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joined Mar 17, 2016

Azai & KitKat101

I'll try to join the fun haha xD

Hi dofudofu, happy new chapter day

You need to join in on the fun, it just makes it even better when there is more people discussing so many different topics XD

Oh gosh I already have 400 posts... I talk way too much XD

How do you keep track of your posts ?? XD
Dunno how many I posted already.
And your manager is so irresponsible & unprofessional. She shows up at work wearing whatever that looked like she's out straight from the bed.

Lol you can only see how many posts you have if you are on a computer I think, it shows it right under your picture. I can never see it on my phone so now that I am finally on my laptop I was surprised I had so many XD

joined Feb 13, 2016


I have not actually had a serious relationship with a girl before, I've had a serious relationship with a guy but I'm not so sure if that counts because I really had to force myself to be in that relationship. It really wasn't good for me.

I count only three relationships that lasted considerably (two guys and one girl). First guy, first love (no more details are needed, you can guess. it's lame just like any teenager fling). Second guy taught me a lot; we both ended up in pretty good terms. The girl made me realize I was an asshole, so I decided to retreat.

joined Sep 15, 2015

elthundercat & GraciousLlama
I only use my android phone unfortunately :(
My brother hogs my laptop since his broke couple of months ago. Sad life :<
But yea, maybe I haven't posted that much as Llama had. runs away

You ?? Asshole ?? How ?? Hahaha

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 4:33PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

elthundercat & GraciousLlama
I only use my android phone unfortunately :(
My brother hogs my laptop since his broke couple of months ago. Sad life :<
But yea, maybe I haven't posted that much as Llama had. runs away

You ?? Asshole ?? How ?? Hahaha

You've posted more than me :P

joined Mar 17, 2016

Llama, read some of the stuff about your manager problems. It sucks, but the fact is that no matter what field or industry, there's always going to be someone trying to take credit for your work and to downplay your efforts and achievements. At a certain point you have to just forge on and understand that those that aren't competent will eventually fall due to their ineptitude and a positive, proactive attitude will get you where you want to go.

Yeah exactly, unfortunately I will see people like that throughout life. I usually just ignore it and keep on going, I think today I had just had reached a breaking point so I needed to take a break and collect myself. Cause there ain't no way I'm going to cry at work hahaha

joined Sep 15, 2015

elthundercat & GraciousLlama
I only use my android phone unfortunately :(
My brother hogs my laptop since his broke couple of months ago. Sad life :<
But yea, maybe I haven't posted that much as Llama had. runs away

You ?? Asshole ?? How ?? Hahaha

You've posted more than me :P

I...umm. I'm not that active in this thread tho !! I only spend like half of my 'social life' getting involved in this thread !! XD
Oh. I just realized I spend more time being here than talking to someone around me. Lol

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 4:37PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

I hope that stupid manager gets fired too! seriously she's disgusting! >:|
I have a lot of posts too... not to mention that I tend to write my whole life story in some of them >.> hope you don't think I'm weird >.>
The furthest I would go with some stranger I was attracted to would be cuddling with them... and I'd have to be very attracted because I'm usually not very comfortable with strangers hugging me >.>
Also, I would love to date someone put I have very... ... particular... standards... >.> it's not they're exceptionally high, just, particular...

Also my aunt told me she'll send me jelly :D
grocery store corporation sounds cool, I once drew a story board about a woman who worked in an orange juice corporation and it was kind of like an add sort of narrative... I might redraw it cleanly and show you :)
most of the time I draw girls with long straight dark hair, serious expression and tilted angled eyebrows and! a long face... and they all look the same... because that's just my type >.>

joined Mar 17, 2016


I have not actually had a serious relationship with a girl before, I've had a serious relationship with a guy but I'm not so sure if that counts because I really had to force myself to be in that relationship. It really wasn't good for me.

I count only three relationships that lasted considerably (two guys and one girl). First guy, first love (no more details are needed, you can guess. it's lame just like any teenager fling). Second guy taught me a lot; we both ended up in pretty good terms. The girl made me realize I was an asshole, so I decided to retreat.

