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joined Feb 3, 2013

Naru has it extremely rought, people. If she fails to achieve her dream job, she'll have to resign to her other secure job suceeding her family as inn manager. And there was I thinking that fearing unemployment was bad...

joined Jul 16, 2013

What I don't get, why wont Kou discuss this with Rin? Her oldest and closest friend...

joined Jun 23, 2017

Judging by what, apparently, gave her the final push, that is Nene saying that even if they got separated, her, Hotaru and Aoba are still good friends and are happy, I'd say Kou was not telling Rin because she is her oldest and closest friend.

If she doesn't know that Rin loves her romantically, she's most likely well aware that she is important to Rin and vice-versa. Then, perhaps, she knows it'll be hard on her and is afraid to tell her until the last moment. Not the right move, I'd say, but from the little we know, Kou is bit lacking in social interaction; not really sure about that, maybe I'm wrong.

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 7:21AM

joined Feb 23, 2014

What I don't get, why wont Kou discuss this with Rin? Her oldest and closest friend...

Because then we wouldn't get drama I guess.
Also Kou is an idiot

joined Mar 22, 2017

That picture on beginning of ch.61 they are both cute aren't they?
I wonder since now Nene and Naru relationship are good. also I sense some sweetness that maybe can turn into yuri-crush stuff in the future.
NeneXNaru is now possible? Maybe?
It's my wishful thinking anyways.

joined Jul 16, 2013

What I don't get, why wont Kou discuss this with Rin? Her oldest and closest friend...

Because then we wouldn't get drama I guess.
Also Kou is an idiot

I gotta say...ever since all those drama plots started I lost a lot of interest in New Game. What happen to the cute, with yuri subtext filled manga? :(

joined Mar 22, 2017

I gotta say...ever since all those drama plots started I lost a lot of interest in New Game. What happen to the cute, with yuri subtext filled manga? :(

At first I feel exactly the same, but this manga is slice of life genre after all, so I decided to give it a try. And that wasn't that bad to be honest, it's add a various new feeling in the series. Ultimately they not abandon they core factor the cuteness and yuri subtext.

joined May 23, 2015

Well at the current point, there wasn't really anything to tell until she heard back from Christina about whether or not what she wanted would even be possible.

And she's not the most social of people, so she's not one to just go and talk about hopes and dreams.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Nooooo! Yagami (´Д` ) whhyy

joined Mar 1, 2013

The inevitable has arrived.
Damn character building

Eventually Kou actually did went to overseas. As of now, I only remember one chapter or two that have her in it. Christina's sister is like an alternate version of Hazuki

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 8:57AM

joined Jan 21, 2016

Eventually Kou actually did went to overseas. As of now, I only remember one chapter or two that have her in it. Christina's sister is like an alternate version of Hazuki

Awww dayum. 2nd part seems like it will be fun though lol.

joined Feb 3, 2013

I don't want to sound like a party pooper, but anyone expecting any relationship upgrades beyond "súper best co-workers" should do themselves a favor and stop reading.

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 9:55AM

joined Apr 20, 2013

blopa posted:

Naru has it extremely rought, people. If she fails to achieve her dream job, she'll have to resign to her other secure job suceeding her family as inn manager. And there was I thinking that fearing unemployment was bad...

Is not about that, is about her married life with Momo who stays naked all the time if you leave her be, I would be afraid too! but in being more serious, try doing a job that you dislike/hate for the rest of your life just because it's simply there... I mean, who cares about happiness as long as you get paid, right?

FrostBurn posted:

That picture on beginning of ch.61 they are both cute aren't they?
I wonder since now Nene and Naru relationship are good. also I sense some sweetness that maybe can turn into yuri-crush stuff in the future.
NeneXNaru is now possible? Maybe?
It's my wishful thinking anyways.

Impossible, there's Momo and then Ahagon

joined Jun 23, 2017

I don't want to sound like a party pooper, but anyone expecting any relationship upgrades beyond "súper best co-workers" should do themselves a favor and stop reading.

