Forum › Yuri in other Media (list in first post)

joined Nov 29, 2014

Woah, I missed a ton of progress. Again, thanks for all the help! I don't reall know when I'll get to update the list, partly cause I'm too busy playing Hearthstone and partly because I'm actually kind of a lazy guy. But I'll get to it! Eventually!

I started The Fosters by the way, and Brandon is like the most boring guy on all the planets. I'm not the only one who would rather see Cally with Wyatt, right?
And I finished The L Word and had a good time with it. You're not gonna like it if you don't like rooting for assholes though.

joined Jan 21, 2015


I didn't find anywhere in TV Tropes saying it's only yuri or not, I think it have some het routes, but the main routes seen to be all yuri at least

I might be wrong, but I think I recall one route where the Duchess marries the "prince". But it's not written as a love story, more like "Oh, you're here? Okay, let's get married, that's what I came here for I guess." You don't have to play it to get the true ending, but without a guide you might stumble upon it by accident.


I've started watching Person of Interest partially on this thread's recommendation

If my incoherent rambling helped even one person who was on the fence about watching, good :D
Don't expect much in the way of romance though. POI doesn't really do romance, even the het pairings are mostly teased and implied except in flashbacks. You actually could argue that Root/Shaw is the present-time romantic relationship that gets the most focus. Which is great because you can appreciate the platonic male/female relationships without worrying about the writers shoving an obligatory romance down your throat. Reese and Shaw have an amazing siblings-like relationship.

Sorry for gushing about this show again. If I didn't restrain myself I'd just take over the entire thread.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

And I finished The L Word and had a good time with it. You're not gonna like it if you don't like rooting for assholes though.

That's what turned me off about the show. Same reason I'm one of those people who couldn't stand Seinfeld.

I just don't see how I could enjoy watching unpleasant people do unpleasant things to other unpleasant people, even if it is interrupted by girls kissing.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Yeah, I get that. I don't know why I love bad people in my media so much. Quite a few of my favorite anime/manga characters are assholes too.
And to be honest, The L Word kinda had too much kissing. Can't believe I'm saying that. It's like, well, here goes 5 minutes of nothing important happening. Again. And 70% of those kisses happen because of cheating anyways so it's hard to be happy about them.

joined Mar 25, 2013

Yeah, I get that. I don't know why I love bad people in my media so much. Quite a few of my favorite anime/manga characters are assholes too.
And to be honest, The L Word kinda had too much kissing. Can't believe I'm saying that. It's like, well, here goes 5 minutes of nothing important happening. Again. And 70% of those kisses happen because of cheating anyways so it's hard to be happy about them.

You should watch PoI then, almost all bad guys are lovable. While others are just plain awesome.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Started it but stopped after I found out that one of the girls fake(?) dies. Now I'm gonna wait for her to show up again before I start watching again. And The Fosters is gonna take me a while to get though.
I did like what I saw in the first 3 episodes though.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Yeah, I get that. I don't know why I love bad people in my media so much. Quite a few of my favorite anime/manga characters are assholes too.
And to be honest, The L Word kinda had too much kissing. Can't believe I'm saying that. It's like, well, here goes 5 minutes of nothing important happening. Again. And 70% of those kisses happen because of cheating anyways so it's hard to be happy about them.

Yeah, like I said I'd love to see something like Queer As Folk but with lesbians instead of the whole spectrum. More ground-level, working class stuff, characters you can identify with and less of the "beautiful people who are all nasty". Relationships can start and end without cheating and backstabbing (although it's okay dramatically if some of them do). But I despair of such a thing ever being made.

joined Mar 25, 2013

Started it but stopped after I found out that one of the girls fake(?) dies. Now I'm gonna wait for her to show up again before I start watching again. And The Fosters is gonna take me a while to get though.
I did like what I saw in the first 3 episodes though.

You're going to wait a looooong while then she fake dies because the actress is pregnant with twins and is taking a two year break

Shit hits the fan when season 3 starts, before that it's kind of procedural but there is a lot of backstory to the characters.

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 10:41AM

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

There's new lesbian themed movie (woohoo!) called Jenny's Wedding, starring Alexis Bledel (Aw Yeah!) and....... Katherine Heigl (puke) excitement dies

Anyway that's the news. It's probably lame movie but if it could get moderate success maybe more indie comedy drama lesbian movie will be made

It could be worse, it could have Kristen Stewart instead of Heigl. >.>

joined Mar 25, 2013

There's new lesbian themed movie (woohoo!) called Jenny's Wedding, starring Alexis Bledel (Aw Yeah!) and....... Katherine Heigl (puke) excitement dies

Anyway that's the news. It's probably lame movie but if it could get moderate success maybe more indie comedy drama lesbian movie will be made

It could be worse, it could have Kristen Stewart instead of Heigl. >.>

Why the hate for Heigl?

