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Forum › "Yuri" Webcomics/Series

joined May 11, 2012

Go Get A Roomi is pretty heavy on lesbians and alternate sexuality in general. Is a fun read

I recall Misfile building up an f/f romance, but it was so slow going I gave up on it years ago

Yeah Misfile is super slow and it's MtF/F romance, after years we finally have yuri Ash x Emily, I don't think Misfile will end in the next 10 years...

last edited at Apr 14, 2015 3:24AM

joined May 11, 2012

Another yuri webcomic, Fallen made by Ogawa Burukku, she was assistant of Ishizuka Shinichi and ShindoL.

last edited at May 13, 2015 3:35AM

joined May 28, 2011

My Shut-In Vampire Princess Bride has a vampire and a knight that are living together and they're so lovey-dovey.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Or Subnormality

I always got yuri vibes between Phyx and her friend. And said friend and another character actually.

Yuri aside, this webcomic has some of the deepest shit I ever read. Sometimes, it leaves you stunned.

(Warning, walls-of-text)

last edited at May 13, 2015 1:18PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

I love this thread º-º)

last edited at May 13, 2015 1:26PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

Any mentions to "The Night Belongs to Us" ( yet? It's an urban fantasy story, MC is a lesbian in love with the vampire lady who saved her from a werewolf. Updates on fridays.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

My Shut-In Vampire Princess Bride has a vampire and a knight that are living together and they're so lovey-dovey.

I read it and it seems interesting enough. But wow, is it super confusing in spots. Partly because the art and narrative are both kind of unclear at points so it's hard to tell what's current, what's a flashback, and in general what's going on at all.

joined May 8, 2013

I'm glad I was not the only one a bit lost reading that. I like it though. Seems an interesting premise.

Also, Gunnerkrigg Court ( is a pretty good read as well.

last edited at May 13, 2015 8:32PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm glad I was not the only one a bit lost reading that. I like it though. Seems an interesting premise.

Also, Gunnerkrigg Court ( is a pretty good read as well.

I think the bit with the fight, the discussion about being excommunicated in order to enter the witch's realm and the whole thing with the horned girls is all flashbacks of various sorts. I have no idea what it means for the vampire girl to be tiny, although apparently the audience should know. There are also moments where she's doing things to the warrior girl and others don't see her, just the reactions.

If I read it right, the warrior girl lost one arm and the other isn't functional, and uses a magical artificial arm instead. And they both play games a lot. In fact everyone in that realm does.

joined Mar 9, 2014

Dumbing of age have a super cute lesbian couple, you would miss a lot by not reading it (not only for the lesbians x)) :

last edited at May 20, 2015 4:36PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm hesitant to recommend Wapsi Square since up to a point it's amazing but during the last little while it's gotten really off kilter in terms of pacing. The lead character, who up until that point had been perfectly happy in a long term relationship with a great guy, suddenly decided she'd been fooling herself all along and immediately dumped him without further discussion and started a relationship with (at that point) the only canon lesbian in the series. Since then another lesbian character was introduced, and one who appeared to be straight, and who thematically would have been great as a more down-to-earth lesbian, is now possibly bi although that thread's been left dangling for the moment.

There are a lot of good moments, and I definitely recommend the archives, but when it comes to the recent stuff I'm a bit less impressed than I had been. Which is a shame since the subject matter is right up my alley.

joined Mar 23, 2013

The lead character, who up until that point had been perfectly happy in a long term relationship with a great guy, suddenly decided she'd been fooling herself all along and immediately dumped him without further discussion


joined Mar 28, 2015

Oh right, there's Sinfest that I suppose everyone knows.

One of the two main characters (Monique) turned lesbian and dates a demon-girl.

All in all, Sinfest, after 15 years, turned into an ultra-feminist webcomic.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I'm hesitant to recommend Wapsi Square since up to a point it's amazing but during the last little while it's gotten really off kilter in terms of pacing. The lead character, who up until that point had been perfectly happy in a long term relationship with a great guy, suddenly decided she'd been fooling herself all along and immediately dumped him without further discussion and started a relationship with (at that point) the only canon lesbian in the series. Since then another lesbian character was introduced, and one who appeared to be straight, and who thematically would have been great as a more down-to-earth lesbian, is now possibly bi although that thread's been left dangling for the moment.

There are a lot of good moments, and I definitely recommend the archives, but when it comes to the recent stuff I'm a bit less impressed than I had been. Which is a shame since the subject matter is right up my alley.

I used to read wapsisquare, but I lost track some years ago because the story wasn't making any sense, with magic and "poits" teleportation and such. It was interesting but badly told.