My last relationship with a guy was so bad, he knew that I was confused about being gay and yet he made me feel so guilty for it. I don't feel guilty anymore and I was pretty upset with myself for agreeing to date him just because I felt bad for not loving him back the way he loved me. It was a shitty situation. However he still thinks he can "change me" -_-

joined Feb 8, 2016

The rest of the conversation I don't even know where to jump in. You guys probably already know more about my dating/sexual history than you should.

joined Apr 3, 2016

Safest indicator that you're in a forum full of women: the topic changes.
You people are giving me a whiplash here. xD

joined Mar 8, 2014

elthundercat & GraciousLlama
I only use my android phone unfortunately :(
My brother hogs my laptop since his broke couple of months ago. Sad life :<
But yea, maybe I haven't posted that much as Llama had. runs away

You ?? Asshole ?? How ?? Hahaha

You've posted more than me :P

I...umm. I'm not that active in this thread tho !! I only spend like half of my 'social life' getting involved in this thread !! XD
Oh. I just realized I spend more time being here than talking to someone around me. Lol

yeah me too lately >.> it's kind of bad though... I don't wanna live my life on the internet but you are all so fun :D, I wish we had all met in person though :), it would have been so fun. We shoooould all skype soooome day :D We are gonna build an international yuri society UYN, United Yuri Nations, ahahahaha

joined Mar 8, 2014


I have not actually had a serious relationship with a girl before, I've had a serious relationship with a guy but I'm not so sure if that counts because I really had to force myself to be in that relationship. It really wasn't good for me.

I count only three relationships that lasted considerably (two guys and one girl). First guy, first love (no more details are needed, you can guess. it's lame just like any teenager fling). Second guy taught me a lot; we both ended up in pretty good terms. The girl made me realize I was an asshole, so I decided to retreat.

My last relationship with a guy was so bad, he knew that I was confused about being gay and yet he made me feel so guilty for it. I don't feel guilty anymore and I was pretty upset with myself for agreeing to date him just because I felt bad for not loving him back the way he loved me. It was a shitty situation. However he still thinks he can "change me" -_-

guys like that are disgusting, just ignore him... -.- ugh! so cringy >.<

joined Apr 3, 2016

It was a shitty situation. However he still thinks he can "change me" -_-

Do you have a brother? I've found that brothers can solve those problems very effectively. ;D

joined Jan 4, 2016

The rest of the conversation I don't even know where to jump in. You guys probably already know more about my dating/sexual history than you should.

LLS i wish i could click on the profile icon of each person on this thread and it give me a synapsis of all this cause i def. missed like everyones life story.

joined Jan 4, 2016

It was a shitty situation. However he still thinks he can "change me" -_-

Do you have a brother? I've found that brothers can solve those problems very effectively. ;D

Ditto. XD
im a gold star. ive never been with any boys. dated two in high school but after they started pressuring me to have sex i broke up with them.. i felt really weird and confused but then i kinda fell for a girl and it kinda all started making

joined Sep 15, 2015


We are gonna build an international yuri society UYN, United Yuri Nations, ahahahaha

I choked on my coffee bc of this. XD
Also, I'm a little bit awkward in person. Ok maybe more than a little bit but yea, I'm an awkward person but I can be as crazy and loud af when I get comfortable. Lol

All the topics branches out one way or another. Lol

We need more details about your journey

I kinda want to smack that guy in his face. How rude could he get ?? Doesn't he know the word respect ?? Maybe he's just bitter to know that you don't see him as one of your 'love interest' list.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Safest indicator that you're in a forum full of women: the topic changes.
You people are giving me a whiplash here. xD

is that because women are moody? I've been super moody lately but I'm also on my period.
Btw, do you have good jelly in Germany?
I just went to buy jelly today and it was disgusting, tasted like candy and was expensive -.- In Greece we have so many flavors to chose from and they sell packets with powder and you can make lots of jelly! :D like 10 dessert bowls

joined Mar 8, 2014

It was a shitty situation. However he still thinks he can "change me" -_-

Do you have a brother? I've found that brothers can solve those problems very effectively. ;D

Ditto. XD
im a gold star. ive never been with any boys. dated two in high school but after they started pressuring me to have sex i broke up with them.. i felt really weird and confused but then i kinda fell for a girl and it kinda all started making

whisper h-hey... how would you call a bi girl who hasn't been with a guy? >.> silver star?

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 4:51PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

I would love to see that drawing! And yeah I realized I spend more time talking to you all here than I do to the people around me haha, I will notice that I'll be replying to something and someone next to me had been talking for like 5 minutes XD

Yeah I do have an older brother and he has scared him off before but the idiot just doesn't learn..

I have actually gotten into an argument with him in my car before about that and I kicked him out and made him walk all the way home XD then I went home and told my dad and he gave me a high five.

And you guys Faylicia will get us all on skype someday hahaha I can just see it happening now XP

joined Feb 8, 2016

The rest of the conversation I don't even know where to jump in. You guys probably already know more about my dating/sexual history than you should.

