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WDTFS fans - off topic 24 Apr 06:17
joined Jan 4, 2016

Yesterday was like this for me.. Work, work,work, and then I kinda don't remember. I made out with a gorgeous British girl who I'm just trying to be friends with, smh and then I left my phone at her place #idiot ugh I don't know how I'm going to get out of this one kids. =( #teamshameless
Ugh I'm so mad at my self.

last edited at Apr 24, 2016 6:25AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 Apr 08:34
joined Jan 4, 2016

Lol I live in New England so lobster sandwich does not register as part of the vocabulary xD

On a completely separate note, they must be putting something in the kids' water these days. Physically growing up way too fast. Was out with my best friend/ex last night and she's the best person to be around if you want to drink; can't remember the last time we had to pay for a drink with her around. Anyway, some girls who I could've sworn had to at least be in their 20s just by physical appearance were trying to get in on a round of shots. There were 3 of them where as soon as they opened their mouths I could tell they were in high school. Just to make sure, my friend and I each danced with one later and got them to admit it. But physically, what on earth. There's no way you'd know they weren't legal (in any sense of the word). Only adding to my nightmares of becoming a parent one day.

lls u "dance with them just to make sure"< i would have done the same

i got into bars when i was 17 but i unfortunately had a "hot mom" in HS so i just stoled her id and presto. although how non of these so call bouncers figure it out is beyond me.

but yea this just made me think back on those days...smh I dont want any girl babies cause Karma..smh =(


Evolution at its worst, right? It's the same for me sometimes. I look at my little bro and his friends and they look the same age as me while they're actually 15/16ish. It's fucking creepy. Also, my little sister got her period when she was 9. Fucking 9! And she's not even the only one from her class, who already had it at that age. Man, and here I thought I was early when I got it with 12. Something is just seriously wrong here. o.o

Its the milk not the water.. or

Su, those look fucking delicious.

And they are! Like, omg... (* __ *) ...
I wonder if she's subliminally raising her expectations for the engagement ring or something, LOL XD

yes cupcakes for breakfast are le best ^ ^.

And hi everyone

last edited at Apr 23, 2016 8:35AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 Apr 00:28
joined Jan 4, 2016

Just summited my PHD application =(
good bye life I've been living...
my aunt asked me to call her as soon as i was done sending it to celebrate..lls

/takes bourbon shot/

ughhh i hate school cant believe i just signed another 4 years of my life away.

my interest is peaked?
what does Azai sound like?

elthundercat, you mean the phonetics?


Don't worry :) My parents came to Brazil when they were very young; Post war Japan was being rebuilt, but some families still suffered from the economical crisis. Some years prior Brazil had already received many japanese immigrants, so I think my parents families decided to give it a try.

The question is why Brazil?

Believe me, I also question myself about that xD
But seriously now, my grandparents were peasants in Japan. Brazil had lands and a large japanese community already stablished. I believed that played a key role. My grandparents never wanted to leave Japan, so they didn't like to talk much about their decision.

what year did they move to Brazil?

last edited at Apr 23, 2016 12:32AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 Apr 00:09
joined Jan 4, 2016

hahah really?! omg, but they do have a very different accent kind of like neutral greek and cypriot greek XD
I guess I sound more like that, but I have a tiny bit of Greek accent when I speak Spanish, oh well! my Spanish friend told me I have Catalan accent XD, I'm like what?! ahaha

When I was a kid, because I learned japanese first, I had accent when speaking portuguese. Since I stopped using japanese, now I have a slight accent in japanese. xD

my interest is peaked?
what does Azai sound like?

theres a running joke in my home that when u have this dilemma ur neither from here or there, your just a spirit thats a middle ground for future generations..idk it was always said to me.
i grew up speaking three different languages so I can relate a little i guess. All though my accent gives me more of an edge in my field these days.

hahah really?! omg, but they do have a very different accent kind of like neutral greek and cypriot greek XD
I guess I sound more like that, but I have a tiny bit of Greek accent when I speak Spanish, oh well! my Spanish friend told me I have Catalan accent XD, I'm like what?! ahaha
also you sound kinda more cheeky in Spanish XD how do you say cheeky in Spanish though? I have no idea.

