess? I stopped talking to that jerk because she never cared about my feelings and she always wanted to do what suited her ^-^**

joined Mar 8, 2014


You ?? Asshole ?? How ?? Hahaha

I screwed up. I had gotten used to college life and things were going my way. I had already came out as bi (not to my parents though), when I met her. She had the same values as me, she was fun and kind, so I was pretty happy dating her. The best part of it was being able to share things with someone, you know? Things that made your day, things that got you down, yada yada. I'm not fond to sharing things with anyone I know, unless that person is very important to me and she knew that. BUT when it was time to listen, I just didn't have enough time for her. I have this problem of being a little overachiever and self-centered. So one day she decided to talk about it. I realized I couldn't bring myself to quit my things, so I could have more time for her, even though I really liked her. So I broke up with her and it made me feel very bad, because she cried a lot.

ugh, that story pierced my heart... sorry, but I must admit that's a bit mean >.> but well ^-^''' don't worry, you seem to have realized that so ^-^''' err... :< but well, sometimes you have to sacrifice some things in a relationship, especially if the other person is going the same for you... I mean you have to reciprocate what they do I guess? I stopped talking to that jerk because she never cared about my feelings and she always wanted to do what suited her ^-^**

joined Sep 15, 2015

As fun as it sounds, unfortunately I can't travel outside Canada for now. I lost my residency card and still hasn't replaced it. And I don't have the luxury of time to travel outside the country. So why don't you just come here instead lol

Share something too. Don't be shy xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

I gotta say people here have such an interesting life/love story xD

Wait, does that mean that at some point in here, everyone's been sharing their life story but me? o_o...Does that mean I have to tag along with this now?

joined Feb 8, 2016

I gotta say people here have such an interesting life/love story xD

Wait, does that mean that at some point in here, everyone's been sharing their life story but me? o_o...Does that mean I have to tag along with this now?

Pretty much.

joined Sep 15, 2015

And I'm totally lost on this whole jelly conversation lol

Me too. I don't know what's up with the jelly jelly thing. Lol

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 5:08PM

joined Feb 13, 2016


Lol you are too funny, just agree that she should get fired because it's totally true haha

And I'm totally lost on this whole jelly conversation lol

I read it! Yep, totally agree with them. She doesn't deserve her position. But people like that backfires themselves. Hold on.

I'm not even going to comment about that jelly thing. Lmao. Don't know where that came from.

joined Mar 2, 2016

K guys sorry about the delay! I've been running back and forth since the afternoon and my siblings have been pestering me since then so I wasn't able to open up the chapter again until now. Here's the translation > <


Nami: "Let go of that expression will you? We're on the bed now."
Seju: "Don't be mistaken. Because there is nothing that will change."
Nami: "President Baek, in truth aren't you just scared?"
"That you'll like it."
Seju: "If this is what you want to test, then go ahead and try."
"I'll do it for you so close your mouth and get away from us. (basically stfu and gtfo from me and Sumin lol)
Nami: "I'm also not that unwilling... but I'm doing this because I'm thinking a little bit about you."
"It's tiring."
"This relationship that you don't know the meaning of."
"Let's awaken the taboo."
"Do you happen to know?"
"Maybe you will be able to forget anything related to Sumin." (sorry little tricky to translate this sentence so it might be off)
Black box: "Forget everything today."
Nami: "...."
"Do you really hate me that much?"
Seju: "There was not a single person on my side."
"When I felt like everyone in this world hated me, that girl who I felt had recieved all the love in the world, had liked me."
"If it's like that, who would complain."
"When people told me I shouldn't have been born, and told me to die instead and put curses on me"
"that girl still loved me."
"and I was able to live on just knowing that one fact."
"Anyone who sees it as nothing and as a relationship just based on our bodies, they can laugh if they want to laugh."
"It doesn't matter what you call it."
"I don't need anything else so everyone can fuck off!"
"Can't I atleast like one person out of my own will?"
Nami bubble: "It can't be helped." (or something like that)

Sumin: "Tell me if it hurts."
Sungji: "Ah. Ah... i-it hurts."
Sumin: "Just bear it for a bit. It's going to feel better."
Sungji: "... Team leader is like the dentist."
"Ah." "Ha" "Ah!"
Sumin: "Just leave it."
Sungji : "Nng"

