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joined Jan 2, 2022

Ch 63
If that ending means that Sumika is going to try to get over Kanoko I think I will cheer. But it's ambiguous enough that it's not clear it means anything yet.

Ch 64
Oh fuck yes. Sumika doing what's necessary. God I hope they're not endgame and get back together later because this is the best decision Sumika has made lately. Kanoko still sucks of course and has learned nothing. Big surprise.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Chapter 64: Great, great chapter. I especially want to emphasize how much I liked the way the author handled Youko's assault through Mai and Nene's actions.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Chapter 67: After the somewhat ambiguous ending of the last chapter, I'm glad that we now know for sure that we're about to reach one of the most important moments in the series. I can't wait to see Hime's reaction to the confession and see how she will handle the situation afterwards.

I also wonder what will happen to Yano and what her role will be in everything to come.

joined Sep 5, 2019

Hopefully this volume is gonna be the resolution to a lot of things, I feel like this arc has gone too long now, despite me somewhat enjoying it, I miss the other characters focus.

joined Jun 5, 2023

I think Yano and Hime need to make progress first before Kanoko can confess her love to Hime. There's no need for them to become a couple or anything, just make Kanoko realize that Hime has changed too.

joined Mar 15, 2015

I think Yano and Hime need to make progress first before Kanoko can confess her love to Hime. There's no need for them to become a couple or anything, just make Kanoko realize that Hime has changed too.

I personally predicted that Hime and Mitsuki would get together first so we could see Kanoko's reaction. Then again, if Kanoko gets together with Sumika first and then becomes willing to support Hime and Mitsuki getting together, that would make sense, too.

Volume 12(Chapter 57-61) is out in English. There's a nice extra chapter in which Hime talks with Mitsuki about not knowing what's going on with Kanoko.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Volume 12(Chapter 57-61) is out in English. There's a nice extra chapter in which Hime talks with Mitsuki about not knowing what's going on with Kanoko.

The extra chapters are also being fan translated. I'm just telling you in case you didn't know, because Chapter 61.5 has been available in English for months.

I was skimming through Volume 10 and this part of Chapter 51 caught my attention, when Kanoko asks Sumika to start dating:

Fan translation: "Please go out with me. Please become my lover, and end your hate for romance."

Official: "Please go out with me. Please be my girlfriend... So I can stop hating romance."

I noticed that, too. That seems to be another pronoun-based mistranslation.

Kodansha already fixed this mistake, by the way. The new version of Volume 10 is out and has the correct translation of that dialogue ("Please be my girlfriend... So you can stop hating romance").

last edited at Apr 24, 2024 10:06PM

joined Jan 2, 2022

Ch 68
This just feels so unearned. Like, am I supposed to root for this?

joined Feb 11, 2022

Chapter 68: I've never liked Kanoko, but I have to admit that she's starting to grow on me. She has been through a lot during this long Arc, and I can't wait to reread it once it's finished, as her character development has been remarkable.

I can't deny I'm biased towards this series, but I genuinely think it's the most underrated Yuri manga ever.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Chapter 68: I've never liked Kanoko, but I have to admit that she's starting to grow on me. She has been through a lot during this long Arc, and I can't wait to reread it once it's finished, as her character development has been remarkable.

I can't deny I'm biased towards this series, but I genuinely think it's the most underrated Yuri manga ever.

Agreed. I really enjoy the interplay between it's characters. Not an easy direction to pull off.

last edited at May 7, 2024 7:52PM

joined Oct 9, 2022

Foremostly, I have a penchant for such stories; to some, a series where every girl is crushing on each other, supressing feelings and having outbursts might be as tiresome as it is ridiculous. But I find melodrama to be quite enjoyable—which is the reason I sought this piece out in the first place. This isn't to disparage the quality of this manga in particular: Of its like it stands quite tall, with very crisp art and a mostly well woven web of conflicting interests, with a very clever setting that allows for much control of interaction without departing from realism.

Of course, even though I think its quite good, it's not without its shortcomings. It's crudely formulaic: part of this is a flaw generated by my prior praise—its setting—as character often have touble distancing from one another. The story jumps between the conflicts between two characters very acutely and in a way that "shelves" the other characters quite extremely. While there is logic to this, giving different characters and dynamics the sole light, it is also jarring to have the focus so jerked and what was so oppressive in the story now so peripheral. It's hard to gague how big of an issue this is, or if it's truly an issue at all. It's quite common in story telling to jump to different angles, but with everyone in such proximity it's difficult to not to feel at odds. We're not even touching the formulas in the arcs themselves of misunderstandings, conflicts, truth and then growth repeat. But if they didn't follow this it would make how the stories are so segregated become quite intolerable as issues won't resolve until the spotlight swings back around.