Really, the lead character with huge boobs (Monica?) dumped the guy with the stuble? Who for? The butch mechanic?

last edited at May 21, 2015 4:40PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm hesitant to recommend Wapsi Square since up to a point it's amazing but during the last little while it's gotten really off kilter in terms of pacing. The lead character, who up until that point had been perfectly happy in a long term relationship with a great guy, suddenly decided she'd been fooling herself all along and immediately dumped him without further discussion and started a relationship with (at that point) the only canon lesbian in the series. Since then another lesbian character was introduced, and one who appeared to be straight, and who thematically would have been great as a more down-to-earth lesbian, is now possibly bi although that thread's been left dangling for the moment.

There are a lot of good moments, and I definitely recommend the archives, but when it comes to the recent stuff I'm a bit less impressed than I had been. Which is a shame since the subject matter is right up my alley.

I used to read wapsisquare, but I lost track some years ago because the story wasn't making any sense, with magic and "poits" teleportation and such. It was interesting but badly told.

Really, the lead character with huge boobs (Monica?) dumped the guy with the stuble? Who for? The butch mechanic?

The skinny model. Pretty sure there was a bit about her relatively early on, she ended up starting a restaurant I think. There's some supernatural stuff with her later which reveals she's a lesbian, and then she reappears and over the course of something like two or three strips ends up as Monica's lover. I'm not certain, but I think Kevin, the guy with the stubble, ends up with Bud, the goat-themed golem/chimera element.

I really do recommend reading the series for most of the way, there's some really good stuff. It gets a lot darker, but the storyline does end up pretty coherent for a long time. It's just the past six months or so that the narrative has kinda fallen apart. Not to mention, you get a lot of the introvert who talks to her fish actually being cool.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013
Melody of Sorrow by the lovely and talented AnaKris. It's western yuri because she lives in Spain. She also did Cross Heart. :)

I had completely forgotten about Sinfest, I love that comic!

GAAAAH!! flips tables TOO MUCH YURI! Need my internet back...

Shut in vampire looks really cute and funny!

last edited at May 21, 2015 6:00PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

That reminds me, there are a lot of good Franco-Belgian and Spanish comics, but I don't have any idea if there's much good yuri content. Anyone here into BDs that can give us some insight?

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Idolon looks SO good just by going on the art alone, pierced girls is always a plus in my book!

joined Aug 16, 2014

Idolon looks SO good just by going on the art alone, pierced girls is always a plus in my book!

Thanks for bringing that to attention, I'm already interested (that content warning fires my curiosity even more). And sis & gf surely look good!

joined Mar 9, 2014

Idolon scares me... it look like it will have so much angst and drama and probably some complicated love trangle/square/any complicated geometric figure

joined Aug 16, 2014

As long as it's delicious angst and drama, I'm totally okay with it. What really scares me is the update schedule.

joined Mar 9, 2014

That's looks like the bad kind of angst to me, the two sisters seems not to have much beside themselves and the big sister girlfriend and looks like the main character and the big sister will have something romantic going on. Plus the little sister who might enter the romantic drama and the fact that they are living in the current girlfriend house...

Edit : and plus the very serious kind of violence it seems to have

I hope it's just me being paranoid and that it will not really be too much angsty

last edited at May 21, 2015 7:13PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

That's looks like the bad kind of angst to me, the two sisters seems not to have much beside themselves and the big sister girlfriend and looks like the main character and the big sister will have something romantic going on. Plus the little sister who might enter the romantic drama and the fact that the they are living in the current girlfriend apartment...

Edit : and plus the very serious kind of violence it seems to have

I think it's too soon to say anything about it; sis & gf barely apperead (we know some stuff from the cast page, though -- like GF likes to flirt and they've been together for a longtime). The very serious kind of violence it seems to have just makes me even more curious about it =|

joined Mar 9, 2014

I base what I say on the characters description, the header and the gallery where we almost only see the big sis and things like that :

The header :

The additional art is pretty focused on big sis/main girl

last edited at May 21, 2015 7:27PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

I base what I say on the characters description, the header and the gallery where we almost only see the big sis and things like that :

The header :

The additional art is pretty focused on big sis/main girl

I still can't make any judgements about it. That's still too few stuff (for me, anyways); we have only 35 pages of comic (of which sis only appears in, what, 4, 5?) and a few side art (exactly one of which, as you pointed, seems to hint at MC x sis -- plus header).
That being said, as long as it's done well, I don't mind love triangs (or other polygons)

last edited at May 21, 2015 7:40PM

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