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joined Nov 8, 2021

How cute <3 It's the end for Volume 1, sadly :(

joined Jun 11, 2016

maho was inside of the big rabbit suits, that's why she disappeared, was sweating and reappeared behind her

I know this is rather late but I'm glad my fear was unfounded.

Anw, what's with the black rabbit? It seems to only popup in recent chapters. Actually just what are the rabbits?

Ah well, typical weirdness aside, this chapter was cute as well!!

joined Aug 17, 2019

Wait, wait, wait, WAIT!!!

... there are other people there!?

joined Jul 19, 2018


joined Jul 19, 2018

This one almost made me recall a phantasmal emotion I forgot from years ago... Until it was lost in the cacophonous etches in the eldritch horror-cabin abyss, known as my soul, uwu

joined Jul 19, 2018

What bothers me the most, is that Maho-tan has not eaten much

last edited at Nov 9, 2021 4:00AM

joined Aug 29, 2019

Yeah, now this was again way more WTF than the last few chapters I think.
So we'll be on hiatus now? Okay :(

joined Mar 20, 2014

I seriously suspect that this manga is mainly used as an excuse by the artist to draw train stations. Not that I'm complaining...

joined Feb 8, 2013

zokoi posted:

I'm sorry but wtf happened on page 15 and page 16?????

From what I understand, the upper part of that "snack bar" bunny was a man?? That just made the "eating snack" interaction fucking creepy now.

maho was inside of the big rabbit suits, that's why she disappeared, was sweating and reappeared behind her

Yeah. Mind you, it's still a bit weird that she fed her her banana. Is this futanari now?

I found this article that banana is a nice snack after a workout, maybe that's just common sense?
And Maho's feeding coz it's Maho )))

this series is a an ode to weird sometimes creepy sometimes stupid but really sweet love)))

joined Jul 23, 2016

Anyone figure out what's up with the telephones here: ? Is it some kind of secret code? Or just like random hyper-realism?

joined Aug 28, 2018

did that police officer call the bunny dad

joined Mar 6, 2018

did that police officer call the bunny dad

Maybe there is a disease that turns people into bunnies?

joined Nov 22, 2019

did that police officer call the bunny dad

Maybe there is a disease that turns people into bunnies?

That dosent seem it as the the page that says "They aren't good at being precise" and "their movements tend to match" suggests their somesort of foreign entity. And on the last panel of that page it says "here comes usa48" I'm assuming short for Usagi28, which I interpreted as meaning the 48th rabbit. So perhaps they are mass produce robots? Or aliens?

joined Aug 12, 2021

That dosent seem it as the the page that says "They aren't good at being precise" and "their movements tend to match" suggests their somesort of foreign entity. And on the last panel of that page it says "here comes usa48" I'm assuming short for Usagi28, which I interpreted as meaning the 48th rabbit. So perhaps they are mass produce robots? Or aliens?

I'm almost entirely certain that usa48 is a reference to AKB48 which is an idol group. So I really don't think there's like a sinister undertone to be found here

Cuetie Scans
joined Oct 27, 2020

did that police officer call the bunny dad

Rectified - apologies for the inconvenience!

joined Mar 6, 2018

What's with page 23 in the extras? Wrong manga?

joined Aug 16, 2014

So the extras confirm that the bunnies aren't stand-ins for people, there are literally just sentient bunnies walking about the place, participating in society and that's just a normal fact of life that everyone is used to and okay with

joined Mar 6, 2018

^ Maybe the moon experienced a bunny boom and had to offload them elsewhere.

joined Aug 28, 2018

New Girl!

joined Feb 8, 2018

They sure lose each other a lot.

joined Jul 10, 2015

ok so there are SOME other humans around. still jot totally sure if the background characters being rabbits is literal or stylistic, though

joined Jul 10, 2015

ok so there are SOME other humans around. still jot totally sure if the background characters being rabbits is literal or stylistic, though

joined Jan 18, 2016

I wonder if that rabbit she's offering for sale is just a toy or an actual rabbit.

joined Sep 3, 2018

Just want to simp on Cue and team for being speedy with this, always makes my day to see an update and this last week was particularly shitty. Thanks as always <3

joined May 26, 2020

So, nobody is going to mention Maho going full yandere and nearly Nice Boating that other girl?

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