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Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

why do no other heroines ever make themselves even remotely useful? if the good girls are cooperative, why didn't they cooperate?

joined Oct 30, 2018

So yeah, Hayate is definitely gonna need an upgrade to stand a chance against X. I mean, her Final Step was overpowered by X's FIRST Step. That's a pretty big gap in power, one I don't think they could bridge even if they worked together. And I'd gush about X's design, but that'd take up way too much room. Basically, I really really really really really like it.

As for why Honey didn't say to go for X immediately, perhaps it's because the Antinoids require X to exist? So if X dies then the Antinoids die too? Or, given that final page, or they supposed to be married or something like that? Engaged? Cause I got a real walking down the aisle vibe from that

joined Jul 26, 2016

X's design is so cool, like damn, I have no words!

I don't know, she's clearly overdone it with all the X-s... :D

Overdoing motifs, in my toku?! :O

As for why Honey didn't say to go for X immediately, perhaps it's because the Antinoids require X to exist? So if X dies then the Antinoids die too? Or, given that final page, or they supposed to be married or something like that? Engaged? Cause I got a real walking down the aisle vibe from that

Occam's Razor would be Honey simply had at least a rough idea how stronk X actually is, for all her screwing around and getting trolled by the Quirky Miniboss Squad, ergo could about guess how trying to fight her would end up. (To wit, this chapter.)

last edited at Jul 3, 2020 7:23PM

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

As for why Honey didn't say to go for X immediately, perhaps it's because the Antinoids require X to exist? So if X dies then the Antinoids die too?

It's pretty cut and dry. Honey didn't take the fight straight to X because she knew she would absolutely wreck them.

joined Jun 12, 2019


joined Oct 30, 2018

True, probably overthinking it. I've watched too much Kamen Rider at this point to not think something along those lines lol

joined Sep 6, 2018

Can I just say, this isn't my favorite manga but it's absolutely fucking sick that we have a yuri tokusatsu? Like, whaaaaa? And the author is just so cool??

I 100% support the diversification of the yuri genre. We can go beyond romance/drama/ modern day character plots, and bring the healing power of lesbian love to all possible fictional scenarios. Come on, if this is possible, what's next? Yuri cooking manga? Yuri urban fantasy? YURI SHOUNEN??

joined Jun 29, 2015

"First, we attack his heart!"

I totally read this in Willem Dafoe's voice.

Anyway wow what a chapter. They got a savage beatdown from X!

joined Apr 26, 2020

I still cant get over how random the stakes switch. One time the do whatever and are chill with the enemy and the next they are about to die.

joined Feb 22, 2019

chapter 14 is raw now

joined Oct 30, 2018

Yeeeeeeees Final Form time! I was expecting this, but that doesn't make me any less excited for it! Though it did surprise me that those two woke up and made Hayate realize how she felt about Honey, but I am quite happy it happened.

Though correct me if I'm wrong, did Honey specifically go back with X specifically to get the completed Dimension Tool for Hayate? Or is that like their combined Dimension Tools?

joined Jun 3, 2015

Though correct me if I'm wrong, did Honey specifically go back with X specifically to get the completed Dimension Tool for Hayate? Or is that like their combined Dimension Tools?

The Dimension Tool seems to look exactly like the one Hina used, so maybe Hayate brought it with her for Honey to use? Unless they're the same, but I think Hayate's looks different.

You can see it here :

I'm exited either way though, this is great.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Though correct me if I'm wrong, did Honey specifically go back with X specifically to get the completed Dimension Tool for Hayate?

Prolly safe to say she already had the Trance Connector in her possession after they beat Dark Orb Owl (likely keeping it in one of those dimensional pockets all tokusatsu heroes seem to have for their wonderful toys). How they'll use it is something that we'll see next chapter, but you can get an inkling of what'll happen with a little re-reading (or you can just skim through sometime's Twitter for the preview, but that's cheeeatiiiing).

Also, to preempt any axe-talk, sometime confirmed that the next chapter won't be the end.

last edited at Aug 2, 2020 9:42PM

joined Oct 17, 2014

This page was after they beat Orb Owl and Honey kept the Trance Connector:

I think the Dimen-Stone was Hina's main transformation tool and the Connector was an accessory that powered it up.

Such resonance

joined Mar 29, 2019

Gae in action

joined Feb 6, 2017

Just like Kamen Rider, I start watching ironically only to end up super involved and crying at the end. Beat up your creepy ex and save the world together!

joined Jul 9, 2020
That last panel has some INTENSE yandere energy. D:

joined Aug 10, 2016

Isn't this almost all X's fault anyway for saying Honey was fired?

joined Jan 27, 2016

Yo wtf where is the next chapter

joined Jul 16, 2013

Isn't this almost all X's fault anyway for saying Honey was fired?

She isn't exactly the smartest villain.

joined Apr 25, 2018

Finally. Mid-season upgrade. Took a while.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Isn't this almost all X's fault anyway for saying Honey was fired?

She isn't exactly the smartest villain.

Goes to show, channeling Donald Trump is a bad idea for anyone o3o

joined Jul 8, 2019

Chapter 14 ending had me mentally yelling "Go, Go, Rapid Rabbit!" unironically for the first time in the series. As outmatched, generally incompetent, and played-like-a-fiddle-by-villains Hayate could be, SHE IS A HEROINE.

joined May 11, 2020

Fuck I am getting rushed ending coming soon vibe from ch 14 :(

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