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

I don't hate Heigl, I have no feelings either way, I was just giving a worse actor. :P

I guess I'm gonna have to start torrenting POI because it sounds interesting.

last edited at Jul 9, 2015 12:16PM

joined May 8, 2015

Why the hate for Heigl?

heigl is a fine actor (as shown in early greys anatomy eps) but all the rumor about her douchebaggery plus the fact that I spent too much times hanging around av club comment section makes it physically impossible for me to not having strong negative opinion about her.

oh and afaik kristen stewart has excellent career in indie movies (and so does r. pattinson) so I never thought of her as a bad actor.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Just because she has an excellent career doesn't make her a good actress. They just hire her because of her ties to Twilight, either that, or they just have bad taste... and of course all this is just my opinion.

last edited at Jul 9, 2015 12:46PM

joined Mar 25, 2013

I see

Just because she has an excellent career doesn't make her a good actress. They just hire her because of her ties to Twilight, either that, or they just have bad taste... and of course all this is just my opinion.

Also considering the rumours that slept with one of the producers of a movie she was in. But who knows.

joined Mar 9, 2014

I see

Just because she has an excellent career doesn't make her a good actress. They just hire her because of her ties to Twilight, either that, or they just have bad taste... and of course all this is just my opinion.

Also considering the rumours that slept with one of the producers of a movie she was in. But who knows.

This girl's got some violent haters, you shouldn't give much credit to rumours.

last edited at Jul 9, 2015 12:54PM

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Most actors have violent haters, you could dig up dirt and rumours about anyone, which is why I don't read gossip columns about them.

joined Mar 9, 2014

Most actors have violent haters, you could dig up dirt and rumours about anyone, which is why I don't read gossip columns about them.

Yes but this one especially (mostly because of twilight and her kinda grumpy image).

last edited at Jul 9, 2015 1:08PM

joined Sep 15, 2013

I thought people liked Kristen Stewart again considering her acting in cloud of sils Maria was surprisingly good, like so much better than I thought she could act.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Just finished Huntress and I give it a 9.8 out of 10 lilies. The ending was... ok, if I was a harsh critic I'd give it a 9 or maybe an 8.5. I loved the book, but the decisions made make feel like a strange sort of bait-and-switch.

joined May 11, 2012

Just finished Huntress and I give it a 9.8 out of 10 lilies. The ending was... ok, if I was a harsh critic I'd give it a 9 or maybe an 8.5. I loved the book, but the decisions made make feel like a strange sort of bait-and-switch.

Why bait-and-switch? How it ended? Spoilers please!

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

both of the girls come from a school for wise-women (sages). To be a sage you have to take a vow of celibacy. One of the girls it was her life long dream to be a sage, the other girl went there because it was expected of her, and she had not aptitude for their type of magic.
So as can be expected, they fall madly in love during their journey, despite the girl wanting to be a sage. Close to the end of the book they meet a woman who used to be a sage, and the woman tells the wannabe sage that her teachers are probably lying to her about certain things.
So even though they both know that you can still be a sage (technically), the wannabe says I'm gonna take the vows anyway, the other girl is broken hearyed obviously but accept the decision. The story ends with the two girls basically being best friends.

Other than that the story read like a novel-length fairytale, which was really good, even though the end felt rather rushed and inconclusive.

last edited at Jul 9, 2015 8:34PM

joined Apr 6, 2015

Just finished two books by Kiki Archer, which were both fantastic:

One Foot onto the Ice and its sequel When You Know.

joined May 11, 2012

Thanks Kitsune Spirit, I didn't like that ending, seens pretty dumb because they could be together...

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Thanks Kitsune Spirit, I didn't like that ending, seens pretty dumb because they could be together...

Yeah, the more I think about it, the less I like it lol. I'm hoping that another book is in the works to give it a propper conclusion. And I hope Ash doesn't follow the same pattern.

And now I'm reading Her name in the sky and crying a lot for a few different reasons, I hope it doesn't end badly.

last edited at Jul 10, 2015 1:06AM

joined May 8, 2015

I might be bias because kristen stewart is suspected to be gay, on top of that all my favorite writers and critics seems to like her, so I just can't hate her. Plus her performance (after twilight) receive praise everywhere.
It's kinda interesting how r. patt it's not under scrutiny as much as stewart. Honestly I don't get Cronenberg as director, so pattinson career after twilight is pretty uninteresting for me. The only things that makes me pretty okay with him is his taste in romantic partners, which always coincidental with my preference.

okay enough oot from me. carry on

last edited at Jul 10, 2015 10:22AM

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