Sumin: "Whats up all of a sudden?"
Nami: "Escaping~"
"I went through a lot of trouble since this morning..."
Sumin: "What. Did you create a giant scandal or something?"
Nami: "Giant, giant indeed."
"Bursted in a place where I wouldn't have predicted..."
Sumin: "Then rather than you it must be that side who's in trouble."
Nami: "Well... I'm sure it will be difficult. Im sure they handled it on their own though."
Sumin: "Anyway why did you come here to hide."
"The corperate people aren't looking for you?"
Nami: "Articles are articles, they gotta say what they have to say."
Nami: "I slept with President Baek."
Sumin: "?" "But I didn't sleep with her?"
Nami: "Not you. Me. I slept with President Baek."
Sumin: "..."
Nami: "But it's true?"
Sumin: "Okay. I'm sure you did." "Sungji-ssi is coming this evening so leave before then."
Nami: "Haaah.." "To think you wouldn't believe me this far. Midget, you..."
"you should watch the news time to time."

Phone: No.1 coming out celebrity Nami,with R Group Baek Seju in a strong heat ..something something blahehg Since 200X the coming out of Nami the model (33) blehblehbleh.. yeah. :D

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 5:10PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

I gotta say people here have such an interesting life/love story xD

Wait, does that mean that at some point in here, everyone's been sharing their life story but me? o_o...Does that mean I have to tag along with this now?

Pretty much.

Go back at the 1st page of this thread and also at the official thread. You'll find a lot of interesting discoveries when you do that XD

joined Mar 8, 2014

In my family we eat jelly often around the summer or spring... or when it gets warmer basically! So I was craving jelly but the jelly in England is disgusting!
You should try Greek jelly, ok? ^-^ I promise you it doesn't taste like candy and we have a lot more flavors than that ^-^. However your jelly seems better than the English one. I'm mostly addicted to chocolate but sometimes I crave other sweets... I love custard for example ♥_♥
ocho de crema :D

joined Mar 8, 2014

K guys sorry about the delay! I've been running back and forth since the afternoon and my siblings have been pestering me since then so I wasn't able to open up the chapter again until now. Here's the translation > <

Thank very muuuuch you for the translation :D! hug ^-^ I'm not gonna read it yet though :P

joined Feb 8, 2016

Azai I wouldn't beat yourself up over something like that too much. Or at least I wouldn't let it impair your attempts to meet someone new. It's a normal part of balancing your life goals and your love goals. You're going to meet people that you click well with and wish you could put on hold for later in life when you've achieved all the things you want to (before getting into a serious relationship).

Newp Yayyy :* :* :* bow

joined Mar 8, 2014

oh!! the summer jelly cake we make in Cyprus!! :D
MacySan if you read this :P
do they make this around your area?

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 5:15PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

"There was not a single person on my side."
"When I felt like everyone in this world hated me, that girl who I felt had recieved all the love in the world, had liked me."
"If it's like that, who would complain."
"When people told me I shouldn't have been born, and told me to die instead and put curses on me"
"that girl still loved me."
"and I was able to live on just knowing that one fact."
"Anyone who sees it as nothing and as a relationship just based on our bodies, they can laugh if they want to laugh."
"It doesn't matter what you call it."
"I don't need anything else so everyone can fuck off!"
"Can't I atleast like one person out of my own will?"

This hurts soo soo bad. Damn all this feels.

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 5:16PM

joined Feb 13, 2016


You ?? Asshole ?? How ?? Hahaha

I screwed up. I had gotten used to college life and things were going my way. I had already came out as bi (not to my parents though), when I met her. She had the same values as me, she was fun and kind, so I was pretty happy dating her. The best part of it was being able to share things with someone, you know? Things that made your day, things that got you down, yada yada. I'm not fond to sharing things with anyone I know, unless that person is very important to me and she knew that. BUT when it was time to listen, I just didn't have enough time for her. I have this problem of being a little overachiever and self-centered. So one day she decided to talk about it. I realized I couldn't bring myself to quit my things, so I could have more time for her, even though I really liked her. So I broke up with her and it made me feel very bad, because she cried a lot.

ugh, that story pierced my heart... sorry, but I must admit that's a bit mean >.> but well ^-^''' don't worry, you seem to have realized that so ^-^''' err... :< but well, sometimes you have to sacrifice some things in a relationship, especially if the other person is going the same for you... I mean you have to reciprocate what they do I guess? I stopped talking to that jerk because she never cared about my feelings and she always wanted to do what suited her ^-^**