LLS i wish i could click on the profile icon of each person on this thread and it give me a synapsis of all this cause i def. missed like everyones life story.

We need more details about your journey

Had sex with too many women. Dated too many women. Flirted with too many women. Now the very whipped lap dog to a fiery redhead.

joined Mar 8, 2014


We are gonna build an international yuri society UYN, United Yuri Nations, ahahahaha

I choked on my coffee bc of this. XD
Also, I'm a little bit awkward in person. Ok maybe more than a little bit but yea, I'm an awkward person but I can be as crazy and loud af when I get comfortable. Lol

ahahaha! I'm like that too a lot of the times! But I'm just normal with people that are really outgoing but some other times I seem quite shy at first, then when I'm more comfortable I'm just really crazy and I start dancing and jumping around all the time! :D B-but some people think that's weird ;_;... I'm genuinely sad about it... sometimes I feel like they won't like me if I'm myself! but I don't care >.< I'm wanna jump around and I don't care what they say! I'm not jumping around literally all the time either, I mean I'm not being inappropriate or anything, just saying... >.>

joined Sep 15, 2015


ahahaha! I'm like that too a lot of the times! But I'm just normal with people that are really outgoing but some other times I seem quite shy at first, then when I'm more comfortable I'm just really crazy and I start dancing and jumping around all the time! :D B-but some people think that's weird ;_;... I'm genuinely sad about it... sometimes I feel like they won't like me if I'm myself! but I don't care >.< I'm wanna jump around and I don't care what they say! I'm not jumping around literally all the time either, I mean I'm not being inappropriate or anything, just saying... >.>

Sounds like you're really fun to be with xD
I'm not that hyper but I giggle and laugh a lot. Also, I'm loud. Like really loud. I get scolded a lot of times bc of that XD


Had sex with too many women. Dated too many women. Flirted with too many women. Now the very whipped lap dog to a fiery redhead.

Someone finally know how to tame you. About time XD

I can see it happening too. I mean who wouldn't ?? With all this fun we have. I wouldn't be so surprised if we all get on skype. :>

joined Feb 13, 2016


You ?? Asshole ?? How ?? Hahaha

I screwed up. I had gotten used to college life and things were going my way. I had already came out as bi (not to my parents though), when I met her. She had the same values as me, she was fun and kind, so I was pretty happy dating her. The best part of it was being able to share things with someone, you know? Things that made your day, things that got you down, yada yada. I'm not fond to sharing things with anyone I know, unless that person is very important to me and she knew that. BUT when it was time to listen, I just didn't have enough time for her. I have this problem of being a little overachiever and self-centered. So one day she decided to talk about it. I realized I couldn't bring myself to quit my things, so I could have more time for her, even though I really liked her. So I broke up with her and it made me feel very bad, because she cried a lot.

I'm totally lost in this topic about your manager lol. I didn't manage to keep track of it. But people are saying she should get fired, so I agree with them, because I will stand by their side always (kidding, I will read about it).

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 4:58PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

The rest of the conversation I don't even know where to jump in. You guys probably already know more about my dating/sexual history than you should.

LLS i wish i could click on the profile icon of each person on this thread and it give me a synapsis of all this cause i def. missed like everyones life story.

okay, okay, I'll repeat some stuff. I was saying before that I had a crush on a girl in high school and everyone found out and she ignored me. I found out I liked girls when I was 15. I also had a crush on a cashier girl (without knowing it was a crush) and I went to the supermarket everyday to buy ice tea.
I really like chocolate and tart and waffles. Also some extra info I never told yet... I like playing games and reading books some times. I like visual novels a lot. I watch more anime than live action movies. I try to watch western animation too but there aren't many shows aimed towards adults that are not about stupid comedy -.- I like make up and... well, clothes, but shopping for clothes is like a chore to me because I'm really picky but shopping make up is fun :D I study animation in England, I'm Greek, half Cypriot. I really love traveling. Err... what else? I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic and I always hug my pillow when I go to sleep.

joined Apr 3, 2016

Your brother definitely lacks the Evil Brother Stare. xD Still, that sucks. Does he at least back off for the moment when you tell him to or is he clingy?

Well... /cough/ I think jelly is a perversion of nature, that should just burn and cease existing /cough/ I know we have strawberry, blueberry and peach. Su could know more. She's the one with the sweet tooth.^_^;

last edited at Apr 6, 2016 4:58PM

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