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joined Nov 20, 2015

Wiggly waggly wriggly are three different words i just combined to express how i was like like yesterday. I don't think you need to remember them.

Ohh okay again.. i removed it.. D:

Hahaha...oh you.

Bc i cant really find the meaning... n cant be sure if others will understand if i use it later on...

joined Mar 17, 2016


What are you up to these days?

Ugh just boring work and home life stuff lol but hopefully everything will calm back down ^.^

That is great news!!! I'm so glad that Su is getting better and showing so much progress!

joined Nov 20, 2015

They are three real words. When they become you they are me. So i guess you are right.

Pardon my bad English..
I dont find it in my dictionary app... and..

When they become you they are me

I think i need to brush my teeth and go sleep earlier... my brain is scattering...

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 10:41AM

joined Feb 13, 2016

Hi, girls!

Glad to hear about Su, Lin.

joined Nov 20, 2015

Hi.. Azai senpai..

joined Feb 13, 2016

Hi.. Azai senpai..

Any better, Rainy?

joined Nov 20, 2015

Not yet.. only my mood...

joined Feb 13, 2016

Not yet.. only my mood...

It's something xD
I will have a shitty week ahead. Three exams and some assignments, so I went longboarding this morning to get a better mood xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

Don't worry, I'll relay your message when I go pick her up tomorrow. I'll tell her to answer you guys herself when she gets here. xD

So, my mood has been slightly dampened when I just got stuck in traffic for a bit while driving home and I saw some guys of the CGB, which are basically Berlin's slightly more polite version of the Westboro Baptist Church, standing on the streets with a big sign saying "Homosexuality is lying to God - We explain why."
My reaction:

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 11:48AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

Three exams and some assignments

Geezus. Hope you have enough coffee for those. xD

joined Feb 13, 2016

Three exams and some assignments

Geezus. Hope you have enough coffee for those. xD

It's going to be bad, but not terrible. I didn't procrastinate this time, so I think I can manage this (I hope so). But I have a 24h shift this Sunday and this is a pain (not as much as that sign you saw though :/ ).

joined Apr 3, 2016

My god, 24h shift? That sounds brutal! Can you at least take a nap in between?

joined Mar 17, 2016

You know it's gonna be a crazy day when you answer the phone at work and someone says "hey how are you?" and you are so distracted with other things you just say "hey" and then there is awkward silence until you realize that you were asked a question... lol

Oh a 24hr shift sounds horrible... Hopefully you can take a nap at least lol

joined Feb 13, 2016

My god, 24h shift? That sounds brutal! Can you at least take a nap in between?

It depends. Sometimes I can take a nap and rest 1 or 2 hours. The worst part of it is that I have to work on Monday during the day. But you get used to this kind of life eventually.

What about those times when you ask someone how they are doing, they answer and ask you back, and then you go "fine, and you?". Awkward silence guaranteed.

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 12:31PM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Pheww... just got more than an hour telcon..

i am not coffee lover. I dont think coffee helps me a lot. I still feel sleepy although i drink coffee. But somehow i like the taste. thats before a certain brand of coffee made my heart beaten too fast. After that i only drink cappucinno, when i m craving for coffee..

Thanks. ;*

Gotta sleep now... A nice day, everyone..

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 12:31PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

My god, 24h shift? That sounds brutal! Can you at least take a nap in between?

It depends. Sometimes I can take a nap and rest 1 or 2 hours. The worst part of it is that I have to work on Monday during the day. But you get used to this kind of life eventually.

What about those times when you ask someone how they are doing, they answer and ask you back, and then you go "fine, and you?". Awkward silence guaranteed.

Lmao that is very true but I just said "hey" and then awkward silence and then he goes "okay!" however that is better than last week when I failed horribly at my greeting on the phone and the other person asked if I was going to be okay to make it through the day lol

joined Feb 13, 2016

What about those times when you ask someone how they are doing, they answer and ask you back, and then you go "fine, and you?". Awkward silence guaranteed.

Lmao that is very true but I just said "hey" and then awkward silence and then he goes "okay!" however that is better than last week when I failed horribly at my greeting on the phone and the other person asked if I was going to be okay to make it through the day lol

I was at an appointment with one patient once and it had been a terrible week with work, projects and shifts. So I was pretty much striving to focus on it. I asked if the patient had a fever and he answered, but I didn't pay attention. So I repeated the question and noted the answer. 5 min later I asked again about fever. xD (I know this is actually pretty awful since I'm dealing with someone's health).

joined Mar 17, 2016

What about those times when you ask someone how they are doing, they answer and ask you back, and then you go "fine, and you?". Awkward silence guaranteed.

