Forum › Dynasty Cafe: A Home for Off-Topic Discussion where everyone's welcome! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

I could never really get into the Olympics... Don't know why.
What about you? Any preferences...?

I love flowers! I just never was a real fan of cut flowers 'cause it's basically about watching them wilt ;) Happens way too fast for me. I like flowers in nature or in pots ^^b

Meditating while making omelettes... That's quite something ^^
But you're right; anything can be meditative, even cleaning... :)

I wish you were right about that one too ;)

I like the unfazed impression he always makes. It's a pity there were only 12 episodes. Hope they make more...
When you're finished watching One Punch Man, you should give Arakawa under the Bridge a try. Please! Just one episode. I'm sure you'd like it! (I'm not really sure why I make this sound so important ;P)

Yesterday I finished watching Transparent Season 2.
You know that show?

“Treat things as special and they become special!”
That's what I'm trying to do here, but Galich won't let me ;)
That's a great philosophy. Maybe you're the real philosopher here ^^

@ Galich

Even enlightenment is just a feeling in the end, you know... ;)

Agreed, but that is not connected to the meaningfulness I was talking about in any way.

I know you really like to debate, however, I don't really see any room or reason for that here. I fully comprehend how the human body works. All I wanted to express was my wish for something deeper in life. I'm a lot like you, in fact. In real life I always boil things down to the essence and start from there. I always go with reason and logic. I'm a realist. Human beings are nothing special at all.
The only think that I can't stop doing is wishing for something more.
Something more meaningful in this case... ^^
That's all I was trying to say.

@ Miki

Welcome to the club of the sleep-deprived! (^_-)v

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 5:01PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon99 Well, too tired to hold such a debate myself.

Well, I don't really why you shouldn't consider human beings to not be special. After all, we do have some unique attributes, for negative or positive.

At the end of the day, whatever kind of perception of reality helps someone to gets through the day is the superior one.

@Miki Well, it's the ultimate place to take breaks in.

joined Dec 15, 2015

So it was you Miki ^.^ And don't worry I just pointed this out 'cus it surprised me. You're [currently] Ashleigh on steam ? You keep changing your avatar and your name x)

Anon Fan-service in Steins;Gate ? Did we watch the same show ? There is no fan service besides the nyan girl and some boobs appearance on the first half of the serie, but it doesn't even matter, the plot, the chara design and development and the superb animation just make this anime a masterpiece.
But to each their own, I guess. ^^

If you like depressive stories that much, then you should watch PMMM, Angel beats (though I'm not fond of this one), and AnoHana.

And read these

Oddly enough, I HATE bad end, depressive stories and unrequited love and yet I've read almost all ansgt, depressing as fuckand tragedy . Fucking hell.

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 6:18PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Miki Well, I feel morally responsible. My apologies if it seemed like I was trying to pressure you into talking.

Don't worry about removed posts, I think everyone's done it in the past.

Glad to hear that! Enjoyed conversating with ya as well.

Well, you should see me on other sites/portals. Dynasty's the sole exception when it comes to having consistent names and avatars. Wouldn't call it a bad habit necessarily tho.

@Utopia Well, I was the one to recommendt Steins;Gate to Anon. Was surprised to hear the word "fanservice" as well, but I guess it's all subjective.

Watched PMMM (enjoyed it quite a lot before the last film, both this and S;G are my favourites and anyone who's watched both of those will know why), Angels Beats I couldn't stomach.. I know, I know. Haven't heard of AnoHana.

Well, angsty stories are all fine in my book as long as they have at the very least bittersweet endings, or are very well made. Just my opinion tho.

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 6:36PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Anon the Olympics offer the opportunity to watch sports which I otherwise wouldn't watch... but with what everything that's happening around the Russian team I kind of lost my enthusiasm... well, I do miss snooker among the olympic sports xD other than that, I enjoy basketball and volleyball, probably because I played them when I was in high school (but I wasn't really good), athletics, and women's football(so bad that I wasn't able to find a place where they broadcast the matches..)

well, we do like the same things! I love giving potted flowers as presents, no bouquets though - what's the sense in giving already dying flowers... I love receiving them too, but usually no one does that :(

hah, I can do everything like I'm meditating... and my usual state is so tranquil that I don't need any meditation xD well, I'm weird... heheh, so we are talking about cleaning.. I love cleaning, and if I don't hurry up a bit, I can clean all day... listening to music and meditating xD

I'm usually right^^

Actually I've watched half of Arakawa under the Bridge xD long time ago... it was nonsensical, and at some rare moments I found myself laughing... and I thought there was something wrong with me, so I didn't want to finish it xD

nope, I haven't watched it, what is it about?

maybe I'm just a romantic under cover xD keep it a secret

joined Dec 15, 2015

I currently am John K Peta ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) on Steam, with the gilgamesh avatar.

