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joined Nov 24, 2017

I don't usually talk about this, because it's embarrassing and something I'd much rather move on from, but I was heavily into conspiracy theories and alt-right nonsense in 2016. I literally had to spend a week in a hospital three hours from where I live in order to get my head right again, and it took the next three years to let go of all of it. No matter how bad I got, and no matter what crazy nonsense I believed, I never saw Trump as anything other than a lying, opportunistic con-man who would do exactly what he has done to this country and its credibility given the chance. There is simply no excusing him, and I would think members of this community would be in a position where that was obvious. How can you possibly be a member of the LGBT community and be conservative? That sounds like the very definition of cognitive dissonance, and I'm frankly surprised and concerned to see someone attempt to call him "the lesser of evils" here. He has had no positive impact on this country or the world at all. Every single "win" his base tries to attribute to him either has nothing to do with him and would have happened regardless or is not even a win in the first place.

joined May 28, 2016

Why allow (modern) politics discussion when it would be simply easier to place a blanket ban on them? Politics (and Religion) are often minefields and flame war inducers in that it's very hard to have a neutral or "good" discussion without offending other people either intentionally or otherwise.

joined Nov 24, 2017

Interesting that instead of a single rebuttal, you suggest a ban on even talking about it.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Interesting that instead of a single rebuttal, you suggest a ban on even talking about it.

Given that Sakura Cartelet is under no obligation to explain themselves to anyone and has already expressed their discomfort with the conversation multiple times, I don't really think this is the correct response. (not saying this as a mod)

Why allow (modern) politics discussion when it would be simply easier to place a blanket ban on them? Politics (and Religion) are often minefields and flame war inducers in that it's very hard to have a neutral or "good" discussion without offending other people either intentionally or otherwise.

Put simply, if I were most motivated by what would make my life easier, I'd either not be here, or I'd simply ban everyone who causes trouble and move on happier for it. Broadly speaking, people seem to enjoy these discussions. More importantly, just by nature of the content on this site, "political" discussions are often unavoidable. If more users would rather not see such discussion happening in this specific context, I would encourage them to speak up.

I don't usually talk about this, because it's embarrassing and something I'd much rather move on from, but I was heavily into conspiracy theories and alt-right nonsense in 2016. I literally had to spend a week in a hospital three hours from where I live in order to get my head right again, and it took the next three years to let go of all of it.

Well, I'm very glad for you that you got out of it in the end, and thank you for sharing that. The friend's father I mentioned is one of several (thankfully, only several) in my life who have headed down this path. Any story of escape is heartening. From my view, it appears that the most influential conspiracy theories in the present (2018-2020) center Trump in some leading role, so much so that it seems very difficult to be embedded in them and still hold the man in serious disdain. For those with limited knowledge or attention, especially, these conspiracies often cast his greatest personal weaknesses as being a source of strength or sense of relation.

last edited at Dec 15, 2020 12:59AM

joined May 28, 2016

Well I guess I'll just avoid commenting on that then. On an unrelated note Sideroca from Arknights reminds me of what a female Cloud from FF7 might look like.

joined Jan 21, 2015

Personally speaking, political discussions make me uncomfortable and I avoid the subject like the plague, except with close friends. I know that's cowardly, especially since my country is unfortunately headed down the far-right path and many of the people I interact with probably vote for them, but I'm pathologically conflict-avoidant. That said, the discussions here seem remarkably civil to me.

I don't usually talk about this, because it's embarrassing and something I'd much rather move on from, but I was heavily into conspiracy theories and alt-right nonsense in 2016.

I'm glad you got out!

joined Apr 25, 2017

Personally speaking, political discussions make me uncomfortable and I avoid the subject like the plaque

I know how you feel, I’m the same way. I usually try to stay out of the forum when it turns political and wait for it to die down.

joined Jan 14, 2020

if you believe in the Republican agenda.

Racism, pollution, pandemic denial, and tax cuts for the rich?

