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joined Mar 6, 2014

he loved the original Dragonball stuff that was fun and adventurous, and almost entirely did DBZ for the paycheck

Well he kinda wrote himself into a corner there, even in the original Dragon Ball everything after the Red Ribbon saga was all about the fighting, a DBZ with actual coreography dare i say

Edit: Hey there Kaiba... Is your hand okay?

last edited at Apr 12, 2015 11:16AM

joined Nov 29, 2014

This is... Amazing! Toriyama himself stated that he created the Super Saiyan God to dismiss the ridiculousness of the super saiyan (let alone the fact that SSG was stupid as all hell) and now he's making even more ridiculous transformations, that guy has seriously gone senile

Given the thing he likes most is humour writing, he's probably laughing all the way to the bank. Hell, cash money is the reason he did DBZ in the first place.

My favourite Dragon Ball volumes are still the first two. They're a good mix of Dr. Slump-ish humour and a rambling adventure story. When the fights happen they rarely last more than three pages. I also think the early volumes really capture the whole post-Akira sci-fi/Chinese mythology aesthetic really well. I love how he drew hills to look like the ones in old Chinese prints. When it started settling into being more of a fight comic was when I began to lose interest.

I remember interviews where Toriyama said outright the same thing, he loved the original Dragonball stuff that was fun and adventurous, and almost entirely did DBZ for the paycheck (which was pretty good). Eventually he was getting sick of it and really wanted to go back to doing stuff like Dr. Slump. Hell, he even got out of manga entirely for a while there.

I think he even wanted to quit with Son Goku dying at the cell saga but got talked into doing the Boo stuff afterwards.

joined Dec 16, 2013

Vivid latest episode just wow.
i wish they just drop the best friend thing..
who believed in that!
they should make Midchilda allow same sex marriage...

last edited at Apr 12, 2015 11:38AM

joined Mar 6, 2014

I think he even wanted to quit with Son Goku dying at the cell saga but got talked into doing the Boo stuff afterwards.

The ammount of changes from Toriyama's original idea is incredible
He wanted Z to be about Gohan but the demand for Goku was high, he wanted to end after Freeza but oh well, the androids 17 and 18 to be the bad guys but editors came around saying they're not good villain material, he wanted Cell to only go to his second form but got talked out of it, wanted to end after Cell but Buu happened, not even sure if there's stuff like that for the Buu arc but probably yes, i'm not entirely convinced he planned all the Gohan power up only to have him land 4 hits on Buu before getting absorbed

joined Mar 23, 2013

I think he even wanted to quit with Son Goku dying at the cell saga but got talked into doing the Boo stuff afterwards.

The ammount of changes from Toriyama's original idea is incredible
He wanted Z to be about Gohan but the demand for Goku was high, he wanted to end after Freeza but oh well, the androids 17 and 18 to be the bad guys but editors came around saying they're not good villain material, he wanted Cell to only go to his second form but got talked out of it, wanted to end after Cell but Buu happened, not even sure if there's stuff like that for the Buu arc but probably yes, i'm not entirely convinced he planned all the Gohan power up only to have him land 4 hits on Buu before getting absorbed

It's a bit sad thatcreative process has to be influenced by money but he's like any person, dude got to eat. There's such a big incentive to continue succesful works because most mangakas don't "make" it and those that do often only get 1-2 great selling series, and that's if you're in the money making demographic.

I really like when authors do extra chapters/volume extras that tells us what was originally intended but changed, a lot of insight in those few pages.

last edited at Apr 12, 2015 2:11PM

joined Mar 6, 2014

I really like when authors do extra chapters/volume extras that tells us what was originally intended but changed, a lot of insight in those few pages.

I'd really, really, REALLY want something like this for Code Geass, the complete destruction of the original plans for the second season is something that makes me sad to this day

joined Mar 23, 2013

I really like when authors do extra chapters/volume extras that tells us what was originally intended but changed, a lot of insight in those few pages.

I'd really, really, REALLY want something like this for Code Geass, the complete destruction of the original plans for the second season is something that makes me sad to this day

I don't know what was changed but I always thought one of the weakest points of S2 was the completly retarded plan of Charles and Marianne. The whole time we see The Emperor with his 108 waifus being this incredible being and that was his end plan? I enjoyed S1 a lot but S2 was such a mess on so any levels. Although Lelouch dying a /v/irgin was always in their plan.
It's like Cross Ange last season, real crazy not making any sense in there.

joined Mar 6, 2014

I think i've read something about the plan in the original version being something like that, but the setup to there would definitively be better

Code Geass's tale is a sad one, no one expected it to be the success it was so of course Sunrise wanted to milk the hell out of it, problem is that CG aired at like 1:30AM or something like that, so Sunrise changed the slot to 6:00 PM and advertised the show like all hell, and since there would be a lot of newcomers to it they changed everything so they could follow it more easily, what we know for fact is that there would be no 1 year time skip and Lelouch would actually win the duel against Suzaku, for the rest of it all we can only guess, there's so much loose end from the first season... I still can't believe they scrapped Jupiter entirely

The funny part is that as much as Sunrise wanted it to be the new Gundam, it still only got half the ratings Gundam 00 got which aired just a season before and after

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I think he even wanted to quit with Son Goku dying at the cell saga but got talked into doing the Boo stuff afterwards.

