Forum › Yuri in other Media (list in first post)

joined Nov 29, 2014

Thanks Alex, I'll change stuff later.
Should I add both versions of Skins? And queerbaiting in Rizzoli & Isles as in like, het end or just no conclusion?
Also gonna add Xena later.
I'll let The 100 be like it is for now, it would be awesome if somebody could post here if anything shows what direction the show is gonna take, yuri wise.

Thia and Gengar, two fates cruelly seperated thanks to otherworldly circumstances, will love still bloom on the reader?

I'll actually head out now, so Thia has to spent the night alone today. Friend of mine just asked me if I wanted to hang out. In fucking episode 10 of Wentworth right before Franky's fucking parole meeting. That's worse timing than Son Goku has.

joined May 11, 2012

Thia and Gengar, two fates cruelly seperated thanks to otherworldly circumstances, will love still bloom on the reader?

Looks like our love will never bloom...

And I noticed just now that I don't remember anymore what I wanted to talk about with him....

last edited at Jun 24, 2015 2:59PM

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013

Should I add both versions of Skins?

I only watches GB version (it's original). You have there 7 seasons. S 1-2 is 1st generation, s 3-4 2nd generation (different crew, some characters from 1st), s 5-6 3rd generation and 7 - conclusion (I think, I stopped watching in the middle of 3rd generation... so I'm not sure)

US version has only 10 episodes (didn't watch but I know there is les character)

And queerbaiting in Rizzoli & Isles as in like, het end or just no conclusion?

It's still ongoing so we can't talk about "end" here. They both dating guys in some point in the story and omg their drama, especially Jane's... Queerbaiting because you can see and even FEEL chemistry between Jane and Maura but producers don't wanna do this -.-" BUT (spoiler about s5 and 6) they made some hints - as always, for God sake I sometimes hate this show because of sentences you can understood in two ways - that Maura is bi and now (after break up in s5 finale) she isn't interested in man and probably (hahahah probably...) has feeling for Jane (obviously).

Script from s5 Finale:
Jane: What did we learn about Jack?
Maura: He's awesome.
J: Well, we knew that.
M: And if an awesome guy like that found his way to me, then...
J: Another awesome guy will find his way to you.
M: Exactly.
M: And the next awesome PERSON doesn't have to show up for a while. (smooth right?)
M: Do you wanna hear my revelation about you?
J: No, I-I got my own.
M: You did?
J Okay, you can wipe the surprised look off your face.Yeah, I did.I was so focused on Nwork and family and you, and ... and you were right. I was afraid of what would happen if I couldn't keep my feelings in ... in that little box.But I don't have to be afraid anymore.I got a message.Everything's gonna be okay.So I know, no matter what happens, I can handle it.
M: Jane Rizzoli's strong enough to handle it.
J: Yeah. Okay, what is happening\Nwith your face now?
M: That was my sweat lodge revelation about you.
J: It was not.
M: Yeah, it was.
J: It was not! You're just saying that because I'm saying it.
M: Well, why would I do that?
J: Dramatic effect!

And song in background
Sunrise - there's a new sun arisin' - in your eyes - I can see a new horizon - that will keep me realizin' - you're the biggest part of me - stay the night need your lovin' here beside me - shine the light need you close enough to guide me - all my life I've been hopin'...

And today was 2nd ep. of s6 and we had this conversation:
Maura's co-worker: You two [her and Jane] have a unique relationship, don't you? I'm still trying to figure it out.
Maura: Me too.
Like what???

I don't have hope for them. It will be better for me xD But scenes between them (especially after some danger) are always so fluffy :3

I'll let The 100 be like it is for now, it would be awesome if somebody could post here if anything shows what direction the show is gonna take, yuri wise.

Next season will be at early 2016 T_T

joined Sep 15, 2013

Three reasons to watch Rizzoli&Isles
1) Amazing drinking game. Take a shot whenever you feel jane and maura are eyesexing each other.
2) To see if you can will a fictional couple into existing on network television where the couple isnt then promptly broken up by an unnecessary death.
3) Just to hear Det. Rizzoli talk in that voice of hers, like damn.

joined Feb 23, 2015


Friend of mine just asked me if I wanted to hang out. In fucking episode 10 of Wentworth right before Franky's fucking parole meeting. That's worse timing than Son Goku has.

haha, that episode is heartbreaking fyi. But that's srsly shite timing. Plus a DBZ reference?? bows down


Maura but producers don't wanna do this -.-" BUT (spoiler about s5 and 6) they made some hints - as always, for God sake I sometimes hate this show because of sentences you can understood in two ways - that Maura is bi and now (after break up in s5 finale) she isn't interested in man and probably (hahahah probably...) has feeling for Jane (obviously).