There's also much to say on the character's flaws. All of them seem some level of mental but if they weren't this would be a very boring story. Their retarded actions and its consequences is what I'm here to read. Somtims its surprising how little these charcts undstand thmslves but its enjyable to read these realisations occur.

joined Jan 2, 2022

After chapter 69, I think I'm just really tired of this storyline. I want to go back to Hime. Kanoko has drained all of the love I felt for this manga.

joined Feb 11, 2022

After chapter 69, I think I'm just really tired of this storyline. I want to go back to Hime. Kanoko has drained all of the love I felt for this manga.

Well, everything suggests that we are about to start a new Arc (I would say focused on Hime). The only problem is that it's going to be a while before we get a new chapter, since the author took this month to rest and apparently the next one as well (and it's not because a new volume is going to be released).

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I am of the school of "everyone picks on Hime." They made a point of Yano doing a very simple tea offering and ordering one tea, then Hime had to deal with 7 different German-named foods and got yelled at for not doing it perfectly. Kanoko adapted to that because she think Hime would be dependent on her, but she was adapting to a bad system. Screaming at people and never telling them anything is no way to train. I think they were nicer to Kanoko because her tie is Hime, not some dishonest guilt trip or threat of public embarrassment like with Hime. I actually like Hime and consider her the MC and sort of a plucky heroine.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Sad news: The series is going on an indefinite hiatus due to the author's health.

joined Jul 21, 2024

I finally finished watching the anime after a long period of procrastination, and immediately after, I read up to chapter 69 of the manga. Wow, I must say, the anime barely scratches the surface. It covers up to around volume 4-5, roughly chapters 15–22, but beyond that, the drama feels somewhat shallow and often stems from misunderstandings. This slightly lowered my expectations for the manga. However, after reading the manga, I was real~~ happy and surprised to see two characters explicitly label themselves as lesbians, which is quite rare in many yuri manga's, unfortunately. The manga made me feel a wide range of emotions, from confusion to emptiness to anger, especially in chapter 49. I truly felt for Nene during that moment. As for Kanoko, I don’t dislike her, ( I don't mean to insult her) but I find her to be quite dense and self-centered most of the time. That said, I do admire her development throughout the manga as she becomes more understanding in certain ways. Initially, I was rooting for her and Sumika, but at this point, I believe they need to strengthen their friendship and connection before considering a romantic relationship. Overall, I enjoyed the series despite some gaps in the story. Often, when one issue is resolved, another arises but remains unresolved, leaving loose threads. Even so, it was an interesting read. Yuri Is My Job feels quite underrated, likely because many readers tend to drop it early on. I’ve seen comments on MAL where readers mentioned giving up after only volume 2. Personally, I really enjoyed it, the drama pulled me in and made me binge the series. ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

last edited at Dec 23, 2024 7:34PM

joined Mar 15, 2015

Volume 13 just came out today, and it covers Chapter 62-66. Considering that there are only three other chapters left, it'll be the last one until when and if Miman returns to work on the manga. It'll be a shame if it never continues, since we've seen some significant developments in the last few chapters.

I also reread the previous 12 volumes in preparation for Volume 13. The first volume gets off to a slow start until the reveal of who Mitsuki is, which is probably the main thing holding the series back, but it was still fun to reread the series with the knowledge of what happens later on.

The characters are definitely flawed, but I find that their flaws are wel-based in their personalities and backstories, so they're generally complex and well-written. Additionally, the manga's switching POVs help readers understand that when Character A does something that seems incomprehensible from Character B's perspective, it makes perfect sense from Character A's perspective (e.g. Hime suddenly quitting the piano recital in elementary school).

joined Feb 11, 2022

Volume 13 just came out today, and it covers Chapter 62-66. Considering that there are only three other chapters left, it'll be the last one until when and if Miman returns to work on the manga. It'll be a shame if it never continues, since we've seen some significant developments in the last few chapters.

Miman explained on Twitter/X just two weeks ago that she tried to publish a new chapter in the second half of 2024, but without success, so we'll have to wait a little longer for her return. It's been a couple of months already, but I don't think we should worry too much yet. Fortunately, she's quite active there (I recommend you check out her beautiful illustrations), which reassures me.

Also, those last three chapters are available online in English (the fan translation is great).

last edited at Jan 13, 2025 9:51PM

joined Jul 25, 2019

This manga has done nothing but let me down. I think I’m as caught up as I’ll ever be because I do not see how any of this pays off and I’m so sick of Kanoko. I never wanted to read about her and yet she might as well be the real main character.

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