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joined Apr 24, 2017

Maybe the dreamer loved someone a very long time ago who commit suicide and after that, kept dream unconsciously about how her life would be if she confessed to her and were her girlfriend.

joined Mar 28, 2015

YomiRose posted:

Maybe the dreamer loved someone a very long time ago who commit suicide and after that, kept dream unconsciously about how her life would be if she confessed to her and were her girlfriend.

We already determined that the dreamer and the other two didn't even live in the same century.

joined Jul 29, 2017

YomiRose posted:

Maybe the dreamer loved someone a very long time ago who commit suicide and after that, kept dream unconsciously about how her life would be if she confessed to her and were her girlfriend.

We already determined that the dreamer and the other two didn't even live in the same century.

I know that Buddhist and several other systems of reincarnation assume immediate reincarnation (or a 49 day wait) after death (although not necessarily as a human being), so a 25-40 year gap certainly could cover the death of the first character and the appearance of the protagonist.

But almost all the instances of reincarnation in fiction that I can think of tend to signal the past life/past memory trope by showing a very significant historical time/cultural gap so as to make the different eras unmistakable (the succeeding generations of Doumekis in XXXholic being the main exception that comes to mind, but that series takes place outside of ordinary time anyway).

But I'm hardly widely read in this area--is "the one reincarnation on the heels of another" trope really so common that the original audience would see the different styles of the TVs/phones and assume, "Aha--it's her past life memories"?

joined Feb 18, 2015

The close-ups could just be there to show you how much time has passed.
she also says "why does your face seem so nostalgic to me?" could be amnesia

If amnesia were supposed to remain plausible then it would also show you that she had aged accordingly. And her not being "Mihoko" would be a really bad writing idea in terms of getting the point across.

That's what bugs me about the amnesia theory. She wouldn't change her name if she just lost her memory.

Unless she is in a Dissociative Fugue due to the amnesia and actually has taken on a new persona and the dreams are her old persona bleeding through? (This does happen.)

But I think that the differences between the technology in the dream and the end part where she wakes up make it clear that it is not the same woman.

Someone else mentioned the socks... Yeah... I'm pretty sure she put her girlfriend's socks on...

joined Oct 6, 2015

I was avoiding this..but read it anyway since I'm too happy this days and I need to balance..xD

The girl that was left behind is surely living in hell right now..just imagine having a happy perfect life and then, BAM! That would probably be a traumatic experience for her that keeps haunting her even in her her next life(?). I can't help having these what ifs..:(
But surely, if ever I'm having difficulties, or suicidal thoughts, I would discuss it to my partner no matter what. It would be very selfish of me to just take my life leaving someone behind without telling what's going on, wosre is let them see my corpse. I think that would be very selfish of me.
*If ever that's the case in this story

last edited at May 1, 2018 12:40AM

joined May 25, 2020

may be you will ask why she had to kill he self when she could have just tried her best to avoid it
but guys depression is nothing you can deal with,i had it once its really frightening how it affects your decision making and the way you see things around you

joined May 12, 2020

It's clear that the change of technology, particularly the tv's, emphasizes that they don't live in the same time. And that the prior characters were from the past. It couldn't be amnesia.

It could be the ghost of mihoku or she's the reincarnation of her. i dunno. It needs a sequel

last edited at Jun 3, 2020 3:36AM

joined Apr 7, 2021

I was super confused why everyone seemed to unanimously agree it was suicide in the thread bc I skimmed through the last panels on page 6 and missed the sock.

joined Jan 10, 2022

i think, she lives in the same apartment as the couple. but the building got renovated. on page 1 you see the old building with the antennas, etc. and on page 7 it's a veeery identical building, but it looks newer as the other. and i don't think the artist was just lazy to draw another building. if the building wasn't significant, they could just let it be and drew something else in the panel. maybe the building got even a new room plan, so that the apartment itself is bigger/smaller, and she doesn't recognize the building because of the many chances. or the dream is just not enough detailed, to realize that it's the same building just before the renovation.
i even have the feeling, that it could be possible, that she sleeps in the same room, where the other girl committed suicide...

joined Dec 3, 2010

I'm more inclined to believe that this girl has recurrent nightmares about her girlfriend whom she used to date back in the 80s committed suicide. And that haunts her deeply to her soul that even when she has reincarnated in a new body, that painful memories will forever engraved on her mind..

joined Jul 15, 2021

The dreamer is implied to be living in the modern era and too young to be Mihoko.

Oh yeah, the TVs!!! Good catch!

joined Aug 25, 2024

Okay, i know its bad and I'm going to hell, but I laughed on page 6.


joined Aug 25, 2024

I personally think it was pretty nice tbh

joined Apr 10, 2023

This is interesting. Obviously there's not enough here to come to any definitive answer, but also the author clearly intended us to be left with that same feeling as the character: upset and without a clue as to what she just went through.
If I were to try to analyze it, personally I'd say this is a haunting or something like it due the intensity of the emotions. It's a recurring dream and yet she hasn't built up any resistance to it. She feels the shock and grief full blast when she wakes up, sobbing for a while in the dark, the emotions taking a long time to fade. That lines up with a psychic or haunting phenomenon's characteristics (at least based on how they tend to be portrayed in fiction). I'm specifically reminded of the movie A Stir of Echoes, where the main character experiences a vision of a murdered girl being strangled, given to him as a means of communication by her ghost who remained buried in the basement, and experiences that choking sensation in their real body as if they were there in the moment. Memories, even "past life" fictional memories, don't tend to have that extreme emotional weight to them where you can still be shocked even after experiencing the same thing repeatedly.

last edited at Sep 1, 2024 2:11AM

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