Ahh, all of this!! I've been thinking the exact thing this entire time. I feel like that's why she got so upset/angry at her, when Jane jumped off the bridge. I honestly don't think Jane realizes that anything's up though. To me, it seems like Jane thinks everything they do is completely normal.

joined May 11, 2012

OriginalGengar, all Neptunias are full of subtext, the order is:

Main series:

  • Hyperdimension Neptunia
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Re:birth
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Re:birth 2
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Re:birth 3
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory II

The first and R2 are the only ones to have canon lesbian character, RED, and Re:birth is not just a remake, all games in the main series ares alternative universe/sequel, some characters even comment in Re:birth that they already know Neptunia but from another dimension (Victory).


  • Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection
  • Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed
  • Geki Jigen Tag Blanc + Neptune VS Zombie Gundan (Violent Dimension Tag Blanc + Neptune VS Zombie Corps)
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia vs. Sega Hard Girls: Hard Wars

PP and Hyperdevotion have male self insert as main character but from what I read it have subtext between side characters, Nepgear x Uni and Rom x Ram in PP, Hyperdevotion have a lot or new characters so I don't know all pairings i it, but it have the basics like Nepgear x Uni.

VNs by Christine Love
- Cell Phone Love Letter
- Heart of Fire
- Sketchbook: Schoolgirls in Love and Other Assorted Heartbreak
- Digital: A Love Story
- Love & Order
- Don't Take it Personally, Babe, it Just ain't Your Story
- Analogue: A Hate Story
- Hate Plus
- My Twin Brother Made Me Crossdress As Him And Now I Have To Deal With A Geeky Stalker And A Domme Beauty Who Want Me In A Bind!!

VNs by Winter Wolves

  • Heileen: Sail Away
  • Spirited Heart
  • Loren The Amazon Princess
  • Heileen 2: The Hands of Fate
  • Heileen 3: New Horizons
  • Nicole
  • Roommates
  • Tales of Aravorn: Seasons Of The Wolf
  • Spirited Heart 2

I knopw more, I'll update yhe list later, boss is back...

last edited at Jun 25, 2015 2:16PM

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013


Three reasons to watch Rizzoli&Isles
1) Amazing drinking game. Take a shot whenever you feel jane and maura are eyesexing each other.
2) To see if you can will a fictional couple into existing on network television where the couple isnt then promptly broken up by an unnecessary death.
3) Just to hear Det. Rizzoli talk in that voice of hers, like damn.

I love Angie's voice * ^ * (btw I just melted in last ep. when she said just "croissant"... I mean.. HOW you can say this word in THAT way???)


Ahh, all of this!! I've been thinking the exact thing this entire time. I feel like that's why she got so upset/angry at her, when Jane jumped off the bridge. I honestly don't think Jane realizes that anything's up though. To me, it seems like Jane thinks everything they do is completely normal.

Totally agree with your black bars. I think the same so IF - very huge IF - Maura will confess to Jane, she will be shocked and she will reject Maura obviously, because she never think about her BFF like that. And here we go again with drama. I mean... I barely could stand their fight and how they react to each other back time :( so I have no idea how this could continue after these "revelations" - yes, I used this word in purpose

joined Feb 23, 2015

Totally agree with your black bars. I think the same so IF - very huge IF - Maura will confess to Jane, she will be shocked and she will reject Maura obviously, because she never think about her BFF like that. And here we go again with drama. I mean... I barely could stand their fight and how they react to each other back time :( so I have no idea how this could continue after these "revelations" - yes, I used this word in purpose

haha, exactly. From what I've heard, I think the actress that plays Rizzoli is actually against them having any sort of relationship, but the one that plays Maura is open to it. So what I'm thinking will eventually happen is that Maura will probably fall for another girl eventually, Jane will be shocked, and then that's all we'll get. Unfortunately.

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013

haha, exactly. From what I've heard, I think the actress that plays Rizzoli is actually against them having any sort of relationship, but the one that plays Maura is open to it. So what I'm thinking will eventually happen is that Maura will probably fall for another girl eventually, Jane will be shocked, and then that's all we'll get. Unfortunately.

I'm not sure if you're following BTS things like interviews etc. but you can clearly see that from the time Frost's actor death (if not even earlier) Sasha and Angie aren't "together" anymore. I mean they don't promote the show together like in season 4

best scenes from interviews for season 4:

We don't see them hanging around etc. We did't got ANY photo with both of them (where they pose in casual way or even on official photos - posters don't count - from years. If they promote show, they do this separately. Even if their BOTH were on the same event, they didn't take a photo with each other (and it's natural to get photo with your co-stars on events like this). Something clearly happened BTS that caused this. You can also "feel" this tension in their play. It's not the same chemistry on stage like in first seasons.

