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joined Feb 4, 2015

Off-Topic is literally in the threads name :D

Yeah, really fell behind D: This holiday is really putting any other series behind, personally can't wait to see where he takes Mexico when he's back.

Coalitions are just more bodies to hit the floor :D

joined Feb 15, 2016

Moracco, France, Ottomans, Mamluks, plus a coalition.. Well, it's certainly fun to watch

As much as I like him, watching Arumba play HOI4 is a bit painful. I still enjoy his campaigns on that game a lot tho.

joined Feb 4, 2015

That doesn't sound... that bad, provided he manages his navy well. Most of them I doubt are going to be able to get their troops over to him, he ca isolate Mamlukes and Morocco especially, France I don't think has enough transports to overwhelm him... Ottomans are a problem, but eh... They're missing a huge part of their usual powerbase it seems.

It's fun watching Arumba learn a new paradox game again. I never played much HoI III either, so Arumba doesn't even seem to be doing that badly to me.

joined Feb 15, 2016

@ChocolateCakeLover Well, it is not that awful, but 2500 of debt and still counting.

Haven't played much of HOI3 either, but well.. you know Arumba. He tends to miss out on some pretty significant things. Granted, I'm no better in any way, shape or form, but it's really noticable once you're actually watching and not playing.

I miss his Tac-team series, first 30 episodes of ULM were fun.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Tac-team I can go without, I really miss his DLC-ly Mathas, NL and Quill multiplayer :( Arumba was a lot better than them, except maaaybe Quill, but even then, I'd say Arumba is a tier above, but they were all so entertaining. Where else do you see someone surrender at 100% war score after a long fought battle...

I usually go into way worse debt than that early on in campaigns, and later on when I realise I've barely built any buildings and I might as well take some loans and spam manufactories because who the hell can stop me after 1700?

joined Feb 15, 2016

While I don't like CKII nearly as much, it works much better for multiplayer videos. Enjoyed the DLC series a lot.

You mean Arumba was better entertainment wise, or gaming wise?

Wish that all Paradox games didn't have such a crappy multiplayer with constant disconnecting.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Gaming wise, the entertainment of the multiplayer isn't from one player it's from the interaction. The multi thing is sad yeah, but I never play multi anyway.

Getting seemingly near the end of the first Ottoman war, he's done a great job of making the best of a bad situation. Makes me realise how crap I am at the game xD

joined Feb 15, 2016

@ChocolateCakeLover It's all in the numbers. I swear, had I played EU4 much earlier, I would've been a much better player now.

Or so I keep saying to myself.

Well, the Albania series was the most memorable one from the recent ones. That, and I can relate on his struggle against Germany in his first Polish campaign.

At least in the numbers department he's doing much better.

I can relate to that, I feel awful after watching that walkthrough. Gets much more bumpy after episode 34 IIRC.

Had my last game on multi with a friend as Serbia after the Cossacks was released. It ended.. poorly.

What was the nation you were playing as for your favourite campaign?

last edited at Aug 10, 2016 5:22PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Galich

It was a stupid idea, of course – like all of my ideas ^^

I was thinking of something like this:
With a different theme though – that one is really serious. Too serious for our cause.
But it's all there a story, the music, weird performances, the background decorations almost everything I was talking about ;)

(To be honest, I always found most performance art to be quite weird. Not bad, just really something else most of the time...)

Of course, we could also go with something like this:

Stuff like that is actually pretty interesting – but still, something else entirely:

@ Blackkitty

Ah... me and my health... those two just don't go together so well sometimes...

What do you mean, you wish? ^^
Sounds like some serious fantasies there! Now I'd like to take a peek ;P
Enjoying the beauty in life is a great idea... no matter the form...

I don't know why, I'm just always looking for answers.
My big search for meaning was in my teenage years. Questioning everything, all the time.
All of life on this planet being just a coincidence wasn't really a satisfying answer to me. But like I said, in the end it probably wouldn't matter anyway...
You never had any thoughts like that?

