Forum › Fluttering Feelings [SPOILER THREAD]

joined Mar 22, 2015

Some things I've been thinking about:

  • It's going to be obvious that something is up once No-rae and Seol-a start going out. Most notably, Seol-a will probably start rejecting dates with boys. According to the conversations that we've overheard, Seol-a doesn't normally do this unless she's dating someone. Ji-hwan is gonna notice. The whole school's gonna notice.

  • Ssamba had some really clever writing with No-rae's friend joking that No-rae had gone to the other side and No-rae denying it. It led us to believe that with how physical Seol-a was getting that Seol-a would notice her feelings first and that it'd be one sided for a while, but nope! No-rae and Seol-a just both have no idea that it'd not one sided.

last edited at May 13, 2015 8:53PM

joined Mar 19, 2015

there's something I didn't get in the last chapter, No-rae's mum looking awkward before saying her parting words to Seol-a. Where did the "blank stare" come from? Seol-a's height? And what did Seol-a mean by "If there's anything you'd like to say"? That alone sounds weird... or was it just me?

Yo I'm just translating what's there lol. I think it's like the mom was looking at Seol-a because she wanted to say something, so Seol-a noticed and awkwardly asked. Or something like that.

I also found it awkward... Seems like a simple "erm..." or similar by Seol-a and "stare" vs. "blank stare" would work better...

Or better yet the "stare" comes before Seol-a's "erm..." comment which would require a re-draw of the panel ... but I digress.

But I guess neither would be true to the original text hmm... I think the original text was awkward to begin with... ... I also think I'm over-thinking this =/

As always, thanks for the translations!

last edited at May 13, 2015 11:09PM

joined Jan 31, 2015

I'll just leave this here:

Fan art by _yahaeee:

월요일마다 노래설아 떡올릴거야 흐호ㅡ흫흐흫ㅎ흫


Fan art by _yahaeee:

월요일이니까 노래설아 트레^^쎅씋ㅎㅎ


Oh right, the above might be slightly NSFW. :3

last edited at Aug 18, 2015 1:47AM

joined Mar 22, 2015

Excellent. Seol-a ON TOP.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Ya know, I've been wondering... does it really matter who's on top?? O_o

joined Mar 22, 2015

Ya know, I've been wondering... does it really matter who's on top?? O_o

Only for how hot it looks.

joined Apr 7, 2013

picks my jaw off of the ground

Wow, someone finally went there to draw NSFW art. And I must say they did a fantastic job at that. lol. I've said it before but, dang, No-rae is one lucky woman...

joined Oct 16, 2013

Some things I've been thinking about:

  • It's going to be obvious that something is up once No-rae and Seol-a start going out. Most notably, Seol-a will probably start rejecting dates with boys. According to the conversations that we've overheard, Seol-a doesn't normally do this unless she's dating someone. Ji-hwan is gonna notice.

Hah IF FF will still be going on after they start going out. At this point in time, I'm just hoping ssamba doesn't end it there. Too many series end when they go out and it would be really nice to see the actual relationship too.

joined Feb 3, 2015

picks my jaw off of the ground

Wow, someone finally went there to draw NSFW art. And I must say they did a fantastic job at that. lol. I've said it before but, dang, No-rae is one lucky woman...

Graet job indeed!No-rae's blushing face and hot Seol-a on top ^^ my day starts so well!

joined Mar 22, 2015

Hah IF FF will still be going on after they start going out. At this point in time, I'm just hoping ssamba doesn't end it there. Too many series end when they go out and it would be really nice to see the actual relationship too.

At this point I'd be surprised if it ended there. So far the vibe I get from the story is that it will encompass the entire part of "getting together" which would probably go up to telling their parents. Not that it will go until somehow gay marriage is legalized in Korea or they have kids, but I could actually see them getting together rather soon, but not having it be resolved even then.

joined Dec 4, 2014

Ya know, I've been wondering... does it really matter who's on top?? O_o

Honestly? IRL "most" of the couples prefer to switch (ya know give and receive), so it doesn't matter that much who go first and be on top. However, sometimes you just get in the mood and want to do some power play so it can be fun to purposely top your partner and be the more assertive one.

joined Feb 24, 2013
Oh right, the above might be slightly NSFW. :3

And here I was thinking No-rae should've gone to the bath house too, and behold the same thing happens as in Stretch. But my golly, May 14 everyone, here on Dynasty.

another one from the same artist:


Seol-a's swag is strong in this one. #soon #swoon

joined Apr 5, 2015

Oh right, the above might be slightly NSFW. :3

Omo pease put the tag before the pictures! I opened the thread on my work desktop and I had a nosebleed. Love the images though. And the commenter above is right: giving and receiving is the best way to go hahaha

last edited at May 14, 2015 10:44AM

joined Jan 31, 2015


Oh right, the above might be slightly NSFW. :3

Omo pease put the tag before the pictures! I opened the thread on my work desktop and I had a nosebleed.