Fans of course have their theories: People think that obviously they had crush on each other but they are both married with kids so it could not happen. Maybe they were just fooling around or sth. Theory is that maybe one of them confessed to other but the second one didn't agree because of her family. And know one of them has heart broken. Angie had problems in her own marriage - maybe Jason finds out >officially because of her absence (long distance work>home). But we know that she got divorce with him.

We all now that Sasha is "lesbian in heart" so in many theories Angie confessed to Sasha (because she just discovered these feelings etc. etc. So she rejected her and Angie was devastated because of this, because her marriage problems and then also because of Frost.

But of course there are all speculations and fan theories :) but I have to admit, it kinda make sense ^^"

last edited at Jun 26, 2015 2:36PM

joined Feb 23, 2015

I'm not sure if you're following BTS things like interviews etc. but you can clearly see that from the time Frost's actor death (if not even earlier) Sasha and Angie aren't "together" anymore. I mean they don't promote the show together like in season 4

best scenes from interviews for season 4:

We don't see them hanging around etc. We did't got ANY photo with both of them (where they pose in casual way or even on official photos - posters don't count - from years. If they promote show, they do this separately. Even if their BOTH were on the same event, they didn't take a photo with each other (and it's natural to get photo with your co-stars on events like this). Something clearly happened BTS that caused this. You can also "feel" this tension in their play. It's not the same chemistry on stage like in first seasons.

Fans of course have their theories: People think that obviously they had crush on each other but they are both married with kids so it could not happen. Maybe they were just fooling around or sth. Theory is that maybe one of them confessed to other but the second one didn't agree because of her family. And now one of them has heart broken. Angie had problems in her own marriage - maybe Jason finds out >officially because of her absence (long distance work>home). But we know that she got divorce with him.

We all know that Sasha is "lesbian in heart" so in many theories Angie confessed to Sasha (because she just discovered these feelings etc. etc. So she rejected her and Angie was devastated because of this, because her marriage problems and then also because of Frost.

But of course there are all speculations and fan theories :) but I have to admit, it kinda make sense ^^"

WHOA. No, I don't actively follow BTS, so this was all news to me. (Honestly, it sounds a lot like what happened in The Good Wife between the actresses that played Kalinda and Alicia (which was a horrid tragedy)). [I do agree with the tension...there haven't been "shippy" scenes this season, with all the eye and atmosphere stuff]

But dang, I can see the speculations making sense. :/ It's such a shame; the bloopers from the early seasons were really cute, especially the ones where they were interacting with each other.

But thank you for info! It was actually an amazing read (if it now is incredibly disheartening T^T).

[Edit: Holy crap, that interview. I'm speechless.]

last edited at Jun 26, 2015 2:36PM

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013

But thank you for info! It was actually an amazing read (if it now is incredibly disheartening T^T).

I'm just R&I trash T-T I follow them (especially Angie xD) and always checking all interviews etc. etc. Now we can be miserable together when you know "the truth" xD I miss their chemistry :( I mostly watched because of this. Now is more because of habit :/ (and OK BECAUSE OF ANGIE)

I do agree with the tension...there haven't been "shippy" scenes this season, with all the eye and atmosphere stuff

Exactly! Where whole eye-sex thing go??? Or just simple hug T^T And about bloopers... From last season you can't even call this blooper IMO... I didn't laugh in a single time -_-"

And I think it was one of the best time their interviewed ^///^

joined Nov 29, 2014

Thanks for all the help guys, I'll be adding those later.

Bye the way, I think it's really wrong that nobody mentioned how awesome the Wentworth and Orphan Black intros are.

Also, yay for Wentworth season 4, season 3 was great. Ferguson in prison is gonna be really interesting. There's probably not gonna be that much yuri with Franky gone - which in itself is kinda sad even though I'm really happy about her ending - but we'll see how far they're gonna go with Ferguson and how important Kim is gonna be to the story. But it's gonna be great even without any yuri, I'm sure.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

So I've been watching the 100 and its pretty good despite a few annoyances, like how Abby treats all kids like they children and trying to say they arent soldiers... if anyone isnt a soldier it's the guards lol, they have zero actual combat experience.

joined Mar 23, 2013

So I've been watching the 100 and its pretty good despite a few annoyances, like how Abby treats all kids like they children and trying to say they arent soldiers... if anyone isnt a soldier it's the guards lol, they have zero actual combat experience.

It's hard for many adults of a certain to treat teenagers / young adult as their peers or their betters even.

