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joined Mar 22, 2017

I love how Naru HERSELF admitted she was being a bitch... I can't wait how Cannibal turns that around :p

Wow... Lame... But That a good one! XD and yet that is another her good side. Know what herself did wrong or It just simply come from her regret? I not sure either XP

last edited at Sep 12, 2017 11:42PM

joined May 23, 2015

They'll probably respond the same way they've responded to all other instances of individual lines undeniably proving them wrong: completely ignoring the existence of them and building up their own version of events conveniently excluding any reference to those lines.

joined Apr 20, 2013

After reading the update in manga, I gotta say it Mogu you were waayyyyyy too hard on her, I was ready to see the most disgusting bitch pulling out some nasty traps for Nene and saying stuff like "Fuck this game!" or "who cares as long as it works!" and basically going nuts with Umiko and Nene after they discovered her poor work so far, but she cried... She was truly scared there waiting for the death sentence knowing full well her crimes, you made me believe that she was actually a bad person inside without salvation.

Then again that part with the "Oh no, she will make me look bad" was without a doubt one of the worse things a character has done in New Game (but for new game standards that's not much) even if she did it from despair and pressure, it was childish and dumb... I bet in the anime we will get some of the faceless employers saying some harsh things to Naru too to make the impact even more heartbreaking, but after Made In Abyss nothing can be too hard

But then we have these angels: Nene, Momo and even Umiko (who wasn't going to fire her even without Nene's intervention) to save her soul, I bet even if Momo wouldn't have said anything, Nene would still try to help her, not with the same attitude of course, but she's great so I know this is a fact... Truth is, the author made a mistake, he didn't need to make her look bad beyond rushing her codes to get things done fast, what's the point of her cheeky smile to Nene when Umiko is praising her? is just ... Bad! delete that part, is forced.

SO ANYWAY !!! MOVING ON (FINALLY) We have Kou... And after watching the anime I guess we had some original content over there to make this revelation even more dramatic, I really didn't want things to be revealed like that in such a cliche way, the announcement is going to be really sad and moving (I imagine... I don't check the raws) for the entire team so why you gotta make Rin suffer? ... This drama with Naru and Kou is perfect as the closure for chapter 11 in the anime, but then ...I REALLY hope we get 13 episodes lol

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 12:13AM

joined May 23, 2015

Honestly, the resolution for this arc seems really rushed and entirely too convenient. So many chapters were spent building up this drama, only for it to end with a sudden "everything's perfectly fine! In fact, there was never any problem in the first place!"

Previous drama arcs, despite only having a single chapter of buildup, still had more ambiguous endings. With the character design one ending with a compromise (and it being outright stated later that Aoba's designs were only accepted because Yagami gave up participating to support Aoba) and the key visual one ending on an explicitly negative note, they were presented in ways that made them believable in the story.

This... kind of breaks that. So much drama and buildup into such a perfectly convenient happy ending. Not to mention the actual method itself is completely lacking realism. How can you possibly bug fix code without doing any checking yourself? How will you know your solutiob worked? Or was even what was causing the problem? She got by entirely based on skill? Where in the story has she ever shown any skill while working there? Her submitted code is shown to be shoddy and barely working, having sacrificed everything for speed. And Umiko, shown to be a tough hard-ass, suddenly going completely soft like that? If it were a genuine mistake I could see that, but Naru made a conscious choice to do things that way.

This resolution just really doesn't seem internally consistent with anything built up so far in the story. Almost like the author wanted to build up a ton of tension and drama but then couldn't figure out how to resolve it all.

Still, good to finally move on.

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 12:39AM

joined Mar 22, 2017

Anime version surely cope up a lot of manga version problem/mistake.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Hahaha youre fucking joking right? She admits to being a bitch? She admits to being harsh. You are pathetic, you really just love to warp reality to what suits you.

Stil waiting on when she blew up and started yelling, or was that just in your fanfic?

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 1:46AM

joined Dec 10, 2014


Hoping these events will at least force a confession so that plot thread can move forward. TBH I might stop reading if that doesn't happen.

joined Aug 11, 2014

"There are no more bugs!"

No, Nene. If you fixed N bugs, it only means there were at least N+1 bugs when you started.

joined May 23, 2015

I wasn't even the person who said that. Why are you calling me out over it? If you're going to keep up that harassment, I am going to talk to a mod.

joined Nov 29, 2013

How could Kou do that to Rin :v Now, the only option that I can come up is Rin move in Kou's home. Otherwise, she won't have a chance to meet her girlfriend anymore. Come on, Rin, comes up with some reason due :v

joined Aug 12, 2017

This entire argument is fucking ridiculous and I am so grateful its over.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Star Light posted:

How could Kou do that to Rin :v Now, the only option that I can come up is Rin move in Kou's home. Otherwise, she won't have a chance to meet her girlfriend anymore. Come on, Rin, comes up with some reason due :v

This pair needs some external force to work, someone like Hifumin maybe talking some sense into Kou ...

joined Feb 11, 2014

"So, how is Naru at home ?"
"She's essentially my wife."

joined Feb 27, 2017

Shotaro im going to kill you in real life.

