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joined Feb 13, 2016

yea I give them my best Restingbitchface and keep it moving. but as a queer woman dealing with drunk men is the worst especially if for some reason they find out im queer. Its like my sexuality has nothing to do with u, and NO theres nothing you can help me figure out fucktart #endrant

This is the worst thing ever. When people judge you or became rude to you just bc they found out about your sexuality. It's just so unfair. It makes me wanna dig a hole for them and bury them alive. Ugh

ugh yea ive gotten asked to join so many threesomes by drunk dudes.. its so gross.. Im like NO THANK U!! Im into girls and dont wanna be anywhere near you and your penis

I'm so glad no one's ever asked me that!

No one's ever asked me to do a threesome with them but a guy asked me to at least have a one night time with him but naaaaah. I don't dig having sex with men. I'd rather sleep with a girl XD
Wait, does that make me a lesbian and not bisexual ??

I don't think so? I'm the same? ah but... I wouldn't have sex if a girl asked me either... so I don't know but... um, I think it's normal to have a preference :D

I'm really trying to keep up with the rhythm of this conversation lol
I always lose it when a drunk guy who knows about my sexuality asks me if I want to join a threesome. Specially if I already rejected his advances. I have nothing against threesomes, but I don't see myself in one. I don't mind one night stands though. For now, that's what I'm into...

joined Sep 15, 2015

yea I give them my best Restingbitchface and keep it moving. but as a queer woman dealing with drunk men is the worst especially if for some reason they find out im queer. Its like my sexuality has nothing to do with u, and NO theres nothing you can help me figure out fucktart #endrant

This is the worst thing ever. When people judge you or became rude to you just bc they found out about your sexuality. It's just so unfair. It makes me wanna dig a hole for them and bury them alive. Ugh

ugh yea ive gotten asked to join so many threesomes by drunk dudes.. its so gross.. Im like NO THANK U!! Im into girls and dont wanna be anywhere near you and your penis

I'm so glad no one's ever asked me that!

No one's ever asked me to do a threesome with them but a guy asked me to at least have a one night time with him but naaaaah. I don't dig having sex with men. I'd rather sleep with a girl XD
Wait, does that make me a lesbian and not bisexual ??

I don't think so? I'm the same? ah but... I wouldn't have sex if a girl asked me either... so I don't know but... um, I think it's normal to have a preference :D

I'm really trying to keep up with the rhythm of this conversation lol
I always lose it when a drunk guy who knows about my sexuality asks me if I want to join a threesome. Specially if I already rejected his advances. I have nothing against threesomes, but I don't see myself in one. I don't mind one night stands though. For now, that's what I'm into...

One night stands are awesome. (✧ω✧)
High Five Azai :3

joined Feb 5, 2015

It sucks living in a country that loves to ban and block sites...I can no longer access Yuri-ism *sigh...Now I'm just hoping they won't block this site. *back to lurking

omg, really?!?!?!?!?!?!?! that's horrible!!! I can't even imagine :< that's... ugh... I hate governments like that!

Yeah it's horrible living here. They even block sites that have a content about sex-ed and also anything LGBT related lol.

Lol I actually don't throw things when I get mad but today would have been an exception, my manager took a presentation I had been working on for so long and apparently used it in a meeting today. My bosses loved it which is awesome but she told them she made it herself which made me so mad.

That's so rude and that person is such a low-disgusting-bastard that has no shame.


But..but it's so hard to ketchup with you guys xD

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 3:55PM

joined Jan 4, 2016


is she the crazy jealous one? did she throw things at you? >.>

Yep. She's that same crazy jealous girl. She didn't throw things at me buuuuuut she slapped me twice before. We got into a fight and it was aaaaaaall my fault.


I have been asked twice before to have a threesome, both times it was me, a guy and another girl. I never went threw with it because I could not deal with the guy being there too hahaha

Threesome with girls would be soo soo hot. But with a guy, nah uh. I don't dig for that kinks xD

ive had one with my a ex girlfriend and a mutual friend we were both attracted to full disclosure itwashot considering that it was winter and the heat was busted so you can say that its the only reason we survived. XD

Don't lurk around !! Come join the fun XD

wait where are you from? why is YURI band? :(

joined Mar 17, 2016

elthundercat KitKat Faylicia
I asked her why she told them she made it and she told me that it was because she didn't finish the one that she was supposed to make so she just used mine. And this is not even the first time she hasn't been able to make her deadlines for stuff so she usually begs other people for help or one time she even messed up her own laptop so she wouldn't have to admit that she just didn't do her work.
But Faylicia I work at a corporate office for a big grocery store company here in the states

joined Jan 4, 2016

elthundercat KitKat Faylicia
I asked her why she told them she made it and she told me that it was because she didn't finish the one that she was supposed to make so she just used mine. And this is not even the first time she hasn't been able to make her deadlines for stuff so she usually begs other people for help or one time she even messed up her own laptop so she wouldn't have to admit that she just didn't do her work.
But Faylicia I work at a corporate office for a big grocery store company here in the states

OH no it sounds like You should have her job.. is there any one above her you can perhaps talk to?
i hate people like that. living off the hard work someone else did, truly gross!

joined Mar 17, 2016

Yeah if it was just with girls and not the guy then it would be so much better XD and dang I'm so glad you aren't with your ex girlfriend anymore, she sounds like a real piece of work..