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013


I have something for you! Some AMVs and compilations of course with Rizzles theme :D

jane & maura | something i need

Jane & Maura - I'm Still Into You

The Choice {rizzles movie trailer}

rizzles trailer (AU)

and of course all videos are spoilers :P

last edited at Jun 27, 2015 5:51PM

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Just finished season 2 of the 100. that was quite brutal and that ending was... interesting. Kinda Skynet-ish. :o

I wasn't expecting actual yuri so I was really surprised by Clarke and Lexa, I thought it was just going to be subtext.

joined Feb 23, 2015


Also, yay for Wentworth season 4, season 3 was great. Ferguson in prison is gonna be really interesting. There's probably not gonna be that much yuri with Franky gone - which in itself is kinda sad even though I'm really happy about her ending - but we'll see how far they're gonna go with Ferguson and how important Kim is gonna be to the story. But it's gonna be great even without any yuri, I'm sure.

Haha, I know right? Franky leaving was so bittersweet for me, but it was either leave this season in a bodybag or walking into the sunset so I took the sunset. I don't think I could've handled them possibly killing off Franky later. I might have raged harder than I did for Harry Potter. =_=


Ohmygosh, those were amazing. In particular the "something i need" and the "AU" trailer. I was grinning like an idiot and singing along (to the first one heh). I honestly didn't realize exactly how many scenes they had like that until it was put into that compilation.

What a treat, thank you! :) [This is kind of a stretch, but I don't suppose you know a good fanfic where Maura's crushing and Jane's oblivious, do you? Most of the Rizzles stuff I've looked at has it in reverse, which is too OOC (to me, anyways) for me to read, so I've pretty much given up looking.]

I hope the actresses makeup or whatever soon. T______T


I wasn't expecting actual yuri so I was really surprised by Clarke and Lexa, I thought it was just going to be subtext.

You and me both lol. My mouth dropped when I saw it happen. I thought the creators were going for another Myka/HG thing.

last edited at Jun 27, 2015 8:59PM

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013


Unfortunately I don't read fanfics so I can't help you with this xD If you have account on Tumblr you can try ask there 'cause I saw many times when people where asking similar questions for fics :)

joined Feb 23, 2015

^Oh, drat, thought I'd try. But cool, thanks for the rec! :D I think I might have created one eons ago...somewhere. I'll check the trenches of my email.

joined Aug 16, 2014

So, I've just watched another relevant film, Les filles du botaniste. Something about the pacing didn't please me, but I kinda enjoyed the mise-en-scène. Story is okay, nothing really impressive. Also, warning: really bad end, if that matters.

joined Nov 23, 2014

So, I've just watched another relevant film, Les filles du botaniste. Something about the pacing didn't please me, but I kinda enjoyed the mise-en-scène. Story is okay, nothing really impressive. Also, warning: really bad end, if that matters.

I watched that film years ago. Either I didn't mind the bad ending or I was too traumatized that I repressed such memory to protect myself. The shots were amazing though. Being a sucker for historical and nature-preserved scenery, I think it was the best part of the movie. The actresses ain't half bad either.

Schoolgirl complex is a slow paced film that takes place in an all girls high school. It doesn't have a good ending but it's a good story about teenage girls struggling with friendship and romance.

last edited at Jun 27, 2015 10:08PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

My thoughts exactly, dianjc. I was always in awe of the scenery. About the warning, I just put it there 'cause some people really dislike bad ends in their gay media.

Schoolgirl complex is a slow paced film that takes place in an all girls high school. It doesn't have a good ending but it's a good story about teenage girls struggling with friendship and romance.

I've put that in my to-watch list, thanks.

last edited at Jun 27, 2015 10:11PM

joined Sep 15, 2013

Starting from now, its a web series which focuses on the lives of four characters set in sydney australia, so if you ever wanted girls with incredible chemistry speaking in the amazing australian accent you get that here. It has 3 seasons completed with the 4th one planned, as it is a webseries you get certain spots where you feel the sound quality or some smaller details could be better refined but if you look past that you get a cast with great chemistry together and pretty sweet characters, i generally dont suggest a series unless i have completed it but this is like short episodes you should give this a try as this does look quite amazing.
Tl;Dr : Starting from now, web series yuri with an australian accent(read this in your head with an australian accent for the added effect.)

joined May 11, 2012

Hey OriginalGengar, another vn with yuri route, Long Live The Queen, unfortunately I didn't have a lot of time, memory and brain capacity, so I keep forgetting to update the list I made with more yuri and details on the VN, I'll do that anytime now, I'll warn you when that happens.

last edited at Jun 28, 2015 2:07PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Hey OriginalGengar, another vn with yuri route, Long Live The Queen, unfortunately I didn't have a lot of time, memory and brain capacity, so I keep forgetting to update the list I made with more yuri and details on the VN, I'll do that anytime now, I'll warn you when that happens.


Great game all round really.

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