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joined Feb 8, 2016

My pervy understudy has pervy understudy kohai now? Good job, everyone.

And we're butt patting now? We're closer and closer to a professional sports team. The WDTFS Off-topics. The Dynasty Scans Bottoms. Nami's Harem (since apparently everyone hates Sumin right now). Seju's Bottom Buddies. Too many good options.

It's beautiful out today and my friends and I went to go play basketball, too :) I thought my hand was doing better but I just ended up messing it up even more >_> whoops.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Did you think of those words when you met Su ?? XD

........ No comment. xD

^ I'll take that as a yes xD

Well, looks like I'd forgotten my ex (no, not the freaky one. The one I said I would help with some stuff) was coming over to talk about stuff over coffee. I actually had no coffee at home. So...tea and cookies it was. xD Anyway. Hello again. ;-)

Omg. Why don't you have coffee at home ?! COFFEE IS THE BEST !! COFFEE IS LIFE !! Omygod xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

Seju's Bottom Buddies

This. Definitely this. xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

Did you think of those words when you met Su ?? XD

........ No comment. xD

^ I'll take that as a yes xD

I actually noticed her boobs before her ass, but sshhhh. xD

Well, looks like I'd forgotten my ex (no, not the freaky one. The one I said I would help with some stuff) was coming over to talk about stuff over coffee. I actually had no coffee at home. So...tea and cookies it was. xD Anyway. Hello again. ;-)

Omg. Why don't you have coffee at home ?! COFFEE IS THE BEST !! COFFEE IS LIFE !! Omygod xD

I forgot to buy some today. xD I have a coffee machine in my office, so it wouldn't have immediately killed me. But then Jenny was at the door like "Hey, here I am!" and I just remembered we had agreed to meet for coffee. xD I still don't understand how I'm remembering all my psych and soci stuff when I'm forgetting everything else.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Seju's Bottom Buddies

This. Definitely this. xD

Hehe xD

Did you think of those words when you met Su ?? XD

........ No comment. xD

^ I'll take that as a yes xD

I actually noticed her boobs before her ass, but sshhhh. xD


Also why are multiple of your exes floating around your home lately :| I saw one of mine the other day and decided I didn't really need lunch lol. The only one that I actually welcome into my life is still one of my best friends. But the rest I avoid like the plague.

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 2:43PM

joined Apr 3, 2016


Jenny contacted me last week and asked me if I could help her with some stuff. I didn't see a reason why not, so I agreed. Meeting the freaky one was just a pure and fucking terrifying coincidence and after I told her I'd call the cops on her if she doesn't get lost, she hasn't bothered me at all. Let's hope it stays that way. xD That's 2 out of 11. I wouldn't exactly call that "multiple exes." xD Maybe it seemed that way, cause I mentioned Lucy a few times while we were on the topic of exes, but I haven't actually heard of her for years, so she has been doing anything but float around my home.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Did you think of those words when you met Su ?? XD

........ No comment. xD

^ I'll take that as a yes xD

I actually noticed her boobs before her ass, but sshhhh. xD

Got a better answer as always xD


Who's on #TeamShameless btw ?? dofu, Lin, Azai, elthundercat ??
Did I miss somebody ??

Also why are multiple of your exes floating around your home lately :|

Is Su gonna be okay with this ?? Lol

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 2:50PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Jenny contacted me last week and asked me if I could help her with some stuff. I didn't see a reason why not, so I agreed. Meeting the freaky one was just a pure and fucking terrifying coincidence and after I told her I'd call the cops on her if she doesn't get lost, she hasn't bothered me at all. Let's hope it stays that way. xD That's 2 out of 11. I wouldn't exactly call that "multiple exes." xD Maybe it seemed that way, cause I mentioned Lucy a few times while we were on the topic of exes, but I haven't actually heard of her for years, so she has been doing anything but float around my home.

Oh I see, well anything more than one is multiple :P is 11 for actual ex girlfriends or sexual partners lol... Once people start using cold hard numbers I get a little scared. I think by now kanojo knows about all my exes, but I do some hand-waving when it comes some of the other details >.>...


Who's on #TeamShameless btw ?? dofu, Lin, Azai, elthundercat ??
Did I miss somebody ??

Anybody who owns up to the name xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

Did I miss somebody ??

Yourself. xD And Llama.

Good thing Su isn't around for now xD

I don't think she'd mind, Su isn't the jealous type. Well, or even if she would mind, to be very blunt now: I wouldn't give her a say in the matter. I see who I wanna see and that's that.

Those 11 were actual girlfriends. If I'd try to count in my sex partners that I didn't actually date, I think the number would be somewhere between 20 and 25. I'm actually pretty open about my past love life. Su's been asking a few times about a few girls and I usually answer whatever she asks, even if the answers end up being a bit of TMI for her. xD

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 2:57PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Did I miss somebody ??

Yourself. xD And Llama.

Wtf. Hahahahahaha.
I am soooooo not shameless xD
I'm pretty shy you know lol

Good thing Su isn't around for now xD

I don't think she'd mind, Su isn't the jealous type. Well, or even if she would mind, to be very blunt now: I wouldn't give her a say in the matter. I see who I wanna see and that's that.

Damn. Badass xD

No, those were actual girlfriends. If I'd try to count in my sex partners that I didn't actually date, I think the number would be somewhere between 20 and 25.

Go ahead. I'm keeping scores with who slept around with people the most. XD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Yourself. xD And Llama.

