I'm hesitant to recommend Wapsi Square since up to a point it's amazing but during the last little while it's gotten really off kilter in terms of pacing. The lead character, who up until that point had been perfectly happy in a long term relationship with a great guy, suddenly decided she'd been fooling herself all along and immediately dumped him without further discussion and started a relationship with (at that point) the only canon lesbian in the series. Since then another lesbian character was introduced, and one who appeared to be straight, and who thematically would have been great as a more down-to-earth lesbian, is now possibly bi although that thread's been left dangling for the moment.
There are a lot of good moments, and I definitely recommend the archives, but when it comes to the recent stuff I'm a bit less impressed than I had been. Which is a shame since the subject matter is right up my alley.
I used to read wapsisquare, but I lost track some years ago because the story wasn't making any sense, with magic and "poits" teleportation and such. It was interesting but badly told.
Really, the lead character with huge boobs (Monica?) dumped the guy with the stuble? Who for? The butch mechanic?
The skinny model. Pretty sure there was a bit about her relatively early on, she ended up starting a restaurant I think. There's some supernatural stuff with her later which reveals she's a lesbian, and then she reappears and over the course of something like two or three strips ends up as Monica's lover. I'm not certain, but I think Kevin, the guy with the stubble, ends up with Bud, the goat-themed golem/chimera element.
I really do recommend reading the series for most of the way, there's some really good stuff. It gets a lot darker, but the storyline does end up pretty coherent for a long time. It's just the past six months or so that the narrative has kinda fallen apart. Not to mention, you get a lot of the introvert who talks to her fish actually being cool.