^Far be it from me to tell anyone that their feelings about a story are wrong, and there’s a grain of truth in all your objections. As in so many manga (especially ones with any kind of age gap/authority gap), we’re being asked to ignore (here, because they’re papered over with cuteness) a lot of things that would be uncomfortable, or worse, in real life.
But as others have suggested before, I think this is a misreading of what’s going on with Kagami’s reactions to Indou. At first, as in the eyes of almost any military person, dirty, ragged street-urchin Indou is just unacceptable—it’s Ooba’s Big Sis reaction that’s the anomaly.
And it’s pretty clear that Kagami’s affectionate side is sparked by seeing what Indou really looks like and realizing that she strongly resembles someone from the past who was very important to Kagami (almost certainly Indou’s mother, who we know was someone significant in the military).
So, yeah, there’s something inappropriate about Kagami’s feelings toward Indou (again, as there is in almost all age-gap/authority-gap yuri in a school setting), but those feelings aren’t based merely on Kagami discovering that Indou looks cute.
last edited at Aug 7, 2018 10:15AM