Yeah, don't need to worry. You can say it, because it's the truth. I told you she made me realize I'm an asshole lol. I really want to have someone's back one day, for real. But for now I guess I need to do my things. That's why I'm not really getting into any relationship for now. Maybe I should just sacrifice somethings like you said, but I'm afraid I may end up blaming the person I'm with for any frustration. So for now, I should just let it be.

joined Feb 13, 2016

"There was not a single person on my side."
"When I felt like everyone in this world hated me, that girl who I felt had recieved all the love in the world, had liked me."
"If it's like that, who would complain."
"When people told me I shouldn't have been born, and told me to die instead and put curses on me"
"that girl still loved me."
"and I was able to live on just knowing that one fact."
"Anyone who sees it as nothing and as a relationship just based on our bodies, they can laugh if they want to laugh."
"It doesn't matter what you call it."
"I don't need anything else so everyone can fuck off!"
"Can't I atleast like one person out of my own will?"

This hurts soo soo bad. Damn.

I just... I just want to cry.

Thanks, Newp!!

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 5:17PM

joined Mar 8, 2014


You ?? Asshole ?? How ?? Hahaha

I screwed up. I had gotten used to college life and things were going my way. I had already came out as bi (not to my parents though), when I met her. She had the same values as me, she was fun and kind, so I was pretty happy dating her. The best part of it was being able to share things with someone, you know? Things that made your day, things that got you down, yada yada. I'm not fond to sharing things with anyone I know, unless that person is very important to me and she knew that. BUT when it was time to listen, I just didn't have enough time for her. I have this problem of being a little overachiever and self-centered. So one day she decided to talk about it. I realized I couldn't bring myself to quit my things, so I could have more time for her, even though I really liked her. So I broke up with her and it made me feel very bad, because she cried a lot.

ugh, that story pierced my heart... sorry, but I must admit that's a bit mean >.> but well ^-^''' don't worry, you seem to have realized that so ^-^''' err... :< but well, sometimes you have to sacrifice some things in a relationship, especially if the other person is going the same for you... I mean you have to reciprocate what they do I guess? I stopped talking to that jerk because she never cared about my feelings and she always wanted to do what suited her ^-^**

Yeah, don't need to worry. You can say it, because it's the truth. I told you she made me realize I'm an asshole lol. I really want to have someone's back one day, for real. But for now I guess I need to do my things. That's why I'm not really getting into any relationship for now. Maybe I should just sacrifice somethings like you said, but I'm afraid I may end up blaming the person I'm with for any frustration. So for now, I should just let it be.

yeah I think that's great :), if you're not ready it's probably better to follow your heart oh but oh! O|||O what will you do if you fall for someone and they want you too? sorry if I'm asking hard questions >.> do you like the jelly photo I posted? :)

joined Mar 17, 2016

Thank you so much! You are amazing! :D ♥

Yeah she really doesn't deserve her position, I can't wait until the day she gets what is coming to her lol

I'm trying to make food and read everything and I'm getting so lost again lol
And the dang ice cream truck is here!! Where is my money?! D:

joined Sep 15, 2015

"There was not a single person on my side."
"When I felt like everyone in this world hated me, that girl who I felt had recieved all the love in the world, had liked me."
"If it's like that, who would complain."
"When people told me I shouldn't have been born, and told me to die instead and put curses on me"
"that girl still loved me."
"and I was able to live on just knowing that one fact."
"Anyone who sees it as nothing and as a relationship just based on our bodies, they can laugh if they want to laugh."
"It doesn't matter what you call it."
"I don't need anything else so everyone can fuck off!"
"Can't I atleast like one person out of my own will?"

This hurts soo soo bad. Damn.

I just... I just want to cry.

"that girl still loved me."
Fuck the feels.
After that news event Sumin saw through her fone, we might as well look forward for some turn of events. I hope this won't screw TeamBlonde's stand. Ugh

joined Mar 8, 2014

Thank you so much! You are amazing! :D ♥

Yeah she really doesn't deserve her position, I can't wait until the day she gets what is coming to her lol

I'm trying to make food and read everything and I'm getting so lost again lol
And the dang ice cream truck is here!! Where is my money?! D:

omg I wanna work in a food truck as a summer job one day! it's one of my dreams! just travelling around and making crepes or sth! sigh~ but of course not alone! that'd be booooring, also making them in a bikini to attract customers ^.-

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