^Love bullet is the story of how girls take on the role of cupid after they die and shoot people with airsoft guns instead of Arrows to make them fall in love. So basically they are dressed for an airsoft game lol
I am a DiaNatori fan myself... But I think Lapis might win cuz Lapis and Natori are on the cover of the manga
Poly would be the best in this situation, but given how much Lapis is possessive of Natori, poly is out of question.
There were also he/him lesbians that were rather prominent during the 20th century. Still identified as women but used he/him pronouns. In Mordred's case, I don't really feel there is a transgender aspect like I do for da Vinci or Shi Huang Di.
^Yeah I think Da Vinci is more transgender adjacent. She's also said she doesn't mind being referred to as any gender, so her pronouns I think would be "Any"
Stumbling onto this conversation just has me going "there's many ships on this site that have never even interacted before, why's this bothering people?"
I don't think Love Bullet has anything to do with Airsoft. The shots are non-lethal, sure, but the one extra explicitly says the cupids smell like gunpowder.
^I don't think we're exactly discussing semantics, so much as the characters in Fate tend to be loosely defined and complicated in their identities. That aside though, staring at the abs here is a great way to go lol