The ammount of changes from Toriyama's original idea is incredible
He wanted Z to be about Gohan but the demand for Goku was high, he wanted to end after Freeza but oh well, the androids 17 and 18 to be the bad guys but editors came around saying they're not good villain material, he wanted Cell to only go to his second form but got talked out of it, wanted to end after Cell but Buu happened, not even sure if there's stuff like that for the Buu arc but probably yes, i'm not entirely convinced he planned all the Gohan power up only to have him land 4 hits on Buu before getting absorbed

It's a bit sad thatcreative process has to be influenced by money but he's like any person, dude got to eat. There's such a big incentive to continue succesful works because most mangakas don't "make" it and those that do often only get 1-2 great selling series, and that's if you're in the money making demographic.

I really like when authors do extra chapters/volume extras that tells us what was originally intended but changed, a lot of insight in those few pages.

I think they should do a series that's entirely the adventures of Mister Satan and his outrageous moustache.

It will be more chapters than Hajime No Ippo!

joined Jul 16, 2013

They did Love Lab, after all.

They got paid to make a manga adaptation and they did. Not their fault that some idiots thought it is yuri.

joined Apr 27, 2013 Karen ship!?

Interestingly, the latest episode has her courting that new teacher

...The number of meaningful differences between Karen and Kongou keeps dropping...

joined Apr 27, 2014

Only if you didn't take 2 seconds to research the title.

Well, then everything is okay because I didn't,

Anyways, got some new info on Mikagura.
According to someone who knows someone who reads both the novel and the manga, there is a bit of ship teasing going on between Eruna and pretty much every character in existence, boy or girl. Eruna does show some interest in boys, but never more than anything platonic. In general, the series deals with every character's relation to every other character, not just Eruna x someone.
At one point in the novel she ponders about getting a love life but doesn't specify.

Her crush on Seisa becomes less transparent as she gets to know her and after Seisa gets used to the attention, she gets annoyed when Eruna pays more attention to other girls. They are both very important to each other and Eruna is a big part of Seisa's character development.

As said person who knows another person put it

My suggestion though, don't expect too much but still hope for the best~ ;)

Hmm,guess we got too excited too quick hehe,well I had a glimpse of first 2 manga chapters...she seems quite yuri hehe, and for the other matter..

I'm now interested on how they play the Seisa card on the anime

joined May 10, 2014

I think they should do a series that's entirely the adventures of Mister Satan and his outrageous moustache.

whoa I would definitely watch/read that!
I hate the saiya(jin) "gods" they look like lazy pallet swaps, GT may have been horrible but at least SS4 looks alright.
I can't really blame Toriyama DBZ prints money

I give show by rock a yuri crush and mikagura a wishful thinking which is all of us right now, vivid is going a lot slower than I thought...good give us moar ship tease or a kiss?! nah not gonna happen also sweet Alice x Shino confirmed! again...but delayed wedding

I forgot to mention: gintama is back retarded as ever...

last edited at Apr 13, 2015 5:06AM

joined Oct 15, 2013

Found another anime with Lesbian side-couple name is Koi Koi Seven... It's pretty old... pretty low production quality... and pretty bad... But it has an actual yuri couple, they don't get much screentime but they are all over each other in the last episode...

last edited at Apr 13, 2015 6:08AM

joined Dec 16, 2013

when will Shino going to realize she can make Alice her bride!
i hope they not talking about het marriage.

last edited at Apr 13, 2015 9:37AM

joined Jul 16, 2013

i hope they not talking about het marriage.

Very unlikely.

joined Apr 27, 2014

i hope they not talking about het marriage.

Very unlikely.

Alice pictured Shino as the groom.... not het xD

joined Dec 16, 2013


joined Apr 27, 2014


But it's still Shino, many girls dress like grooms in yuri works,or well I've seen that, both wearing dresses is best tho

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


But it's still Shino, many girls dress like grooms in yuri works,or well I've seen that, both wearing dresses is best tho

Hell, many RL lesbians get married dressed in bride & groom fashion. Just adopting the look doesn't mean they're straight.

joined Mar 23, 2013

Wiki gives me this : The term bridegroom dates to 1604, from the Old English brȳdguma, a compound of brȳd (bride) and guma (man, human being, hero).

It can still be gender neutral, and you can be a hero!

last edited at Apr 13, 2015 7:13PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Wiki gives me this : The term bridegroom dates to 1604, from the Old English brȳdguma, a compound of brȳd (bride) and guma (man, human being, hero).

It can still be gender neutral, and you can be a hero!

What if both partners are non-humanoid robots?

joined May 11, 2012

Wiki gives me this : The term bridegroom dates to 1604, from the Old English brȳdguma, a compound of brȳd (bride) and guma (man, human being, hero).

It can still be gender neutral, and you can be a hero!

What if both partners are non-humanoid robots?

and if they are tentacle monsters?

joined Apr 20, 2013

Wiki gives me this : The term bridegroom dates to 1604, from the Old English brȳdguma, a compound of brȳd (bride) and guma (man, human being, hero).

It can still be gender neutral, and you can be a hero!

What if both partners are non-humanoid robots?

and if they are tentacle monsters?

In that case: Etsuraku no Tane: The Animation

Is yuri with tentacles.... But is as bad as it sounds, or as good depending on your taste.
Is really bad

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