Right, SG and PMMM are also part of my favorite anime. You've got good taste ;)
Let's say my all time best anime are (don't have a particular order) :
Code Geass
Samurai Champloo
PMMM (including the third movie, hangyakou.)

I don't get the hype over AngelBeats either. The show is ok but not that great.

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich they payed against Iran, but I can't tell you the final result, but don't worry - Poland is the World champion after all ^^

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Miki

No pressure here! You really don't have to talk about anything that you don't feel like talking about.
So if you ever feel pressured or forced just say so. I'm sure we all understand that some things are too private to discuss in a public thread.

It's great to get absorbed in a show! I do that whenever I get a chance to as well. It's just two things that bother be about it: 1. There aren't too many shows that are able to make you feel that way about them. And 2. I always hate it when they end! ;)

Don't worry about deleting posts. It doesn't bother me. It just makes it kinda hard to answer sometimes ^^

@ Galich

Also getting really tired over here.

But I still wanna try something, I'm sorry! ;)
Using your logic that is ^^

It is true that humans have some more or less “unique” attributes. Like the ability of complex and abstract thinking, complex speech, understanding each others feelings, using tools, being able to walk upright, creating art and so on...

But I don't agree that these attributes would make us special in any way.
Because the moment you take a step back and look at the bigger picture, what is it really that we human beings do? We sleep, we eat, we fuck (to create the next generation to repeat the same meaningless cycle), we die.
Same things animals do.

Of course we have some “unique” attributes. But what do we use them for?
If you look at all of our special attributes then it all just comes down to making life easier and more pleasing for us. All selfish reasons, as complex as they may be. Even the art we make is selfish. We create art because we want to do it. We feel pleasure doing it. We feel pleasure giving others joy. We want to be remembered. We want to leave some traces. All selfish reasons in the end. And what does it change really? 'cause in the end that cycle we all go through is still always just the same. For animals and for the most dangerous animal of all – the human being – alike.

Even if we refuse to create the next generation – decide that we don't wanna have kids – it is still all a meaningless struggle in the end. Just putting an end to it sooner than intended.

So there really is nothing special about human beings at all.
We might be a little more complex. But that's all there is to it.

As much as we like to think we are special, we're not.
We just fight meaningless battles we call life to counter the nothingness that awaits us all.

The only thing that really differentiates us from animals is that we think about it.
And it still doesn't change the outcome. So no meaning there and nothing special about that as well.
But it is the reason we need alcohol, drugs, sex and medication to escape from the still always same truth no one is able to change. ^^

So, in short, we're all like this:

Experiment over!
Please for me! m(_ )m
I just like teasing you!!! I'm not a good person at all... T
I love you! I really do! And I enjoy your cynicism.

@ Utoptia

I really liked the overall story of Steins;Gate. I liked the darkness and brutality about it and the look of it all.
And that's why I just couldn't appreciate the unnecessary fanservice because it makes the whole thing look a little less serious. And that show was really brutal! ;)
When saying fanserivce I mean things like these:
Flashing that out fully in that exact angle...

That whole nyan nyan stuff. The fact that almost all girls felt attracted to Kyouma at one point. Some just outright saying that they love him. Typical shounen fanservice stuff.
And the always same storyline of the loser saving the world... of course ^^ That one's not fanservice but still...

Totally unnecessary, adding nothing to the story in my opinion.
Of course that's nothing bad. I still liked the show. But it just ruins the overall dark impression a little. Especially when it has so much potential. We have too many cute and kinky shows to please boys. It really wasn't necessary to include all that in Steins;Gate as well. Not trying to talk it down. Just wanted to explain what I meant...

I already watched PMMM a few times. Love the cruelty of the story.
AnoHana is on my watch list. Saw the first episode and really liked it.
Not sure about Angel Beats... maybe I'll give it a try at some point...