"By their fruits shall you know them."

last edited at Dec 15, 2020 2:32PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Personally speaking... but I'm pathologically conflict-avoidant. That said, the discussions here seem remarkably civil to me.

Honestly, same. Though I don't think there's anything cowardly about avoiding topics that make you feel bad.

joined May 10, 2014

I personally hate both politics and religion so I won't even bother because I don't want to be angry here.

Still, Trump is pretty easy to make fun of since he is such a "funny" individual. His cult too.
Azur lane Ikazuchi x Inazuma
Incest (?) NSFW

joined Nov 21, 2020

If you're fed up with the Antichrist stuff, skip this post. I just want clarify some things that were already posted.

Lizbo posted:

On a slight tangent, if anyone wants to read an interesting article, give this a read.

I read as far as the point where he misquoted Revelation 13:1 before giving up:

And I saw a beast coming out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads, which stood for seven hills

The bit about the hills isn't in my Bible. Anyway, political leaders have been identified as the Antichrist ever since the time of Nero. What are the chances they got it right this time?

It doesn't appear to be from an "official" translation so it may be from a direct translation of the Hebrew texts, especially since a quick search for the exact phrase used on the website does give results where others are shown using the same quote. Mine (which was my grandfather's and looks to be the King James version) also doesn't use that exact wording. After a bit of searching I found this page which has this bit of text:

Having seven heads - So also the dragon is represented in Revelation 12:3. See the notes on that passage. The representation there is of Satan, as the source of all the power lodged in the two beasts that John subsequently saw. In Revelation 17:9, referring substantially to the same vision, it is said that “the seven heads are seven mountains”; and there can be no difficulty, therefore, in referring this to the seven hills on which the city of Rome was built (compare the notes on Revelation 12:3), and consequently this must be regarded as designed, in some way, to be a representation of Rome.

This suggests it is a matter of translation from the original text. And after a little more searching around, it seems like it could be a matter of another passage further on, Revelations 17:9 that they then backported to 13:1. So it doesn't appear to be so much misquoting as it is a matter of a theologist being more intimately familiar with the entire text than a normal person would.

So, when I said the bit about the hills wasn't in my Bible, I was wrong (but also right). Corey actually takes two separate verses, runs them together, and puts them in his own words. That's a big no-no if you're quoting an original text, even if they are (as here) actually talking about the same thing. And he misses off the verse number from the 17:9 reference (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that was a typo), which is why I couldn't find it.

Anyway, if anyone here takes this stuff seriously, I'd urge you to go through his argument with the relevant bits of Daniel, Revelation and so on to hand, and make sure he isn't trying to pull any other fast ones. Also, cross out every verse he quotes, and see what's left over at the end, just to make sure he isn't cherry-picking only those parts that (he can make to appear to) support his argument.

By the way, I don't take this stuff seriously. That Bible shares a shelf with such other miscellaneous reference works as an Italian-English dictionary, a first-aid manual and a guide to house plants. Could use a good dusting, now that I look at it...

This is all kinda superfluous to the point I was making anyways though. My point wasn't that Trump is the Antichrist. My point was that he ticks off a lot of the boxes the Bible uses to describe the Antichrist and yet tons of American Christians still support him despite him being so blatantly the antithesis of what a Christian is supposed to be.

Well, it's only Corey's opinion that he ticks those boxes; he doesn't prove that the fundamentalists share his interpretation. But that's also superfluous, since obviously Fartpants ought to be anathema to anyone with any moral standards whatsoever, regardless of their beliefs.