Its kinda like how in the states people make fun of the British accent, In Latin America we enjoy making fun of the Castilian accent. Latin America is just a funny place, its like a big continental port full of diversity and the language set forth by the oppressor has evolved to be very dynamic. I think this is also true about Brazil and their Portugues

I really like accents. =)

last edited at Apr 23, 2016 12:13AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 22 Apr 23:46
joined Jan 4, 2016

Fay, você consegue entender português? Eu entendo o espanhol como a maioria das pessoas que sabem portugues, mas ouvi falar que quem fala espanhol tem dificuldade de entender o portugues.

gosh gosh gosh, I understood that! :D So you can understand spanish? But like I think that might be because portuguese sounds really really different from spanish when spoken. I have some portuguese classmates and I swear I don't understand a word when they speak XD. But I can understand some Italian on the other hand (though the fact that I did some in school helps!). But Spanish does sound a lot more clear so maybe it makes sense that people who speak Portuguese can understand it easier. But I could also speak Catalan as a child and I can sort of sense some similarities when I see it written (I can't pinpoint exactly what) so maybe that helps! XD

Yeah, I can understand spanish, though I get a little lost if the speaker talks too fast. And I can understand some Italian too haha.

No, yeah, that makes sense. But I've seen portuguese written before and it's not too hard but then I hear some songs or people speaking and it sounds so gibberish XD!! Also does portuguese in Brazil differ much from the one in Portugal or as much as Spain's and Latin America's Spanish?

It's different; I find Portugal's portuguese very funny to be honest xD

lol its like how most Latinos feel about Spaniards

WDTFS fans - off topic 22 Apr 23:39
joined Jan 4, 2016

mantenerlo como secreto .. :D

como me divierto en este hilo.
estas tias hablando en español.. XD

Fay im guessing you either learned a little spanish in school or ur using google translate? this is a calculated guess based on your formatting.

no, puedo hablar español porque viví en España xD lo he dicho antes pero no se si te diste cuenta! Y ya, suena un poco formal, no es tan facil cambiar den un idioma a otro y hace muuucho tiempo que no hablo... asi que no me sale muy naturalmente xD pero no me olvidado de nada to te preocupes!! bueno, eso no suena tan formal, no? no?! ajaja no se XD

Fay, você consegue entender português? Eu entendo o espanhol como a maioria das pessoas que sabem portugues, mas ouvi falar que quem fala espanhol tem dificuldade de entender o portugues.

Eu posso entender portoguse un pero mas não posso escrevê-lo. Its very closely related to spanish but it takes me a minute to figure out.

Fay, você consegue entender português? Eu entendo o espanhol como a maioria das pessoas que sabem portugues, mas ouvi falar que quem fala espanhol tem dificuldade de entender o portugues.

gosh gosh gosh, I understood that! :D So you can understand spanish? But like I think that might be because portuguese sounds really really different from spanish when spoken. I have some portuguese classmates and I swear I don't understand a word when they speak XD. But I can understand some Italian on the other hand (though the fact that I did some in school helps!). But Spanish does sound a lot more clear so maybe it makes sense that people who speak Portuguese can understand it easier. But I could also speak Catalan as a child and I can sort of sense some similarities when I see it written (I can't pinpoint exactly what) so maybe that helps! XD

Yeah, I can understand spanish, though I get a little lost if the speaker talks too fast. And I can understand some Italian too haha.

These languages are closely related, I understand a lot of Italian as well. Its also really easy for me to speak Japanese cause the consonants are similarly structured to spanish.

last edited at Apr 22, 2016 11:43PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 22 Apr 23:12
joined Jan 4, 2016

huh..que pasa? im so confuse...
lol but that image azai feels like it fits with the tone of the thread right now. XD
are u guys talking in code language?

they still didn't tell me what language it was... omg oh I know Indonesian? right?!
also omg, no se que pasa ;) (just trying to imitate Rainy and mlv XD)

nada se ha pasado

muchas cosas han pasado pero parece que no nos vaís a decir nada!! XD

oye Rainy linda al menos dilos como traducir..
that way we can all have fun Xd not just u and mvl

mantenerlo como secreto .. :D

como me divierto en este hilo.
estas tias hablando en español.. XD

Fay im guessing you either learned a little spanish in school or ur using google translate? this is a calculated guess based on your formatting.

last edited at Apr 22, 2016 11:16PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 22 Apr 22:50
joined Jan 4, 2016

huh..que pasa? im so confuse...
lol but that image azai feels like it fits with the tone of the thread right now. XD
are u guys talking in code language?

last edited at Apr 22, 2016 10:53PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 17:17
joined Jan 4, 2016

Guys Newp made me a new profile picture XD

THATS AMAZING, Pink looks really good on u LLama

So intern is mad at me cause i may have slapped her in her butt while in the office after saying no touching while at work.. tehehee
she looks so hot when she's flustered and upset ^ ^

she hasnt spoken to me all day though.. =( smh i couldnt resist..

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 5:21PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 16:55
joined Jan 4, 2016

so Mvl ur not from there, your just in Uni?

I have lived in Minnesot for over 20 years. What i was saying is that i barelu left the house to go do anything outside. During my school years i just went to school. Now i just go to work. When i want to travel i want to travel only outside of the country.