Wait whaaat?? Hahahahahaha XD

joined Mar 2, 2016

Go ahead. I'm keeping scores with who slept around with people the most. XD

My bets are on Dofu XD

joined Apr 3, 2016

I am soooooo not shameless xD

So that's why you wanted to know what butt massage means in German? Uh huh. Totally proving your point here. xD

Damn. Badass xD

Not really. Just a general rule of respecting each other's privacy and personal space. u_u To be fair, she does the same with me. xD

joined Jan 4, 2016

About the only good thing about this heat is all the white thighs I'm seeing, thank u sun )XD

I love how kitkat likes to play the innocent shy girl a shy girl is just a freak in the sheets is this what your saying ◠‿◠

joined Sep 15, 2015

I am soooooo not shameless xD

So that's why you wanted to know what butt massage means in German? Uh huh. Totally proving your point here. xD

I..I just wanted to know (>///<)
Not like I'm gonna use that butt massage in German term. Really, I'm just curious~~ lol

Damn. Badass xD

Not really. Just a general rule of respecting each other's privacy and personal space. u_u To be fair, she does the same with me. xD

Ehhh. Seems fair xD


My bets are on Dofu XD

I'm just keeping scores but this is gonna be fun xD


Yourself. xD And Llama.

Wait whaaat?? Hahahahahaha XD

I dunno how we ended up being a member of #TeamShameless xD

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 3:08PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

About the only good thing about this heat is all the white thighs I'm seeing, thank u sun )XD

I agree with you on that. I'm appreciating the sun even more when I see white and sexy thighs

I love how kitkat likes to play the innocent shy girl a shy girl is just a freak in the sheets is this what your saying ◠‿◠

Man. I am an innocent shy girl type
I don't play it. I really am like that hahahahha

joined Feb 8, 2016

Those 11 were actual girlfriends. If I'd try to count in my sex partners that I didn't actually date, I think the number would be somewhere between 20 and 25. I'm actually pretty open about my past love life. Su's been asking a few times about a few girls and I usually answer whatever she asks, even if the answers end up being a bit of TMI for her. xD

Lol well that's good, nothing wrong with a little TMI so she doesn't ask too many things in the future haha. I think I have 9 people that count as exes? Depends a little on how we're counting. And then sexual partners... err... I might be close to a number with a 5 at the beginning... most of it happened before I was 23-ish though... oh youth.

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 3:12PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Those 11 were actual girlfriends. If I'd try to count in my sex partners that I didn't actually date, I think the number would be somewhere between 20 and 25. I'm actually pretty open about my past love life. Su's been asking a few times about a few girls and I usually answer whatever she asks, even if the answers end up being a bit of TMI for her. xD

Lol well that's good, nothing wrong with a little TMI so she doesn't ask too many things in the future haha. I think I have 9 people that count as exes? Depends a little on how we're counting. And then sexual partners... err... I might be close to a number with a 5 at the beginning... most of it happened before I was 23-ish though... oh youth.

The Legendary Tofu-san Strikes Again

I love it when Lin, dofudofu, and elthundercat all shows up at the same time xD

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 3:18PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

To be honest, I never really did the whole one night stand thing. xD Even when it's just sex, I like to have some sort of connection with that person, so I usually went for affairs or what people tend to call "friends with benefits." I'm too much of a softie to be an actual player I guess.
But over 50? That's impressive! xD But you're right, that's youth for you at its finest.

I love it when Lin, dofudofu, and elthundercat all shows up at the same time xD

Why? Does something happen when we do? xD

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 3:21PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

To be honest, I never really did the whole one night stand thing. xD Even when it's just sex, I like to have some sort of connection with that person, so I usually went for affairs or what people tend to call "friends with benefits." I'm too much of a softie to be an actual player I guess.

That's for the best ... I've been over this, but I don't encourage most of my behavior :|

But over 50? That's impressive! xD But you're right, that's youth for you at its finest.

I said something close to that, maybe not actually the big 5-0 -_- It's actually a very recent revelation to me that I've had considerably more partners than the average person. I think my close circle of friends have all been with upwards of 30 people so I thought that was normal...

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 3:27PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

but I don't encourage most of my behavior :|

You sound like someone with lots of regrets.

It's actually a very recent revelation to me that I've had considerably more partners than the average person. I think my close circle of friends have all been with upwards of 30 people so I thought that was normal...

The average person has skeletons in their closet just like everyone else. I don't think worrying about what's not exactly normal about you is really worth it, no matter if you'd have good reason to be proud of it or not. It is what it is.

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 3:34PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

but I don't encourage most of my behavior :|

You sound like someone with lots of regrets.

Regret is an interesting word. I think some of it was fun and horniness, but a good portion of it was just how I dealt with things. I was a pretty insecure kid when it came to relationships. I met someone I thought the world of, and both of us were completely dysfunctional about how we dealt with our feelings. It was a mutual feeling of not thinking we deserved the other. We both dated and slept with other people. By the time we actually made a go of it, I was already close to realizing she and I weren't right for each other. We still don't talk about our current relationships to each other, which is weird since there are some things where I feel like nobody else knows me better. So regrets, probably. Always a part of me that wishes I knew then what I know now :)

The average person has skeletons in their closet just like everyone else. I don't think worrying about what's not exactly normal about you is really worth it, no matter if you'd have good reason to be proud of it or not. It is what it is.

I don't think it's something I really worry about, but it was news to me lol.

joined Feb 8, 2016

The Legendary Tofu-san Strikes Again

Lol just noticed this. I seem to get a lot of nicknames with multiple words in them. One for every decade I've lived (rounded to the nearest decade)? The horror.

joined Apr 3, 2016

I think we just effectively killed the thread with our talk about our past love lives. x'D

joined Feb 8, 2016

I think we just effectively killed the thread with our talk about our past love lives. x'D

Whoops lol xD I've had a lot on my mind lately, it just sort of came out.

In lighter news, it's frozen yogurt weather and my sweet tooth is acting up >__<

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