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joined Aug 29, 2023

I'm so glad we saved this manga! It would've been a huge loss if it were to be axed... Thank you all for your work to those who aided in promoting and boosting vol. 1's sales!

joined Apr 10, 2023

It was also reported on here:

I'm almost impressed with how poorly this is written, and yet still can convince people to read it and link it to others apparently lmao. "Following a recent story dubbed Love Bullet from creator Inee, the yuri manga has seen the manga artist imploring fans for support in the face of possible cancelation." is such an incredibly bad sentence, very difficult to accept that a human supposedly wrote it.

joined Mar 20, 2012

Let's get this manga the Kagurabachi treatment

joined Nov 3, 2018

It was also reported on here:

I'm almost impressed with how poorly this is written, and yet still can convince people to read it and link it to others apparently lmao. "Following a recent story dubbed Love Bullet from creator Inee, the yuri manga has seen the manga artist imploring fans for support in the face of possible cancelation." is such an incredibly bad sentence, very difficult to accept that a human supposedly wrote it.

I definitely smell AI, but it's funny how they compared it to the likes of Samurai 8 by Masashi Kishimoto. Talk about propping it up.

joined Sep 10, 2023

ineptitude publisher is hardly news

joined Jun 21, 2021

crucial information coming to light on inee's twitter

joined Jul 26, 2023

Kanna is just coolest

joined May 29, 2024

I only found this series because of the creator's call for help and the subsequent wave of support from folks here overseas. I love the idea of cupids using guns n explosives

joined Aug 17, 2024

Oh, I see, so it seems Kanna has put her resurrection on hold and tries to help other people, while Chiyo is only in for the competition.

joined Jun 12, 2023

I liked the fuel metaphor

joined Oct 14, 2014

I wonder if Kanna was aroace when she died so she doesn't wanna bother going back to being human (since if she dies again she'll just end up a cupid again)

joined Oct 19, 2023

Thoughts from this chapter and some re-reading:

Kanna claims that she's the "same age" as Koharu. Does she mean that she died at the same age as her, or did she reincarnate only a short bit before Koharu did?

Both times that Chiyo's been taken out, she's ended up face-down, saying "No one will ever love me..." Compare this with the other two cupids' reactions, which have them writhing around, saying "It's not fair!" and "I wanna fall in love!"

joined Jul 21, 2024

The author managed to sell enough copies! I’m so happy for her, now we can continue enjoying this great series!

joined Jul 26, 2023

If Koharu goes back to being alive, how will that work. She'll be the same age as she died. is she just going to show back up at her parents house and be like "Hey, your dead daughter is home."

joined Jul 13, 2015

The story of saving this manga is epic

joined Apr 25, 2020

If Koharu goes back to being alive, how will that work. She'll be the same age as she died. is she just going to show back up at her parents house and be like "Hey, your dead daughter is home."

Yeah, that's why I think it might be a lie, but also it's been explained over and over so I don't know. It's something you'd think it's made up by a character however it also seems to be true, but there's so many plot holes so idk

joined Feb 29, 2024

This is so cute so far! I did laugh though when she said the rifle was going to have more recoil than the pistol. It's actually the opposite. The heavier the gun the less felt recoil. I went out shooting with my dad one day and did just fine shooting his ar for awhile but as soon as I shot his pistol I had to go sit down for awhile because my body ached so much. When shooting a small gun you have a chance of it flying out of your hand if your not expecting it because the recoil is so strong.

joined Apr 10, 2023

This is so cute so far! I did laugh though when she said the rifle was going to have more recoil than the pistol. It's actually the opposite. The heavier the gun the less felt recoil. I went out shooting with my dad one day and did just fine shooting his ar for awhile but as soon as I shot his pistol I had to go sit down for awhile because my body ached so much. When shooting a small gun you have a chance of it flying out of your hand if your not expecting it because the recoil is so strong.

The rifle love bullet could just be a lot bigger/more powerful than the pistol love bullet.