Already read those. Oh, and I really like Otsu Hiyori!

Sounds like you're a little masochist, huh? ^^
Always engaging in the things you hate...

Another wall post! I should go to bed now! (^_-)v
I know I'm weird, I'm sorry!

joined Jul 14, 2016

Is someone watching the women's football on the Olympics?

@Blackkitty - Heh, I realize y'all call Soccer that everywhere outside the US, but when you said "women's football", I couldn't help but thinking of this:
(NSFW: language)


joined Dec 15, 2015


I can understand your point of view. But first of all, Rintaro Okabe is not a looser.
The fanservice is here on purpose, and only during the first twelve episode. The point here is to create a happy and not too serious atmosphere in order to constrast more with the second half which is much darker and without any fan service.
Well harem is a classic, I really don't like harem, just like you. But it did not bug me in SG since it really is not the main focus in the serie. Even the romance between KURISUTINA and Okarin (TUTU-TU) remains discrete.

PMMM is a masterpiece. I adore Otsu hyori, but some of her works really are depressing.
Masochist ^^ ? Maybe. But it's rather the lack of yuri that made me read those on my forbidden list. (lack of yuri is dangerous for your health y'know).

Edit : For those who liked Steins;Gate, I recommend you to watch the movie Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryōiki no Déjà vu, which is as good as the anime. That said; MWAHAHA, I AM MAD SCIENTISTO

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 7:28PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon haha, you have my full blessings. I'll try to do something with it tomorrow, too depressed by reading Kurt Wallander stories to write anything. I'll save this one on my hard drivr somewhere when people mock me for my cynism v: I always liked all kinds of things like that!

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

I'd definitely watch snooker!
Admit it, you just like to see hot women getting sweaty... (◦’ںˉ◦)

Well, it's usually old people giving potted flowers as a present ^^
So maybe when you get a little older, you will receive some ;)
Just give it some time... (^_-)v

You think you're weird? Look at that wall post and my experiment up there! You can't out-weird me ^^
It's another one of those sleep-deprived things I'll probably regret sooner or later, but whatever! :)

It's perfect to love cleaning! Could it get any better than that?
Makes life so much easier!
I don't really love it. But I don't mind it most of the time. What bothers me about it is that it practically never ends... There's always something that needs to be cleaned or tidied...

Then we need to talk more. 'cause there are still some things I'd like to figure out. Maybe you can help me ;)

Awww... how can anyone not like Arakawa??? It's soo fucking stupid that it gets really good again.
I love that show! So something must be really off about me and my tastes... T_T

To make my post a little shorter:

Oh, I will! (^_-)

@ Utoptia

PMMM really is a masterpiece! Even if I tried to find something to criticize about it I wouldn't be able to... It's perfect as is.
Just like Garden of Sinners. Or Eve no Jikan. Or 5 Centimeters per Second. Or Serial Experiments Lain... and the list goes on... ^^ I have too many favorites. Can't really state one.

Oh, I know what you mean! ;) Life without yuri has no meaning at all! ^^

I intend to watch the Steins;Gate movie.
Since I only finished watching the series recently that one is still on my list.
But I already watched the special.

@ Galich

Glad that you didn't feel offended!
I really didn't know whether I should post it or not... o_O

And you don't have to reply to it, really.
(But you can, of course, if you wanna look at it as a challenge ^^)

I just wanted to show you that I really do understand where you're coming from most of the time. I'm not just saying that.
I've been through that as well... (and to repeat myself)... now that I'm kinda past that I'm just looking for a little more meaning ;)

@ Miki

I do too. But a lot of gay people seem to hate it! Especially when there is no happy ending ^^

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 8:03PM

joined Dec 15, 2015

Well, It's not that I hate ansgt or drama, but unrequited love, bad end, marriage with a random guy ect.. always leave a bitter and unpleasant taste in my mouth. I don't [totally] hate those but I don't like them either. Although reading them is interesting. And not liking bad ending doesn't mean that I'm gay lmao. I like girls, so the only difference between us is a Y chromosome ^.^

Garden of sinners is also really good indeed. I love nearly everything from ufotable. Time of eve is interesting, not my favorite though.
Lains is mindfuck but very good. I haven't watched 5 cm per sec, but if I remember it's a movie, not a serie, isn't it ?