@ Neko chan

It's a shame I never took the chance to visit Japan... Probably could have, if I really wanted to. But I'm always too shy for things like that. I need someone to join me for adventures ;)

You never know! ^^
This might be your chance for a hot and steamy vacation romance...
But it'll probably be hard to get a chance to really talk to them privately...
Anyway, I'm on your side here, so good luck! (◦’ںˉ◦)b

@ ChocolateCakeLover

I'm looking forward to that!

Oh, I'm going too as soon as it's on here in Germany.
How did you like it? Is it worth watching...?

joined Feb 4, 2015

I thought it was way better than the critics said :o

Definitely worth watching if you're not apparently expecting The Godfather part II

joined Jan 31, 2013

Nothing wrong with that. Modding is fun in its own right.

I spent more time modding Wolfenstein 3D than ever getting anything finished in it. Sad about that, but it was fun to do.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Yeah, I spent as much time modding Skyrim as I spent playing it.

And I'm still waiting for the Endless War Mod for XCOM 2 to even get the game..

joined Jan 31, 2013

I assume you mean Long War? The guys behind it have made some mods for XCOM 2 already.

There are also plenty of mods for XCOM 2 that already let you do crazy things with the game.

(As a disclaimer, I don't like Long War for XCOM EU.)

joined Sep 21, 2014


Yes, the end of F/0 is bad, everyone dies, has his dream broken, fall into despair. But this is why I liked this show so much. I liked the way it shows all of our efforts are useless, our wishes will never come true and miracle doesn't exist (the graal was a big troll).
When the scenarist is Gen Urobuchi, never expect a happy end lmao. (Anyone said PMMM ?)

My friend said the ending is bad cus they had to relate it back to Fate Stay Night, sorta handicaps the story.
IKR, GEN UROBOCHI. I looked up F/Zero and the moment I saw his name, I pm'd my friend right away like BRUUUHH NO WONDER

Yes, I really liked the duo rider/waver even if Gilgamesh remains my favorite character. The Gilgamesh vs Rider in the 23th ep was just so so great.

Idk why you like Gilgamesh. He pisses me off. Saber's one of the only female leads and ofc she low key gets sexually harrassed by Caster (holy fucking virgin) and Gilgamesh.

I will say it again, Yuki Kajiura is a goddess
(She also made the music of PMMM lmao)

Ikr, its amazing

Good pick-up on Saber, her being gay doesn't really surprise me lmao.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tho I think it was a forced ish marriage, cus she gotta have a wife i guess

I also really liked the debate between saber, rider and gilgamesh on how a King is supposed to he/What is a king.

Me too, but I felt really salty/hurt when they brought Saber down :/ +Gilgamesh constantly mocking her. They were all pretty patronizing.

"A king must live a grander life than any other’s, and stoke his people’s feelings of admiration! He who is worthy of all heroes’ envy, and he who leads their way, is king! Therefore, the king is not alone. For his will equals that of all his followers together!"

"To win, but not destroy… To conquer, but not humiliate… That is what true conquest is!"

And my favorite quote (All hail Gilgamesh)

"Why must you insist on defining joy so narrowly? Where is the paradox in finding suffering and tragedy but other forms of pleasure? There is no one fixed type of joy. Your confusion derives from your failure to understand that."

If you liked F/0, you should definitely watch UBW, it really is happier and less tragic.

Good quotes, I liked them too.
And yeah, UBW is on Netflix, that makes it easier already lmao

last edited at Aug 10, 2016 11:05PM

joined Dec 15, 2015


Caster and his psycopathe buddy are so fucking funny. Though, as a french, I still feel bad that Gille De rais was Jeanne d'Arc's husband. Because it is now proved that he was a pedophile .-. feels bad man

Well for Gilgamesh ... first of all he is one of the most(if not the most) badass anime character I've seen. He stands out so much, and I like the way he views things. He isn't evil, he just considers himself as the king and the greatest/strongest guy on earth, and thinks that everything belongs to him. (which is not 100% false since he has nearly everything on his Gate of Babylon). He may seem arrogant, but when you know more about the fate serie, you learn that he was the first king of humanity and killed all the gods who ruled the world. If you kneel before him, he will protect you and treats you as good as a king would do, but if you dare insulting him or threatening him, he will grind you to pieces. I also like his way of thinking, that your only purpose in life should be joy/pleasure, regardless the form it takes.