Keeping up with conversations here is so difficult lol

joined Feb 13, 2016

yea I give them my best Restingbitchface and keep it moving. but as a queer woman dealing with drunk men is the worst especially if for some reason they find out im queer. Its like my sexuality has nothing to do with u, and NO theres nothing you can help me figure out fucktart #endrant

This is the worst thing ever. When people judge you or became rude to you just bc they found out about your sexuality. It's just so unfair. It makes me wanna dig a hole for them and bury them alive. Ugh

ugh yea ive gotten asked to join so many threesomes by drunk dudes.. its so gross.. Im like NO THANK U!! Im into girls and dont wanna be anywhere near you and your penis

I'm so glad no one's ever asked me that!

No one's ever asked me to do a threesome with them but a guy asked me to at least have a one night time with him but naaaaah. I don't dig having sex with men. I'd rather sleep with a girl XD
Wait, does that make me a lesbian and not bisexual ??

I don't think so? I'm the same? ah but... I wouldn't have sex if a girl asked me either... so I don't know but... um, I think it's normal to have a preference :D

I'm really trying to keep up with the rhythm of this conversation lol
I always lose it when a drunk guy who knows about my sexuality asks me if I want to join a threesome. Specially if I already rejected his advances. I have nothing against threesomes, but I don't see myself in one. I don't mind one night stands though. For now, that's what I'm into...

One night stands are awesome. (✧ω✧)
High Five Azai :3

/ high five /
I like one nighters, cause It's easier when both sides are aware that nothing else can be expected aside from sex. Right now, even though I'd like to have a serious relationship, I'm still not ready for that.

joined Mar 17, 2016

elthundercat KitKat Faylicia
I asked her why she told them she made it and she told me that it was because she didn't finish the one that she was supposed to make so she just used mine. And this is not even the first time she hasn't been able to make her deadlines for stuff so she usually begs other people for help or one time she even messed up her own laptop so she wouldn't have to admit that she just didn't do her work.
But Faylicia I work at a corporate office for a big grocery store company here in the states

OH no it sounds like You should have her job.. is there any one above her you can perhaps talk to?
i hate people like that. living off the hard work someone else did, truly gross!

Well that is what really had made me mad because I had set up a meeting to talk to one of our bosses that was higher up than her, and she freaking saw that I was going to go talk to him and followed me in there. Luckily though he made her leave. He is going to see about letting me not work under her and instead have me work under someone else which is great

joined Feb 13, 2016



But..but it's so hard to ketchup with you guys xD

I know haha. But give it a try. We are all trying to ketchup here, so I think everybody just keep going back and forth the chat.

joined Mar 17, 2016

yea I give them my best Restingbitchface and keep it moving. but as a queer woman dealing with drunk men is the worst especially if for some reason they find out im queer. Its like my sexuality has nothing to do with u, and NO theres nothing you can help me figure out fucktart #endrant

This is the worst thing ever. When people judge you or became rude to you just bc they found out about your sexuality. It's just so unfair. It makes me wanna dig a hole for them and bury them alive. Ugh

ugh yea ive gotten asked to join so many threesomes by drunk dudes.. its so gross.. Im like NO THANK U!! Im into girls and dont wanna be anywhere near you and your penis

I'm so glad no one's ever asked me that!

No one's ever asked me to do a threesome with them but a guy asked me to at least have a one night time with him but naaaaah. I don't dig having sex with men. I'd rather sleep with a girl XD
Wait, does that make me a lesbian and not bisexual ??

I don't think so? I'm the same? ah but... I wouldn't have sex if a girl asked me either... so I don't know but... um, I think it's normal to have a preference :D

I'm really trying to keep up with the rhythm of this conversation lol
I always lose it when a drunk guy who knows about my sexuality asks me if I want to join a threesome. Specially if I already rejected his advances. I have nothing against threesomes, but I don't see myself in one. I don't mind one night stands though. For now, that's what I'm into...

One night stands are awesome. (✧ω✧)
High Five Azai :3

/ high five /
I like one nighters, cause It's easier when both sides are aware that nothing else can be expected aside from sex. Right now, even though I'd like to have a serious relationship, I'm still not ready for that.