Even if everyone knows the best anime ever are Boku no Pico, School Days, Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo : Anata to Koibito Tsunagi and Hen Zemi.
EDIT : And Shitai wo Arau (how could I have forgotten this one).

Personally speaking, the anime I hate the most is by far Sakura trick.

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 8:19PM

joined Jul 14, 2016

Even if everyone knows the best anime ever are Boku no Pico


I'm truly sorry, but I can't help myself...

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Miki

It does make sense, no worries.
I made a joke earlier that I'm all for depressing stories but the truth is, I like both. (Well... as a matter of fact as long as it's good I like a lot of things ;) )
We have it pretty good nowadays – yuri-wise – because back in the day almost all gay stories ended with death or tragedy. And that's why I can understand that some people don't like it at all.
I want my life to be happy and fluffy and light-hearted as well!
It's just with art I really love both. And you also learn to appreciate the happy stories a little more after reading some very sad ones and the other way around; 'cause sometimes life is just cruel. So why not reflect that in a story...?

@ Utopia

That bitter and unpleasant feeling is the whole point of those stories, I guess ^^
Some art is meant to be disturbing and to mirror the cruelty of life.

I always find it interesting when heterosexual men like yuri.
Do you mind me asking what it is that you like about it?
The innocence? The purity, as some say?

You're right, 5 Centimeters per Second is a movie.
I cried really hard at the end the first time I watched it. 'cause it really reflected my feelings back then ^^

Somehow I'm glad that I don't know most of these... ^_^

Anime I hate the most... hmmm... it's always a matter of taste, I guess... But I was extremely disappointed by Speed Grapher, not yuri, but still... I also expected a lot more of Sword Art Online. Can't find the charm of that one at all... I'm only talking about shows I finished watching and still didn't like... Akuma no Riddle, is a yuri example of that.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Old Fart

You're perfect for underlining what we said with pictures and videos!
Maybe we should do some performance art ;)
We should team up, I do the music, you take care of the pictures and the background! ^^
Galich and Miki can provide the story, Blackkitty can arrange some flowers and Utopia takes care of the porn part ;)

joined Jan 20, 2016

@Anon About the previous post about going to the doctors to have my blood tested. I highly doubt I'll be doing that anytime soon. I hate the doctors. I have a slight sensory disorder that causes me to have stronger reactions to certain things such as bright lights, loud sounds, etc. and I hate needles to the point were I'd block and stop you from jamming it into me. (I honestly thought I'd get over my fears but it only seemed to get worse.)

On you prev post about life and love, I have a similar view. I also want to share one of my favorite quotes: “For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.” – Carl Sagan. I think it sums everything up. Regardless of how we came into existence and what happens when we die, we are but small specks in an ever expanding universe. Love and family helps make the vastness less scary.

On a lighter note to everyone: It seems like everyone likes PMMM. What are your feelings on the Movie (Rebellion)? People I've talked to didn't much like the movie. I personally have I love/hate feelings towards it.

Hopefully everything I've said makes sense I didn't get much sleep last night.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Z. Long posted:

On a lighter note to everyone: It seems like everyone likes PMMM. What are your feelings on the Movie (Rebellion)? People I've talked to didn't much like the movie. I personally have I love/hate feelings towards it.

Personally I liked it more than the series since the series kinda blatantly left things not only completely unresolved for Homura but in fact made things worse.

joined Dec 15, 2015


Well I started having this crush on sapphic love like .. two years ago. I think what triggered it was the movie Mulholland drive (which I consider as the greatest movie of all time). It's not about purety, innocence or anything like that, I myself have trouble putting words on my thoughts. Even more in english lmao, but I will try to make it understandable.

There is something like an alchemy between two girls that I can't feel between a man and a girl. And I find this unreachable feeling for us, crude beings, mesmerizing. I personally think that two girls being together is a beautiful thing, and not in a sexual way. I can't stand watching lesbian porn for example.

I always find it interesting when heterosexual men like yuri.

I guess it's like straight girls reading yaoi. I am fully aware that I see things from that angle because I'm a [straight] man.

More globally, I find homosexuality interesting. I support the theory of the gene-centered view of evolution, or more exatcly the fact that that all of our actions as human being, serves (consciously or unconsciously) the continuity of the humanity rather than the whole theory itself and the genetic things.