They're already past that in the last chapter. I mean, I don't expect them to go fully into the realm of romantic relationship, but with all the hints and last chapter, it's clear that Rin and Kou are more than super best co worker (friendship is involved at the very least). Of course, I don't read it for that. It's cute and the intrigues are engaging.

joined May 23, 2015

Is not about that, is about her married life with Momo who stays naked all the time if you leave her be, I would be afraid too! but in being more serious, try doing a job that you dislike/hate for the rest of your life just because it's simply there... I mean, who cares about happiness as long as you get paid, right?

And yet, she hasn't seemed to enjoy any of her work at the company up to this point, either. Momo even questioned her about it. And even when directly asked if she had any fun making the game, she immediately changes the topic.

Again, she has shown no real goals beyond "make games with Momo", which sounds like a naive high school girl whose entire choice of college is "the same one my boyfriend is going to". And is so determined to go to that same college, she's willing to get disowned by her family for it.

And then, even when Momo joined into her game making process, she only resented Momo for it...

So I honestly don't know what she, herself wants.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm going to do one last Naru post, and that will be it on that issue. For me, the controversy was never about whether Naru was "a good person" or whether I liked her as a character or not, but the surprising proposition that Naru's way of working was the proper one and that her behavior and attitudes demonstrated the weaknesses of the previous Eagle Jump employees and their work habits. I believed that all the narrative cues and well-established internal values of the manga pointed directly and unmistakably the other way. (The Grand Gladiatorial Combat of Opinion-Having that took place was mostly just distracting and counterproductive.) The most recent chapters have unequivocally settled the Naru matter as far as I'm concerned. I was prepared to be surprised at the outcome, but I was . . . not surprised.

On the other hand, I've always thought of the Kou-Aoba connection as the heart of the professional side of the story, and it will be very interesting to see how our Fellowship of the Game Controller fares with the departure of their Gandalf.

joined Apr 20, 2013

moguTL posted:

Is not about that, is about her married life with Momo who stays naked all the time if you leave her be, I would be afraid too! but in being more serious, try doing a job that you dislike/hate for the rest of your life just because it's simply there... I mean, who cares about happiness as long as you get paid, right?

And yet, she hasn't seemed to enjoy any of her work at the company up to this point, either. Momo even questioned her about it. And even when directly asked if she had any fun making the game, she immediately changes the topic.

Again, she has shown no real goals beyond "make games with Momo", which sounds like a naive high school girl whose entire choice of college is "the same one my boyfriend is going to". And is so determined to go to that same college, she's willing to get disowned by her family for it.

And then, even when Momo joined into her game making process, she only resented Momo for it...

So I honestly don't know what she, herself wants.

You're forgetting that if Momo fails, she can try again... If Naru fails she have to work somewhere else no matter what, is hard to enjoy yourself like that, only now we will see if her dream is only to support whatever Momo does or actually making games with her

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 10:55AM

joined Feb 27, 2017

Shotaru im going to kill you in real life.
Isn't his name Shotaro?

yes. Thanks.

joined May 23, 2015

You're forgetting that if Momo fails, she can try again... If Naru fails she have to work somewhere else no matter what, is hard to enjoy yourself like that, only now we will see if her dream is only to support whatever Momo does or actually making games with her

I would think that in a case like that you would want to work earnestly and work hard, showing your best on all fronts, not bet it all on a single one at the expense of everything else. Especially since you have no idea how they are actually weighing each aspect of your work in their evaluation.

So it was still pretty bad judgment on her part.

joined Mar 22, 2017

On the other hand, I've always thought of the Kou-Aoba connection as the heart of the professional side of the story, and it will be very interesting to see how our Fellowship of the Game Controller fares with the departure of their Gandalf.

I also interested. But sadly that we are unlikely to see it until next volume is published. Which I think it's middle of next year.

joined Feb 23, 2014

Tbh if I may, I wouldn't mind this sort of drama.......were this not a CGDCT series that has been teasing yuri the whole time, I complained before about it never going anywhere and that annoyed me before accepting that it was just a silly teasing manga that wouldn't go anywhere.

And now completely opposed to that tone we're getting a character essentially shunted off to the sidelines with some actual drama involving what is possibly the most popular ship of the show...........and I know thats still going to go nowhere, it feels like two different mangas are trying to fight for dominance here and its creating a weird atmosphere.