Suuure, here you go.

(Just an excuse to repost this on the next page. :D )

The above below might be slightly NSFW. :3

I'll just leave this here:

Fan art by _yahaeee:

월요일마다 노래설아 떡올릴거야 흐호ㅡ흫흐흫ㅎ흫


Fan art by _yahaeee:

월요일이니까 노래설아 트레^^쎅씋ㅎㅎ


last edited at Aug 18, 2015 1:47AM

joined Jan 31, 2015


another one from the same artist:

Seol-a's swag is strong in this one. #soon #swoon



노래설아 트레

Nice. I like how this artist's style is somewhat similar to ssamba's but still distinct in its own way.

last edited at Aug 18, 2015 1:49AM

joined Mar 28, 2014

my morning has never been better than it is today! Thank you for these links! And I don't think I ever properly said thanks for that holy text you wrote before the last chapter got translated xD

I like how this artist's style is somewhat similar to ssamba's but still distinct in its own way.

A thought crossed my mind that ssamba could even draw it herself and intentionally changed her style, but I'm most definitely overthinking too much here lol

last edited at May 14, 2015 12:10PM

joined Apr 5, 2015


Oh right, the above might be slightly NSFW. :3

Omo pease put the tag before the pictures! I opened the thread on my work desktop and I had a nosebleed.

Suuure, here you go.

(Just an excuse to repost this on the next page. :D )

Omg I love you anonymous.

joined Mar 28, 2014

yet another thought, perhaps, Seol-a talks to her brother? She doesn't need to met him in person to return his car, but I can imagine he might still drop by to ask her why she needed the car, and I can imagine just as well that Seol-a might also ask him an advice how to deal with her friend who doesn't want to open up to her.

joined Mar 23, 2013

yet another thought, perhaps, Seol-a talks to her brother? She doesn't need to met him in person to return his car, but I can imagine he might still drop by to ask her why she needed the car, and I can imagine just as well that Seol-a might also ask him an advice how to deal with her friend who doesn't want to open up to her.

His advice is going to be like : Drive

joined Jan 31, 2015

It has occurred to me that the above pictures give a new twist/meaning to this image made a while ago by moonfrost13 (based on ssamba's art):


[...] And I don't think I ever properly said thanks for that holy text you wrote before the last chapter got translated xD

No thanks are needed as spreading the Word is the sworn duty of each and every one of us. :3


I like how this artist's style is somewhat similar to ssamba's but still distinct in its own way.

A thought crossed my mind that ssamba could even draw it herself and intentionally changed her style, but I'm most definitely overthinking too much here lol

You can't spell conspiracy without racy lololo.

OK, I'll go end myself now.

last edited at Jun 14, 2015 3:51AM

joined Mar 28, 2014

You can't spell conspiracy without racy lololo.

your comments make my heart racying, anon xDDDD

last edited at May 14, 2015 10:49PM

joined Apr 7, 2013

NSFW - You have been warned.

Is this also No-rae and Seol-a? Google Translate is leading me to believe it is but, it wouldn't be the first time its steered me wrong.

joined Jan 31, 2015



Is this also No-rae and Seol-a? Google Translate is leading me to believe it is but, it wouldn't be the first time its steered me wrong.


ㅎㅎ 그글임은 그리구싶은데 생각하기 귀차나서 옛날그림ㅁ리터칭해서 노래설아....놀애설ㄹ아 파주세여..


Yes, it's them.

노래설아 = No Rae Seol A

How did you find that?

Another from the same artist:

노래설ㄹ아 글여주세요 님들


last edited at Aug 18, 2015 1:52AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

This thread is fast becoming just porn.

joined Apr 7, 2013

After scrolling way down I saw it on the same Twitter account you linked to. That person had retweeted this image from someone else.

I like how all of the images look like a progression of events. First, Seol-a pushed No-rae up against a wall, then sexy love making ensued, followed by No-rae giving just as much pleasure as she earlier received. lol.

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