So, for me, Love is an abstract and unreal concept, and the thing people call love is only the result of the selfish gene. If you read the link above, it says that altruism counters that theory, but I don't think it's accurate. I would say that if a human, or even a dog sacrifice itself to save another from the same specie, it is because the saved one is more likely to have descendants and ensure the continuity of the specie.

And here comes homosexuality. This is the only thing that counters that theory. Why would one person be attracted to one of the same sex; so unable to reproduce. This is the only case where the "love" I don't believe in could be true since in this case it would not be affected by the selfish gene or call-this-shit-like-you-want. That's why I find it kind of fascinating ... And I won't be able to fully understand it since I'm not homosexual. I tried to read NSFW yaoi and to watch BL movie but I can't bring myself to like boys, your fault ladies.

I know that's fucked up, twisted and maybe strange [more than maybe], but It can't be helped.
To sum-up : Yuri is the best. As long as it's yuri, it's ok.

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 9:43PM

joined Dec 15, 2015


I really liked Rebellion, it contrasts with the hope given at the end of the serie. There is too, too many things to say on it, and I'm kind of tired after the big post I wrote. But if there is someone with a [very] good french level; they can read this very good review ( Si vous n'êtes pas capables de pleinement comprendre les mots qui se trouvent dans ces parenthèses, alors il est manifeste que vous ne pourrez pas saisir toutes les idées et tout les axes de réflexion qu'offre cette excellente critique, ce qui serait du gâchis quand l'objet de l'analyse est le génial, l'excellent 3ème film de PMMM. Si vous avez tout compris, votre niveau semble idoine; lancez vous !)

Mika So you were 21 when you came out ? That's a bit late, isn't it ?

Gonna sleep, good night everyone !

Edit : Anon

Galich and Miki can provide the story, Blackkitty can arrange some flowers and Utopia takes care of the porn part ;)

Why the hell do I take care of the porn part O_o ?

last edited at Aug 24, 2016 10:34AM

joined Jan 20, 2016

@Alice Cheshire Yeah you're right, the series end didn't really solve anything for Homura. TBH I'm surprised that Homura maintained her sanity as long as she did. If it were me I would have lost it around 10 cycles.

To sum-up : Yuri is the best. As long as it's yuri, it's ok.

I don't entirely agree with that. There are some works of Yuri that I won't read and I'm not cool with, but that's bound to happen.

I always find it interesting when heterosexual men like yuri.

I guess it's like straight girls reading yaoi.

That was exactly what I was thinking.

I know girls who enjoy yaoi. I've never tried to talk to them about it. For some reason I've never enjoyed yaoi. I've tried to but it never worked out. That and I don't want them to think that I'm weird or something like that.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Miki

I have a sister. And when we were kids she always used to play that “game” where she would shout “That's me!” at the screen when watching TV. Meaning that she wanted to be that person. They were always girls. And she even claimed them, like first one to call it, gets it ^^ So I felt pressured to play that game with her or all the good characters would have been gone in an instant ;)
Except... I never thought “I wanna be like her”; my train of thought was always something along the lines of “I'd like to be with her” (^_-)
I guess that was when I first noticed I was different :)

I also always hated the word “lesbian”... just doesn't sound nice.
You can skip the song and go right to 0:42. ^^

So you're out to your parents as well?

@ Z. Long

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! Must be tough sometimes when there's no way around it...
I'm not afraid of needles but I don't like thinking about it. I always think that I would never be able to give myself an injection with a needle. Don't think I could do that. But I don't mind it when someone else does it, luckily ^^

That's a really lovely quote! Thanks for sharing it!
As much as I like being alone, I'd be nothing without my family. And I wanna cherish those feelings.... But Galich doesn't understand that ;P (I'm sorry, we just have this little teasing going on..) As a teen I was okay with living in a nihilistic world. But the older I get the more I look for something to hold on to. Especially since it all just seems so fragile...

It's been a while since I watched that movie (PMMM Rebellion) but as far as I remember I didn't like the first half. But it got better later on. There were some good scenes. I'd have to watch it again to be more specific. But I clearly remember disliking the beginning. ^^

Really now... almost all of us here seem to have some problems with sleep. :)
Can't be a coincidence, right?