My friend took me to some bars three times and that is it. Hahaha. I never just go anywhere on my own unless travel outside of the country.

ah gotcha. yea I love traveling planning a bag packing trip to Asia but i need to save up. In the summer though i always do a cross country trip with me and a few friends, this time we might go from Cali to Vancouver to visit a friend. I have a feeling Vancouver will be a good Lez time. XD
def. recommend doing some cross country.

Hmm Im Columbian half Savadorian born in Chile.
so im like a pupusa-empanada arepa.. tehe all my favorite street food. XD

Just noticed a lot of us moved from the place we were born or come from a family of immigrants. We could be The WDTFS Outsiders. (tofu-san suggested many other titles; The WDTFS Off-topics. The Dynasty Scans Bottoms. Nami's Harem, and my favorite, Seju's Bottom Buddies).

Thats a whole lot of Bottoms you got going there azai

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 4:58PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 16:32
joined Jan 4, 2016

That's #TeamShameless for you. xD

Well, she'll still be a bit sick...and the doctor put a lot of emphasis on the word relax, so....I don't think I'll be joining Team Shameless this weekend. xD .... Pfft. who am I kidding.

I was the one to ask her out first. ^_^ But she was the one, who initiated the other firsts. xD

I plan on surprising her and picking her up with her car instead of mine and let her drive home if she feels like it. ^_^ Sometimes I think she loves her ride more than she loves me, lol. xD

omg >//////< I hope you have lots of fun :D

Fay your reactions get me every time. =[]

#Teamshameless on the boards already for this weekend Nice! XD good going Lin

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 4:33PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 16:25
joined Jan 4, 2016

I hear Minneapolis is good bike city. I was thinking of passing through in the summer any good spots u recommend?

Cool. When it comes to directions or good spots to tour, i'm the last person you should ask. I'm an indoor person. I barely step out of the house to do anything other than school and work. I barely know Minnesota.

so Mvl ur not from there, your just in Uni?

Hello!!! I've been working a lot today (or so I'd like to think >.>)
check out today's work :D
What do you think?! XD

looks great /thumps way up/

which country are from then? :)

Hmm Im Columbian half Savadorian born in Chile.
so im like a pupusa-empanada arepa.. tehe all my favorite street food. XD
now Im hungry =(

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 4:31PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 14:52
joined Jan 4, 2016

I am sitting here all bored.

Yay Mvl dance with me! ={}

what you up to in Minn? is it still cold?

Doing nothing much here. Just work, go home then sleep and then back to work once again. Same thing everyday.

The cold weather is gone now.

Where are you from? I don't remeber you ever answered my question.

oh im from Latin america but im living in DC right now.

I hear Minneapolis is good bike city. I was thinking of passing through in the summer any good spots u recommend?

24 hr shift? WHA>?
is that even legal @ Azai they are doctors they should know thats not healthy. smh May the force be with u, that and a lot of jk. but seriously i hope u get as many coffee breaks as u can.

Well, in my country that's legal. But doctors should manage their working hours properly, so they can be focused and productive. I'm an intern in a public uni; so I have to accept what they throw at me for now.

yea being an intern sucks unless u work at my office XD lol
They do 24hr shifts here too though and the interns just have to figure it out. Do u at least feel like they are somewhat supportive of u when ur in these shifts?

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 2:55PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 14:38
joined Jan 4, 2016

Any one here?

ok ill just

24 hr shift? WHA>?
is that even legal @ Azai they are doctors they should know thats not healthy. smh May the force be with u, that and a lot of jk. but seriously i hope u get as many coffee breaks as u can.

I am sitting here all bored.

Yay Mvl dance with me! ={}

what you up to in Minn? is it still cold?

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 14:27
joined Jan 4, 2016

Any one here?

ok ill just

24 hr shift? WHA>?
is that even legal @ Azai they are doctors they should know thats not healthy. smh May the force be with u, that and a lot of jk. but seriously i hope u get as many coffee breaks as u can.

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 2:31PM

joined Jan 4, 2016

OH this chapter, Just made me feel for everyone involve.

Maybe they can have a polyamorous relationship.. XD
yay everyone wins!

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 08:39
joined Jan 4, 2016

Hello everyone. See u guys haven't let the thread die! /thumbs up/
I'm so happy and hung over today or maybe I'm still tipsy. Lls

WDTFS fans - off topic 19 Apr 16:49
joined Jan 4, 2016

You are the wandering phantom because you mostly wandering in this thread like a phathom without anyone notices your presence hahaha.

Don't know whether I should be happy or sad with this hahaha ;;

Martian the wandering phantom that has a nice ring to it.. XD keep it!
mvl nice one!

