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joined Apr 15, 2017

This... was really odd. Adhd in doujin form, barely in character.

At least it was hot sometimes?

The thesis that Jasper captured her or whatever doesn't feel genuine, last 4th of the doujin felt like it was a separate project entirely

joined Apr 15, 2017


joined Apr 15, 2017


joined Apr 15, 2017

Get pumped

joined Apr 15, 2017

Love this manga. Dont get why people hate it. Would be funny as hell if it was het, too. Just genuinely silly and enjoyable

joined Apr 15, 2017

Mira is the yuri goddess

joined Apr 15, 2017 the scissoring looks so weird

Gaping Dragon anyone?

At first I was like "oh is that a position?"

And then I remembered Dark Souls, lmfao.

Prison School
joined Apr 15, 2017

Dont see the comedy but alright...The art was strange but I liked it, sad but amazing!

Prison School
joined Apr 15, 2017

Meh IDK man. The fact that they're led by some boring looking dude pisses me off shrug Was an okay story I guess, so far, nothing special and pretty cheesy.

Prison School
joined Apr 15, 2017

Kinda nice. I wanna be grossed out but I'm just not for some reason.

Prison School
Image Comments 11 Jun 02:12
joined Apr 15, 2017

Wouldn't really call this bottom Cynthia, but I enjoy it as well

Prison School
Dark Widow discussion 30 Apr 06:59
joined Apr 15, 2017

The art's a little weird, and it's hard to tell characters apart, but I like it. I've been looking for a genuine monster girl yuri for so fucking long. All I find is vore and I'm sick of it. One happy monster girl yuri should not be this hard to find, and I don't mean subtext like Dowman Sayman and Shake O. This really feels like a dedicated yuri that happens to be monster girl and that's great. Just wish it wasn't a 4-koma. I really hate them.

Also, should we have [What The Fuck Am I Reading?] tag?

Ever try Heart Pounding Excitement at Mononoke Girls Academy? It was amazing, canon yuri too. I have no clue why people don't talk about it more. Shrug

Prison School
joined Apr 15, 2017

I thought this was pretty good, and open to interpretation shrug Yuri, futanari, transgender...whatever. There's really no evidence that points more to one of those than another.
Good read, pretty cute too. I loved how Pito depicted You ^^