@ Utoptia

Thank you for your honest reply!
I really appreciate that.
It's always interesting to read about different perspectives...

And men are not crude beings! (Although some might be ;) )
But I love men. I just don't wanna make love to them ^^
However, my best friends were all guys.

It's not fucked up. I can relate to it as well – so it can't be fucked up ^^
There was a time when I really hated life – the whole concept of living. All of us hustling and bustling every day to maintain a life while not even understanding the deeper meaning behind it all. And even worse, producing little versions of ourselves to carry on..
So I know where you're coming from.
And being gay was just kinda like shouting „Gotcha bitch! I'm not gonna be a part of that cycle! Screw all that!“ I had a rebellious mind back then... (^_-)b

You take care of the porn part because of the shows you mentioned on the last page – the best anime ever ;P

@ spacepowers

That's okay, we don't always need to have answers to all questions ^^
But thanks for joining in! ;)

Reading your post just now made me remember something. Being gay and in a relationship you get that question a lot: „Who's the man and who's the woman?“
I really hate that question...
'cause following the logic behind it, even in a lot of heterosexual relationships, the man would sometimes be the „woman“ and the other way around. ^^
Why can't people see that? It's more complex than just that...

joined Dec 15, 2015


The thing is that I don't hate life at all nor I find it meaningless, although I wouldn't mind knowing the answer of "why does the life exist ?".
I really value such things as effort, work, having a goal in life and a hobbie, friendship, happyness and don't think it's fake. It's just that I don't have any goal in my life nor a hobbie. I'm not depressed, on the contrary. It's just that I don't have any motivation. I'm just lazy and apathetic, and I don't believe in love. ^^


I don't entirely agree with that. There are some works of Yuri that I won't read and I'm not cool with, but that's bound to happen.

It was a joke ^^ Of course every yuri isn't ok. I mean, who on earth is ok with a John K Peta work for example ?


My favorite word, in english and in french for lesbian love is sapphic. Don't you feel a certain poetry from this word ? Yes, I'm definitely twisted.

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 10:30PM

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Z. Long posted:

@Alice Cheshire Yeah you're right, the series end didn't really solve anything for Homura. TBH I'm surprised that Homura maintained her sanity as long as she did. If it were me I would have lost it around 10 cycles.

The reason she survived so long was pretty much a direct result of the fourth timeline I think it was. The one just before she changes her appearance which ends with her mercy-killing Madoka. That act nearly broke her but she managed to weather it nonetheless because she knew Madoka would be there when she turned back time. After that she basically completely suppressed her emotions and became very detached. You only become a witch if you fall in despair. But Homura simply wasn't feeling anything and clung to what remained of her hope.

I'm actually far more surprised that such an enormous portion of the fanbase seems to completely miss the fact it was far from a happy end for her. And out of the entire cast she's by far the one who most deserves to have one, though I'm honestly not expecting a happy ending from the new movie either.

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 11:14PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

On a lighter note to everyone: It seems like everyone likes PMMM. What are your feelings on the Movie (Rebellion)?

Hail Akuma Homura!

I liked Rebellion a lot more than the main series, actually, I would've hated PMMM if it wasn't for the ending of Rebellion, considering the ending barely solved anything and left Homura as the only magical girl that didn't get her wish granted; plus the entire Madoka sacrificing herself without caring for what would happen to Homura thing really irked me. Honestly speaking, I consider Akuma Homura to be the true celestial being for yuri as she epitomizes what love is in my opinion; more passionate than hope, much deeper than despair, selfish but at the same time selfless.

Everything that Homura did, has always been for Madoka, even her actions in Rebellion were to give Madoka a 2nd chance at living again and fufilling her promise to the Madoka of the timeline that started all this: to stop her from becoming a Magical Girl. Doing everything for the person you love, going against the laws of the universe to make them happy, taking in all the evil of the world on yourself to protect their innocence; I don't think there's any representation of love greater than what Homura has done for Madoka.

edit: if they're ever going to continue the storyline after Rebellion, I'm not going to bother watching it if it means undoing the already perfect world that Homura has created

edit2: I actually prefered the english dub of Rebellion to the original, I found that the overal execution of the final act of the film was delivered better in the dub.

last edited at Aug 9, 2016 11:46PM

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