Frequently Asked Questions, Bugs, Etc.
When using an adblocker or Ghostery, the Lists feature may not work as intended. You may disable those services on the site - we don't run ads and never will. If you wish to keep those services enabled, opening the desired list button as a new tab will allow chapters to be added to a list.
It is possible for new accounts to get caught in the spam filter when they use the "Preview Post" button too frequently on a single post, or use certain phrases. If you have trouble with this, please contact us and we'll get you sorted.
In rare circumstances, the blacklist / whitelist feature can have unexpected consequences. Please contact us if you have troubles with this feature.
For technical reasons, the linkback from a forum thread to its linked manga is unavailable when not logged into the site. This is not a bug.
How do I delete my account?
Please post in the Help thread, and we will take care of you.
I know a manga or image that should be on the site, how do I upload?
You may use the Upload Request feature - also available in the dropdown menu by your username - for any work you believe belongs on the site, and we will review and (if approved) add the suggestion when possible. Please note in your request if you are the artist/commissioner/translator, etc. as this will speed up our process significantly (you do not need to do this if your username makes this obvious).
Will I receive feedback on my upload requests / tag suggestions?
Unfortunately due to a variety of factors, we are unable to easily respond to individual upload requests or tag suggestions. If your request has not made it onto the site within a few weeks, any user is welcome to broach those topics in the Help thread. Should you wish for a more private setting, you may reach out via email or on Discord. I am always available for dm at Orange Pekoe#0863, or you may highlight me in any channel within the Dynasty Discord Server
This story is missing a tag!
We do our best to be clear and consistent in our tagging choices, but we do miss things from time to time. Tag requests or discussion within a chapter's thread are acceptable to a point, but these will not be immediately sent to us for review. Please use the tag suggestion feature shown below if you feel an entry is missing something. If it is not replied to in a timely manner, you may wish to post the suggestion in the Help thread.
Can I search for two tags at once?
Yes, you may. Click the search field and hit enter, or use this link.
Is it possible to search the forum?
You cannot search the forum directly, but you may use Google, by typing "" (remove the quotation marks) at the beginning of your search. Or use this template.
Why is my favourite series still on the Reader even though it was licensed?
Any work licensed in the US will be removed at the discretion of the publisher(s) and scanlation team(s) involved. Works that lack a scanlation until after the manga has been licensed are not typically uploaded, but exceptions may be made.
Is it possible to sort manga by rating/views/etc.?
No, we do not offer public data of that nature. You may wish to visit the Recommendations Thread for recommendations.
I want to be more involved in the community!
We have an off-topic thread for any use, the Dynasty Cafe, and we also have a Discord server, as previously mentioned. Feel free to drop into either any time!
Site Navigation
Certain chapters will be in a long strip format rather than a page-by-page format. Please use the Resize button in the top-right of the screen to read these.

The site has an in-built Lists feature to help you keep track of what you're reading and categorise it as desired. This feature may be accessed on desktop and mobile, as shown below.

If you do not enjoy certain content and do not wish to interact with it at all, the site does offer a blacklist feature. You may blacklist up to 5 tags; blacklisting will remove them from the front page, though you will still see these tags in searches. You may access the blacklist feature like so:

last edited at Oct 14, 2021 5:11PM