Forum › I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T WANT ME!! discussion

joined Jun 8, 2020

Average lesbian occident couple

joined Apr 25, 2020

Oh no bro, the tags lol. Also I don't get this ship, Lapis and Peridot have such a good development and help each other to grow yet people like this obscure toxic af couple with no screen time whatsoever apart from some snippets of season 2 or 3 I don't remember lol

joined Oct 26, 2023

What the hell lol, mutual rapist? Confusion.

joined Oct 14, 2014

I'm mostly shocked this exists LOL

joined Jan 3, 2022

Folks like toxic yuri too much ong

This was hot tho but still

joined Aug 13, 2023

Oh, this is weapons grade, thanks for the translation!

Prison School
joined Apr 15, 2017

This... was really odd. Adhd in doujin form, barely in character.

At least it was hot sometimes?

The thesis that Jasper captured her or whatever doesn't feel genuine, last 4th of the doujin felt like it was a separate project entirely

joined Oct 14, 2014

it's really just a series of fanfic vignettes lmao what did you expect from steven universe

I'm still just floored at the fact that apparently there's a heretofore unknown trove of Steven Universe doujin

joined Feb 24, 2023

Is this a real thing I’m reading?

joined May 3, 2014

it's really just a series of fanfic vignettes lmao what did you expect from steven universe

I'm still just floored at the fact that apparently there's a heretofore unknown trove of Steven Universe doujin

not this tho? ah whatever it’s really werid and i just checked the comments cuz this one tags are nutso

Gergothical Uploader
joined Nov 22, 2021

I'm still just floored at the fact that apparently there's a heretofore unknown trove of Steven Universe doujin

There are actually a lot more! Steven Universe had a pretty big fandom in japan for a while, the three on here are just the ones I translated. Weirdly despite tons of pairings having doujins almost all of the ones that ended up scanned are Jasper x Lapis, because the 4chan general that took time to archive them liked that ship the most.

last edited at May 17, 2024 11:38PM

joined Feb 16, 2016

I think it's neat

joined Aug 28, 2016

yum yum tasty toxins thank you for the meal

joined May 8, 2017

despite tons of pairings having doujins almost all of the ones that ended up scanned are Jasper x Lapis, because the 4chan general that took time to archive them liked that ship the most.

Ah yes, 4chan again controlling the great spring from which all internet culture flows.

joined May 13, 2024

thank you for translating, love it!

And They Were Roommates
joined Apr 17, 2023

lol this ship is just toxic as all hell
When Lapidot it's just right there + Lapis spent longer with Peridot than she ever did with Jasper, but it's whatever ships are ships it is what it is

Ah yes, 4chan again controlling the great spring from which all internet culture flows.

And I hate that so much

joined Jun 3, 2023


joined Jun 3, 2023

For the people mentioning Lapidot read the note at the end

joined Feb 16, 2016

i'm back after watching and finishing steven universe. ty scanlator, both this and the show were quite neat :)

Gergothical Uploader
joined Nov 22, 2021

i'm back after watching and finishing steven universe. ty scanlator, both this and the show were quite neat :)

Glad you watched it! It's a really great show and I'm glad to expose more people to the show and to the doujin communities around it :) Hopefully I can do some more SU books and/or the ones done by others can be uploaded here.

joined Dec 28, 2014

Wow I love this so much

joined May 7, 2020


joined Mar 3, 2020

correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't this one of the books you're seeking?
seems the author reprinted it on pixiv themself in july 2024 which is very based

the lapis & peridot one is currently available on suruga-ya (; since it's a marketplace listing (flea market/peer-to-peer) you can't buy it from suruga-ya's international storefront, but any standard jp proxy could get it for you. or uh i guess i could do it since i import my own doujinshi monthly anyway

and the leftmost one is here:
couldn't find it on the international site (maybe because it's r18) but in fairness i did not look that hard -w-

if you run into any problems acquiring them you can contact me on discord @cirrus_dye; i can also clean/redraw but it seems you have that covered

Gergothical Uploader
joined Nov 22, 2021

Thanks! Yeah i knew about the pixiv upload and am working on translating it now but I've run into some issues and have been super busy in general, the other ones are new to me! I'm so glad someone found them! I'll contact you on discord :)

joined Jan 3, 2022

Looking back, the whole “I want you to stay with me forever” fits their dynamic, unless it’s changed since the end of SU, they have a toxic relationship in canon

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