Forum › Don't Become an Otaku, Shinozaki! discussion

joined Apr 20, 2013

Yay! Next issue we can see Akina completely fail to admit to herself she's an otaku and a lesbian at the perfect place to realize both!

It'll be the perfect combination of awesome hilarity and frustrating tease. maid outfit :D

joined Mar 24, 2014

Lolicon is supposedly platonic, even if it involves sexual desire and fantasies about young looking girls. One of the character of this very manga (friend of the brother) says as much. Much like a siscon or a brocon are different than incest.

It turns into pedophilia or incest if the fantasies are realized, or there're are attempts to realize them.

No, lolicon means pedophile in Japanese. That's it.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

On the last page of ch 22, there's this banner that says "43rd cultural festival".
For a moment I was sure it said "Nerd cultural festival".

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Lolicon is supposedly platonic, even if it involves sexual desire...


joined May 1, 2014

I just discovered this manga, it's amazing and now I want more >_<

joined Dec 24, 2014

I get it, little girls are just this supernatural omnipresent entity that transcends forum threads and derails them one after another, spreading like a web virus. So no matter what the initial theme is in the thread - be the manga about high schoolers or even 25 year olds - everyone will eventually start talking of lolicon.

Bottom line: lolis are love, lolis are life.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I love lolis. But only fully clothed and in non-sexual situations, thank you.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Lolicon is supposedly platonic, even if it involves sexual desire...


My thoughts exactly...

last edited at Jun 2, 2015 5:51PM

joined May 10, 2014

That feeling after reading both Kase-san and this. Next chapter will be fun...I can already imagine...heheheh....hehehe...

joined Dec 16, 2013

not the maid one!

joined Aug 19, 2012

You guys are just arguing about words definitions. Honestly who cares that much?

2d != 3d. I even enjoy reading specific type of yaoi doujin or manga sometimes but I wouldn't ever look at erotic 3d gay porn

last edited at Jun 5, 2015 9:58AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

erotic gay porn? Isn't that an oxymoron?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Oh my god that extra was perfection! Akina isn't even trying to hide her homosexuality anymore!

joined Mar 23, 2014

Omg Akina is so gay I can't even

joined Sep 12, 2014

You guys, hear me out; I've been thinking, and I know this is kinda far-fetched but I think Akina might have a slight case of the gay.

joined Dec 16, 2013

^no way! i refused to accept there's gay in my manga!!

joined Feb 17, 2013

That was good :) I think that was the first time she actually thought the word 'girlfriend' right? I'll count that as progress!

P.s Does the credit page mean you can get it on now? Would that be the easiest way to buy them?

joined Aug 19, 2012

erotic gay porn? Isn't that an oxymoron?

well was too lazy to type erotic gay literature or gay porn, so just mixed it up.

edit: also the word you're looking for is probably redundant. Oxymoron would be seemingly contradictory words like devilishly handsome or awfully good.

last edited at Jun 6, 2015 3:36AM

joined May 10, 2014 Well then...I think coming out would be the next logical step........NAH not gonna happen YET

joined Mar 9, 2014

That was good :) I think that was the first time she actually thought the word 'girlfriend' right? I'll count that as progress!

P.s Does the credit page mean you can get it on now? Would that be the easiest way to buy them?

Well, that does show she's not in denial anymore about being totally gay for Kaede

joined Feb 17, 2013

That was good :) I think that was the first time she actually thought the word 'girlfriend' right? I'll count that as progress!

P.s Does the credit page mean you can get it on now? Would that be the easiest way to buy them?

Well, that does show she's not in denial anymore about being totally gay for Kaede

I'm pretty sure she is still in denial and doesn't know she is totally gay for Kaede on a conscious level - but it shows even if she isn't letting herself think about it, subconsciously she IS making progress still - it surely will become clear to her at SOME point - unless the mangaka wants to keep it pure comedy - which would be a shame ofcourse.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Actually- one thing that bothers me a bit - while we know Kaede is into Yuri genre, we have never seen any evidence she might have feelings for Shinozaki - not that I remember? Maybe she only likes yuri manga? That would suck lol. But since its always from Shinozaki's perspective we never hear Kaede's thoughts.

Even if we all agree Shinozaki is totally gay for Kaede, it won't do much good even if she figures it out if her feelings aren't returned.

last edited at Jun 6, 2015 10:55PM

joined Apr 25, 2014

"A perfectionist who sees nothing but the map"

i know that feel :(

joined Mar 28, 2015

And in Chapter 23, just out, she's still in denial. "It's not love at all. Not at all...".

joined Apr 27, 2013

Take the advice, Akina

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