I always think I would love to have a serious relationship but then when it comes down to it, I'm totally now ready for that. So I hear ya about the one nighters lol

joined Sep 15, 2015

Sounds really hot to me. Oh man, I'm imagining how things happened and all during that threesome. Oh my not so innocent mind (>////<)

I'm so glad I'm not with her anymore too. She really is a piece of work and with all the dramas and shits she pulls off everytime, it will drive anyone crazy. I don't know how or why I stayed with her for so long tho and your manager should get fired already. She doesn't deserve the position she's given.

Same. Not ready for serious relationship but would go along just fine with having a one night stand lol

Just ketchup. Not like we're all fast at typing and discussing things yknow XD

joined Feb 13, 2016

One night stands are awesome. (✧ω✧)
High Five Azai :3

/ high five /
I like one nighters, cause It's easier when both sides are aware that nothing else can be expected aside from sex. Right now, even though I'd like to have a serious relationship, I'm still not ready for that.

I always think I would love to have a serious relationship but then when it comes down to it, I'm totally now ready for that. So I hear ya about the one nighters lol

I had some relationships before and I really enjoyed them. But the last ended up pretty bad and I decided I should just let it be for now.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Yo, happy new chapter day. Got into my hotel room and struggling not to pass out, but I see you're all having quite the day :P

joined Sep 15, 2015

Not to pass out ?? Why ??

joined Feb 5, 2015

Azai & KitKat101

I'll try to join the fun haha xD

Hi dofudofu, happy new chapter day

joined Feb 8, 2016

Not to pass out ?? Why ??

So tired -_- Stayed up too late, woke up too early, traveled too much.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Not to pass out ?? Why ??

So tired -_- Stayed up too late, woke up too early, traveled too much.

Read the new chapter. You'll definitely pass out xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

A lot of people in my office are hoping she gets fired, just because she really doesn't even know how to do her job at all. Plus she just doesn't care, she shows up at the most random times and last week she came in wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants and had her hair in a messy bun while the rest of us are in nice office clothes..

I have not actually had a serious relationship with a girl before, I've had a serious relationship with a guy but I'm not so sure if that counts because I really had to force myself to be in that relationship. It really wasn't good for me.

Hello! ^.^

joined Mar 17, 2016

Azai & KitKat101

I'll try to join the fun haha xD

Hi dofudofu, happy new chapter day

You need to join in on the fun, it just makes it even better when there is more people discussing so many different topics XD

Oh gosh I already have 400 posts... I talk way too much XD

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 4:15PM

joined Jan 4, 2016

One night stands are awesome. (✧ω✧)
High Five Azai :3

/ high five /
I like one nighters, cause It's easier when both sides are aware that nothing else can be expected aside from sex. Right now, even though I'd like to have a serious relationship, I'm still not ready for that.

I always think I would love to have a serious relationship but then when it comes down to it, I'm totally now ready for that. So I hear ya about the one nighters lol

I need a happy medium for this because i dont like one night stands. the walk of shame is always so embarrassing and running into them afterwards is equally as hard and awkward. but over all the experience is fun i just think i need to work on my leaving the maybeineedacar

I had some relationships before and I really enjoyed them. But the last ended up pretty bad and I decided I should just let it be for now.

serious relationships are exhausting. I was in one for 5years it took shetookmysoulaway lol dramatic but thats how it felt. But its been a while and dating can also be a very amazing fulfilling experience.

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 4:20PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Did look at the new chapter, very emotional by the looks of it. Haven't spotted a translation yet though. Lol it looks like you guys have covered a lot.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Azai & KitKat101

I'll try to join the fun haha xD

Hi dofudofu, happy new chapter day

You need to join in on the fun, it just makes it even better when there is more people discussing so many different topics XD

Oh gosh I already have 400 posts... I talk way too much XD

How do you keep track of your posts ?? XD
Dunno how many I posted already.
And your manager is so irresponsible & unprofessional. She shows up at work wearing whatever that looked like she's out straight from the bed.

joined Jan 4, 2016

Azai & KitKat101

I'll try to join the fun haha xD

Hi dofudofu, happy new chapter day

You need to join in on the fun, it just makes it even better when there is more people discussing so many different topics XD

Oh gosh I already have 400 posts... I talk way too much XD

How do you keep track of your posts ?? XD
Dunno how many I posted already.
And your manager is so irresponsible & unprofessional. She shows up at work wearing whatever that looked like she's out straight from the bed.

How are you viewing the forum kitkat? if its on the computer then below your profile icon.

@ graciousLLama tehhe that was fun spelling out. Yes, your boss sounds like she is asking to be fired really unprofessional. The good thing is that her actions show just how dedicated she is, so I'm sure/hope you'll get support from higher ups when it comes to holding her accountable for stealing your work and claiming it as hers.

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 4:27PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Llama, read some of the stuff about your manager problems. It sucks, but the fact is that no matter what field or industry, there's always going to be someone trying to take credit for your work and to downplay your efforts and achievements. At a certain point you have to just forge on and understand that those that aren't competent will eventually fall due to their ineptitude and a positive, proactive attitude will get you where you want to go.

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