Seriously, isn't he so badass.

That's a .. lot of gil, IKR.

last edited at Aug 11, 2016 2:22AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

"A king must live a grander life than any other’s, and stoke his people’s feelings of admiration! He who is worthy of all heroes’ envy, and he who leads their way, is king! Therefore, the king is not alone. For his will equals that of all his followers together!"

Always did liked Rider's ideology of being a king; feels less pretenious and more genuine/natural in a way.

Also on another note, I just realized how nowadays whenever I'm buying things I'm almost always thinking of what my girlfriend would feel about it as compared to my own wants; ie, I was going to buy some LL Sunshine files yesterday and keychain of Mumei from Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, but since my partner dislikes both of them I ended up buying a Solfina (Ange Vierge) keychain and a tiny devil Miku charm instead. It's rather odd lol - I mean, we're not physically together yet but I feel the compulsion to but her wishes first before mine when buying things for some reason.

Edit: I actually prefered the Gil from Fate/extra CCC tbh, you get to see him as less of a villian and more like just a jerk but he does slowly warm up to the main protagonist over the game; though, to be fair, he did state that he prefered the civilization in the universe that the F/extra (CCC) games were set in more than the one in F/sn or F/0. Also, choosing Gil in CCC is basically entering hax mode since his stats are ridiculously higher compared to Nero Saber, Tamamo and Archer, and Enuma Elish basically one-shots everything once it's available for use

last edited at Aug 10, 2016 11:40PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Galich! Galich! Galich! D:

Dev Diary hype D:

such hype D:

After so long... the hype...

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Rina tc tc, and I thought you were a good girl!! xD .... chasing after other girls.. shame on you! hihi
Leave them be, people love talking, though I have to admit that the situation resembles one out of a yuri manga xD

@Galich where are you? CCL is lonely lurking around xd
P.S. the Polish volleyball team is playing against Argentina :P

joined Feb 4, 2015

Lonely what D:

Quite the laugh o.o

joined Jun 22, 2016

Do any of you guys know those “Jehovah's Witnesses” folks...?

I'm starting to believe that they're really after me. Every time they make their round in my area they always come back to me... No matter how many times I tell them that I don't plan to join...
One of the ladies – the one doing the talking - is so nice and sweet that I just can't manage to tell her to please fuck off already. So I'm being polite but it's really not working... HELP! ^^”

I can be pretty nasty when someone gets insolent but I can't be like that when someone seems genuinely nice... T_T

@ ChocolateCakeLover

Not really what I'm expecting ^^
So I'll definitely go and see for myself! (^_-)v

And I'm really sorry! But it seems like the performance art I posted totally scared Galich away for good ;)

@ Rina

You totally have a knack for sandtraps, admit it! ;)

last edited at Aug 11, 2016 4:25PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Anon you can be nasty?! no, you are mistaken, they just can't appreciate your popping eye xD

well, just tell them that you have some urgent business and run away!! I've seen guys like that.. sure they are persistent^^

joined Jun 22, 2016

I can be, yes ^^ Unbelievable, right? ;)
But I usually need a reason to be like that.
And I can't stand lying either...

When I was a little younger, there was one of those solicitors at our door and I was of legal age already but I still told him that my parents weren't home hoping he would just leave and then he asked me how old I was... I just couldn't lie somehow... had to put up with him for a little while longer... (^_^")
Should have told him I was 7 instead ^^
I'm too honest sometimes...

joined Feb 3, 2015

haha, I wish because I'm not apparently xD
no need to take a peek - my mind isn't so beautifully disturbing ^^ - mostly cakes and flowers xD

oh, well, I myself love asking questions... but I'm a mere human, so it's difficult to answer to some of them.. maybe I should live some more, learn some more..
but from what I know - everything happens for a reason^^

Be brave and go to Japan!!
lol, that's been a dream of mine xD for a long time...

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Anonwell, good for you that you don't have to go to job interviews hehehe

joined Jun 22, 2016

Hah! Right... you had the same problem! You were too honest at your interview...
So at least I'm not alone...^^

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