Lmao that is very true but I just said "hey" and then awkward silence and then he goes "okay!" however that is better than last week when I failed horribly at my greeting on the phone and the other person asked if I was going to be okay to make it through the day lol

I was at an appointment with one patient once and it had been a terrible week with work, projects and shifts. So I was pretty much striving to focus on it. I asked if the patient had a fever and he answered, but I didn't pay attention. So I repeated the question and noted the answer. 5 min later I asked again about fever. xD (I know this is actually pretty awful since I'm dealing with someone's health).

Hahahaha that is awesome XD I'm not in health but I still do that all the time whenever I talk to people on the phone, but to be fair they give me so much information at once and apparently it's rude to tell them to stop talking for a moment so I can note everything XD but I have to flip back and forth between screens and make detailed notes because if anything gets pulled for a court case I need to make sure I've got all my facts.

joined Jan 4, 2016

Any one here?

ok ill just

24 hr shift? WHA>?
is that even legal @ Azai they are doctors they should know thats not healthy. smh May the force be with u, that and a lot of jk. but seriously i hope u get as many coffee breaks as u can.

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 2:31PM

joined Jan 4, 2016

Any one here?

ok ill just

24 hr shift? WHA>?
is that even legal @ Azai they are doctors they should know thats not healthy. smh May the force be with u, that and a lot of jk. but seriously i hope u get as many coffee breaks as u can.

I am sitting here all bored.

Yay Mvl dance with me! ={}

what you up to in Minn? is it still cold?

joined Feb 13, 2016

24 hr shift? WHA>?
is that even legal @ Azai they are doctors they should know thats not healthy. smh May the force be with u, that and a lot of jk. but seriously i hope u get as many coffee breaks as u can.

Well, in my country that's legal. But doctors should manage their working hours properly, so they can be focused and productive. I'm an intern in a public uni; so I have to accept what they throw at me for now.

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 2:45PM

joined Jan 4, 2016

I am sitting here all bored.

Yay Mvl dance with me! ={}

what you up to in Minn? is it still cold?

Doing nothing much here. Just work, go home then sleep and then back to work once again. Same thing everyday.

The cold weather is gone now.

Where are you from? I don't remeber you ever answered my question.

oh im from Latin america but im living in DC right now.

I hear Minneapolis is good bike city. I was thinking of passing through in the summer any good spots u recommend?

24 hr shift? WHA>?
is that even legal @ Azai they are doctors they should know thats not healthy. smh May the force be with u, that and a lot of jk. but seriously i hope u get as many coffee breaks as u can.

Well, in my country that's legal. But doctors should manage their working hours properly, so they can be focused and productive. I'm an intern in a public uni; so I have to accept what they throw at me for now.

yea being an intern sucks unless u work at my office XD lol
They do 24hr shifts here too though and the interns just have to figure it out. Do u at least feel like they are somewhat supportive of u when ur in these shifts?

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 2:55PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Hello!!! I've been working a lot today (or so I'd like to think >.>)
check out today's work :D
What do you think?! XD
Also, Azai, how on Earth do they expect you to treat patients if you get sick?!!?
omgeeeee, it's 8 again, I didn't go return the library books!!! how much did they fine me ;_;? omgeeee I could still renew them online T_T ahh noooo, they fined me 15 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna die.
which country are from then? :)
oh gosh.. I wanna eat nutella again... please please don't... don't do it... nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 3:04PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Good job Fay! it looks great! ^.^

joined Feb 13, 2016

yea being an intern sucks unless u work at my office XD lol
They do 24hr shifts here too though and the interns just have to figure it out. Do u at least feel like they are somewhat supportive of u when ur in these shifts?

Depends on the type of support. The shifts are meant to teach me, so I work a lot, but I discuss clinical cases and perform procedures under supervision. But we do some heavy work. My last shift in ER had me starving and gave me a nasty leg pain for hours. Also, we don't receive psychological support, so you'd better be a bit hardcore there.

Again, I don't really know what to say about your work, since I don't work with that. I could never do it, so for me it's great!
And about getting sick... In my med school, if I get sick and miss working days, they will lower my grades and assign me to another day, so I can make up for my absence (-.-)

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