WDTFS fans - off topic 19 Apr 16:39
joined Jan 4, 2016

I like. hot. butts and I cannot lie!
You other ladies can't deny!


Honestly though, I've been asking that for a while now. What's the first thing you notice about people physically? I mean, what's the first thing you check out to find out if they're physically your type?

BUTTS>> lol but mostly how that butt compliments the rest of their body..also style but that can be relative. The butt thing is just a passing thought though if im purely looking to look. if im talking to the person then its a different thing all together.

hi guys... how come every time i walk by this thread someone is hating on butts
just give into the nice shape they give a person..

Intelligence can be sexy, but it can also make a person completely unattractive. I've been called a brain by a few people, so I usually try to tone it down when I flirt (or just when I'm talking to people in general). I actually do want to get noticed for my body as well. ^_^

i think intelligence and mannerism are my weakness. i love a girl who can talk passionately about anything. I once dated a marine biologist despite my extreme fear of the ocean just on the fact that she talked so elegantly about marine
but intelligence can be so relative, i just have a thing for dorks of all walks of life i guess.

For someone who isn't a very humble or considerate person, being knowledgeable could be their downfall. That first admiration usually doesn't last very long for most people and when you flirt (or just generally talk) with someone, you should always make sure to give them as much time to talk as you give yourself so they can see themselves as your equal. People, who can't really hold back on their intelligence tend to correct others a lot for example, or explain things in such elaborate ways, that the other person has a hard time following them. For some, this is intimidating and can even be interpreted as being arrogant. So it's really not always an asset to be smart, if you can't be humble as well. ^_^;

i agree. the person has to be intelligent enough and have enough social skills to understand themselves and those around them when socializing.

last edited at Apr 19, 2016 4:44PM

joined Jan 4, 2016

was never the same again!! hopefully

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 20:20
joined Jan 4, 2016

Man, today was tough. I can't believe I still have a birthday to celebrate T^T

Rally rally rally! Should rest and recharge a bit and then go cut loose :)

Yes Azai you must rave on!!

on a different note
![]( this my jam right now. Heard Ssamba sensei is all about it too.. when will FF be back with its tease tease tease

ok im out for the night godda prepare for the week I got a flat tire on my bike and ended up walking home. took me an hour..>__< think this is all the work out i can do for today..

I'll go with the wind again... :D

rainy i like your day to day mantras =D

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 8:23PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 15:05
joined Jan 4, 2016

About the only good thing about this heat is all the white thighs I'm seeing, thank u sun )XD

I love how kitkat likes to play the innocent shy girl a shy girl is just a freak in the sheets is this what your saying ◠‿◠

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 13:46
joined Jan 4, 2016

And hey, did you finally escape from the intern for now ?? Or is she still there waiting for a chance to jump you ?? XD

shes gone sent her home this morning. it was a struggle she already wanted to make plans for the next time {=( smh idk what i got myself into.

Man, goodluck with that. I hope it works out well with you. And you better get your escape plan ready just in case things become complicated xD
Don't roll around in her palm so much HAHAHAHAHA

hey hey hey the only one rolling in a palm is her.. you should have seen her last night XD

already 85 degrees here

Google search...85°F to °C...
Oh there. Wait. It's that hot in the East Coast ?! Wow

Well Dc is built on a swamp so the temp goes from 60 to 85 in a day and the humidity is awful. Summer really cramps my style.

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 13:26
joined Jan 4, 2016

Morning Newp whats your plan for this beautiful day?

Morning elthundercattorittoo :)

^L^ tehehe that nickname

Lol Im planning to head out n play some basketball with friends. The weather is too beautiful to pass out on a game of outdoor basketball haha. And in the evening Im going bar hopping downtown. Its been a long while since Ive gotten hammered hahah.. I think its about time.

OMG thats sounds so fun I wish i could play some basketball!! Yes get hammer and give your number to cute girls

What about you? Now that the kittycat has left the shelter ;)

nothing exciting Im prepping for a meeting i have later..
maybe ill go play some soccer in the evening but who knows its already 85 degrees here X....X its so hot!!

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 13:06
joined Jan 4, 2016

kitkat what have u been up to?
havent seen u on the forum lately..

Ohh. I have been and still flirting with somebody lately. Soo yea, I'm trying to get my game back on xD

/high five/
Oooo please keep us updated with loads of details X''D

And hey, did you finally escape from the intern for now ?? Or is she still there waiting for a chance to jump you ?? XD

shes gone sent her home this morning. it was a struggle she already wanted to make plans for the next time {=( smh idk what i got myself into.

Morning Newp whats your plan for this beautiful day?