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 11:07AM

joined Mar 22, 2017

Shotaru im going to kill you in real life.
Isn't his name Shotaro?

joined Oct 15, 2014

Hey, at least it didn't escalate into a Frank Grimes situation.

joined May 23, 2015

He has stated that no matter what happens, she will continue to appear in the series.

And it kind of does fit the running theme of people growing and finding new goals.

Check out Yagami's reaction when Aoba talks about things not being sad or lonely despite all her high school friends going separate ways and you can see it's been on her mind for a while.

As far as everything else goes, you'll have to wait for more specific details.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Yes, contact a mod about this harassment. Would love to hear their take on you being called out on your bullshit. I may have mixed up your comments with someone else's but at least I can admit it. Besides, your comment wasnt even far off, just lacked the word bitch. Also funny that you recognized it was meant for you only because I mentioned reality warping. You still have yet to point out where I called Hajime a complete failure, you have failed to point out where Naru yelled at Hajime, you have failed to admit that you were completely wrong about tone and body language. And I love how you take a dig at Naru's code as if I ever stated it would be perfect, in fact I stated the opposite. I clearly said that her code is more prone to bugs due to being rushed to finish before the deadline thanks to Hajime's miltiple changes. But hey, keep that reality warp drive at maximum.

You continue to be wrong, continue to fail to admit it and now want the mods to step in to save you because you cant justify your claims. BTW, how is this harassment? Couldnt I say the same about you harassing me?

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 7:38AM

joined Dec 28, 2016

I wasn't even the person who said that. Why are you calling me out over it? If you're going to keep up that harassment, I am going to talk to a mod.

I'm not seeing harassment. I'm seeing two people filling a forum with needless bickering over fictional characters. Lay off, please. No one cares about what you two are arguing about.

Personally, as a programmer myself, I've never disliked Naru and I've felt many of the same panics and worries she feels and have thought about doing several of the bad things she's done. I empathize with her strongly. Both Nenecchi and Naru both have had periods of Imposter Syndrome multiple times in this series (and several other characters), which is very relatable.

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 5:58AM

joined Feb 23, 2014


Hoping these events will at least force a confession so that plot thread can move forward. TBH I might stop reading if that doesn't happen.


CGDCT manga
actual relationship development and not just a status quo reset.

Yeah I kinda doubt that

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 6:03AM

joined Jun 23, 2017

How could Kou do that to Rin :v Now, the only option that I can come up is Rin move in Kou's home. Otherwise, she won't have a chance to meet her girlfriend anymore. Come on, Rin, comes up with some reason due :v

Isn't the company she wants to go in located in France? So yeah basically going away forever?

He has stated that no matter what happens, she will continue to appear in the series.

Still hurt to see your favourite character go in support mod :'( Also the fact that this will probably separate Kou and Rin even further. I mean, Kou's a workaholic so work is basically the only place Rin can actually interacts with her loved one without taking any risks.

I apologise for the little taunt earlier that added fuel to the ongoing fight. However, the difference between being a bitch and being harsh is a matter of perspective and not necessarily exclusive, I felt like it was what was going on. That said, no one's a jerk without reasons, and that explanation made her redeemable in my eyes. Apologies once again!

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 6:28AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

I like Naru, she's rather competent and serious about her work and FTMP communicates well with her coworkers. She was a little cold to Nene because she had a sense of competition with her, and she even apologized for it. Her neglecting to check her code was a surprising rookie mistake, but she did it because she thought she needed to, not out of arrogance.

Honestly I really don't think any of the characters came across as unprofessional in this arc, except for Nene who's still a bit naive.

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 6:25AM

joined May 23, 2015

I wouldn't really say you're at fault; I've long since stated I'm not continuing the discussion any further (as it wasn't really even a discussion), and outside of that single instance have completely ignored all his posts since. So if they want to start attacking random other forum members on their apparent personal quest to insult me and demand more responses, that's entirely on them.

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 6:54AM

joined May 15, 2014

im calling it now shes not "leaving the company" just taking a vacation or somthing :P

joined Jun 23, 2017

CGDCT manga
actual relationship development and not just a status quo reset.

Maybe I'm reading too much drama atm, but I'm already worried the next chapters would be something like Rin is really harsh to Kou to the point of making her snap which would make Rin's grief bigger and separate them for good...

I guess they would make it hopeful even if a bit sad though. You can never know!

last edited at Sep 13, 2017 7:10AM

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