I do wonder why they have such a variety of guns. In chapter 0 Koharu even discarded her pistol for a rifle in order to make that 2-hit shot, and the idea of penetration there sort of makes sense, except then what's the love uzi and love grenade launcher for??

last edited at Sep 27, 2024 1:33AM

joined Apr 10, 2023

Oh maybe the Love Uzi is for demisexuals. They gotta get hit a bunch to finally convince them to fall in love lol

joined Oct 30, 2021

The variety of weapons is for when a bunch of cupids have the same target so they need to sort who gets the target

joined Jun 8, 2022

The rifle could just be a high enough caliber (or higher power ammo) that it has more kick despite its increase in mass. Might not be obvious in the art, but I'm more than willing to accept a handwave on magic cupid guns.

The love uzi on the other hand is clearly for drive-bys flybys. As for why a cupid would need to, maybe they took a job in another cupid's turf and want to get in and out quick. Which brings to mind the base reason for the cool armaments: They're not needed for shooting the entirely unaware mortals, but the result of an arms race between competing cupids. It seems fair to reason that more sophisticated and effective weaponry will cost more karma credits to buy, and if the goal of cupiding is at least for most to fill the gauge and go back to mortality, then the ideal would be to stick with a basic handgun to save credits and therefore time.

Unless the author intends to dump a twist on us like 'oh, and also cupids have to fend off other-dimensional invaders who feed on humanity's very capacity to love' the only reason the cupids have the fancy guns is for inter-cupid conflict over the open bounty system. Which is curious, for a system created by a goddess. One might even say it's inefficient. On the other hand, the collateral damage from cupids spraying bullets at one another does add an element of randomness to the process of love that would be absent if they all were as thoughtful and diligent as Koharu. It also would imply things were notably less random in the old bow-only days before love grenade launchers and LMGs though.

Still curious about the mechanics of the reincarnation, though I doubt it'll ever take center stage. Also curious why Kanna is so all-in on helping Koharu speedrun through cupiding. Like, being a mentor and giving her a squad to join at least starting out seems sensible, or even generous to help her learn the ropes. But going full on 'I'll buy all your ammo and when you're done I'll help you fall in love' feels like a step or five past just being nice to the rookie.

Edit: (in retrospect, Kanna does outright say that she'd be able to reunite with friends and family if she goes back, which isn't something she could do as an identical stranger. So it'd have to be full on retconning the timeline so the accident left her in a coma instead of dead, wouldn't it? I don't see another way to make sense without rolling back time and therefore undoing her work as a cupid. (oooh, there's a thought for the finale, Aki and her new GF go to visit coma-Koharu in the altered timeline, and that's when she wakes up.)

last edited at Sep 27, 2024 2:45AM

joined Jan 9, 2017

I'm so glad we saved this manga! It would've been a huge loss if it were to be axed... Thank you all for your work to those who aided in promoting and boosting vol. 1's sales!

its saved? volume 2 was always gonna come out

joined Nov 3, 2018

We have no idea whether it's been saved or not. I suspect the author was given an ultimatum from the publisher and the month off she took to promote it will determine whether the next few chapters will have to start wrapping things up or continue the story as planned. Hopefully we get solid info from the author or publisher sooner rather than later.

joined Jul 21, 2024

i’m really enjoying the manga so far, especially how we get to see the cupids' perspectives on the process of choosing the right match for their target. However, I'm curious to know more about the perspective of those who get hit by the arrows. For example, Koharu's friend, before she died, confessed that she liked Koharu, and even after going to university, she still had feelings for her. But in Chapter 6, page 15 (, Koharu's friend falls in love with another girl. Do her feelings for Koharu immediately disappear, or do they gradually fade as she gets to know the other girl better? (Sorry if this sounds confusingI can’t remember their names.)

joined Jun 5, 2023

Maybe Kanna is the one responsible for Koharu not being able to love Aki, so now she made a promise with Koharu about finding the most suitable person for Koharu to marry.

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