We now return you to our regular programming.

joined Apr 20, 2013

I'm just going to share this character someone maid in cyberpunk

joined Nov 24, 2017

I'm just going to share this character someone maid in cyberpunk

Image of the god of the internet

I am both delighted and deeply disturbed by this. Great job to whoever made it.

last edited at Dec 16, 2020 2:02PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Someone made Hide-the-Pain Harold in Cyberpunk 2077! Whoever that madlad/madlass/madlasoe is needs to be rewarded!

joined Apr 20, 2013

Yeah, controversy (and there's A LOT) aside, you could have fun with just the character creator

joined Nov 24, 2017

I'm sorry..."Squidward - ON"???

joined Apr 20, 2013

Idk ~ if that's a real option, the name or a mod, I will most likely not play it because is not my type of game

joined Nov 21, 2020

Is the Cafe licensed? If so, here's something for the drinks menu:

joined May 25, 2020

At least the katakana was spelt right if they meant to say “free beer”. If my memory of Japanese isn’t failing me, maybe they meant 自由/freedom instead of free?

joined Nov 24, 2017

So more like Freedom Beer? Should go great with some Freedom Fries.

joined May 25, 2020

^Ah yes, freedom fries, which isn’t French fries at all, and definitely wasn’t originated in Belgium.

joined Jan 21, 2015

Awesome, the first Otherside Picnic omnibus arrived today ^_^ I already have the digital version, but I love this series so much I wanted to own a physical copy. Cannot wait for the anime, and before that, the release of volume 4.

If anyone here is into image editing and is looking for an alternative to Photoshop/Lightroom, Luminar 4 is currently part of a software bundle over at Humble Bundle. For less than $1 you can get Photolemur, a basic AI photo editor, and for around $20 you can get Luminar 4, a bunch of presets, and an HDR editor if you're into that sort of thing.

It doesn't replace Photoshop, but if you like taking pictures and want to make them look cooler, it's a great program. It has finally made the editing part of my worklow fun. I like it so much, I've been trawling my archives for photos to edit. Highly recommended.

Okay, advertising over.

joined May 10, 2014

Random recommendation: Vshojo vtuber group. Basically a bunch of meme ladies messing around and/or lewding each other. Nyanners is already pretty popular already so this might be an unnecessary ad lol also Project Melody does lewd on the hub

Speaking of Cyberpunk! This is an amusing review from gog:

⭐ ⭐ PC controles ?
Um, I can make a female character. Give her a d**k if I want to. (o.0) But I can't remap keyboard keys that I need to because of disability? Your kidding right?

I'm still waiting for the fixes before buying it.

I'm sorry..."Squidward - ON"???

Looks like photoshop to me but could be a mod.

Rozen maiden Shinku x Suigintou

joined Nov 21, 2020

I'm sorry..."Squidward - ON"???

Looks like photoshop to me but could be a mod.

I suspect the latter. Looks more like the Martian Manhunter to me...

Oh, and it turns out the beer wasn't Japanese after all. They just happened to be selling it there.

joined May 10, 2014

Funny stories coming up:

1) My graphics card is acting up (I think it needs a deep clean but idk) so I started looking up pc parts.

After I was done I saw the news that some cunt at Asus CN is salty at Hololive and went on a crazy rant swearing and insulting Hololive's mom, which is stupid because it's a company not a person, this is relevant because they ended up cancelling a sponsored stream.

That'll be an easy boycott from me because even if I wasn't a complete simp fan I would stop supporting a company that has some weird man-child higher up publicly talking in such an unprofessional manner.

2) I keep seen homophobes complaining about lesbians. They all say the same bullshit, such weak arguments that it's gotten annoying.
Here let me change it a bit to see how stupid complaining about LGBTQ+ representation is:

"I got nothing against black people but proceeds to say something racist, and I don't want to see dark skin in my insert media because insert incel statement here."

I know people this stupid cannot make a cohesive argument but they could at least try to be original. SIGH. LGBTQ+ needs to be normalized already. Blind bigotry is a detriment to society.

...wait that wasn't funny at all...

Uh... here's another cute Vtuber:
Independent and she's british. And part of Artemis' harem
That is Artemis, for those not familiar. She's gay, she says so at least a few times per stream. Her thumbnails are gold.

Arknights Mostima x Exusiai

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