Also just on a personal note it makes the character of Rin very sad to me, she never said what she wanted to to kou for years and years and kou never thought of her the way she wanted until eventually kou moved away without Rin ever confessing.
What im saying is Rin deserves better and I want her to get a girlfriend by the end of this series (but it wont happen)

joined Dec 12, 2016

You're forgetting that if Momo fails, she can try again... If Naru fails she have to work somewhere else no matter what, is hard to enjoy yourself like that, only now we will see if her dream is only to support whatever Momo does or actually making games with her

I would think that in a case like that you would want to work earnestly and work hard, showing your best on all fronts, not bet it all on a single one at the expense of everything else. Especially since you have no idea how they are actually weighing each aspect of your work in their evaluation.

So it was still pretty bad judgment on her part.

Haha the irony. Pretty sure she knows she is being evaluated based on speed as well as debugging. The only one making assumptions is you.

joined Oct 4, 2014

Also just on a personal note it makes the character of Rin very sad to me, she never said what she wanted to to kou for years and years and kou never thought of her the way she wanted until eventually kou moved away without Rin ever confessing.
What im saying is Rin deserves better and I want her to get a girlfriend by the end of this series (but it wont happen)

I do think she will end up with Kou, but at the series finale

joined Jul 23, 2017

You're forgetting that if Momo fails, she can try again... If Naru fails she have to work somewhere else no matter what, is hard to enjoy yourself like that, only now we will see if her dream is only to support whatever Momo does or actually making games with her

I would think that in a case like that you would want to work earnestly and work hard, showing your best on all fronts, not bet it all on a single one at the expense of everything else. Especially since you have no idea how they are actually weighing each aspect of your work in their evaluation.

So it was still pretty bad judgment on her part.

Haha the irony. Pretty sure she knows she is being evaluated based on speed as well as debugging. The only one making assumptions is you.

Not to break into conversations, but you're kind of being rude to this person? They weren't responding to you and they never said anything implying speed wasn't a factor in her evaluation? Like yes speed is important, all technical skills are, but if you're being rude to your group mates who you need to work together with to complete your assignments you won't be hired, or if you are, you certainly won't be treated well/an easy firing target.
Think if you were a manager, and you were heading a major game representing your company with the pressures to uphold the company name. You have good employees who are working hard on the project who you know work well together and are willing to reach out to one another to resolve issues quickly and peacefully. Your current employees all have technical skills to do their job, but it's their communication skills that help them resolve major roadblocks together. No one person can take on an entire game. That's why it's a company project.
Now enter an intern. They only have three months to show their skills and potential in the workplace. They showcase good skills from the beginning with a great resume (project that displays great game mechanics) and work hard from the get go. But as a manager, if you discover that their work is sloppy (full of bugs) and/or that they refuse to get along with their coworkers (creating a bad company atmosphere, shooting down potential ideas, making meetings and conversation awkward and unwanted), this person despite all their skills suddenly doesn't seem so appealing.
From an objective standout as a manager, Naru really wasn't a good employee until the last chapter where you see her work with fellow employees in her department (Clearly she likes Momo but it's akin to being friends with the girl from Finance when you're in Marketing-she's not helping you get a bonus anytime soon). Now that she's willing to remove the awkwardness with Nene, her technical skills can really come to light because then she'll be more open to feedback and negotiation with other employees to create a better product. An average employee will follow orders, but a good one will contribute to the task in a way their boss couldn't have thought of. If the boss wanted a robot, then they could certainly buy one, and it could be cheaper than human labor!

Also I'd like to write that I'm not picking any fights but I think that characters should be analyzed at face value for what they bring to story and that people should always remember that characters are just characters, and there is no need to be aggressive over characters or ship wars.

joined Aug 22, 2017

I now understand all, Yagami will go so Rin will be alone, Naru and Nene will be a ship,
Now with that, Momo will not have ship, so Maybe in a future Momo and Aoba will be an other ship, so that Means Hifumi will not have ship, so Rin and Hifumi will be another ship,
We need to remember that there is a aoba x kou that Maybe will get to the end.
The problem is what will pass with Umiko

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 8:24PM

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