Forum › The Tiles That I Cannot Cut Are Next to None! discussion

joined Jun 5, 2018

I do love seeing everyone cheat either by using their abilities or by simply normally cheating, while Youmu plays entirely fair even though she could if she wanted to use her ability to look at every tile on the table and have constant perfect information, which would not only negate several other people's abilities (because their abilities depend on swapping the unknown tiles around) but also mean that she'd be fully capable of playing around everyone else because she'd have perfect information.

Good on her, though it's fun to think that Youmu pretty much always cutting the correct tiles is also a manifestation of her ability.

how would youmu do that?

Way way back when she was playing Rumia, to counter her hand being covered in darkness she learned how to perceive the tiles with closed eyes, by harnessing the "inner eye" she uses in combat. She notes how she could probably use this ability to look at the other players' hands as well, but decides against it because she doesn't want to cheat. It's never brought up again. (Well, not that I remember.)

Hm, yeah, youre right, there was something along those lines

joined Jun 5, 2018

Why did marisa not want to eliminate akyuu right then and there?

If you mean chapter 29, supposedly 24,300 points was simply the most she could get out of Akyuu in that instant.
If you mean chapter 30, she felt she had to slow down if she didn't want to risk being countered by Remilia or Youmu.

i thought if one player runs out of points the match immediately ends, so Marisa would come out on top in ch. 30?

joined Apr 24, 2020

Why did marisa not want to eliminate akyuu right then and there?

If you mean chapter 29, supposedly 24,300 points was simply the most she could get out of Akyuu in that instant.
If you mean chapter 30, she felt she had to slow down if she didn't want to risk being countered by Remilia or Youmu.

i thought if one player runs out of points the match immediately ends, so Marisa would come out on top in ch. 30?

Yes, that's correct. If Akyuu ran out of points while Marisa was in first place, she would instantly win.

The point wasn't that she had to slow down how quickly she was taking points from Akyuu. She would love to eliminate Akyuu as soon as possible. It was that if she rushed forward in order to take them, she could get tripped up by Remilia or Youmu and end up not getting them at all.

joined Aug 12, 2021

Incredibly funny that this chapter posits that the reason Remilia hasn't even shown an ability yet is because she might just be really good at mahjong, which would mean she is using literally the same strategy as Youmu except on a higher more experienced level.

This would if true be pretty fitting, after two dozen people who do nothing but cheat the final boss really should just be someone who is simply the best at actually playing the game.

last edited at Feb 18, 2024 9:43AM

Vietcong Soldier
joined Aug 6, 2020

Omg she said the thing

joined Mar 12, 2023

i learned how to lose a game of mahjong due to circumstances, so i finally know what's going on in this manga

joined Mar 27, 2024

This manga/doujin made me read a story of a universe in which I only know the basics of, who are playing a game that I know not single thing about.

joined Mar 27, 2024

I still don't think Remilia's ability works like that exactly, rather than "her actions retroactively giving the best outcome" I think its more like "she does the action that gives her the best outcome" which could either be jsut her being really good or her ability gives her the best possible actions.

last edited at May 20, 2024 2:58AM

joined Feb 17, 2019

ugh this manga is so cool

joined Aug 12, 2021

Youmu's finally started cheating. She's realized that in gensokyo even use of special abilities can make the game more fun.

joined May 25, 2020

So does Youmu use her 'eyes' trick, which she recognized back then when playing with Rumia in the early chapters?

Or, you know, she just become one with the sword—I mean, tiles. like a swordsmanship principal, hence why Yuyuko looks so proud

Vietcong Soldier
joined Aug 6, 2020

She said the thing!

joined May 6, 2018

I'm still not convinced Mahjong's actually a real game. Y'all making rules up on the spot. I'm just skimming this because Marisa shows up sometimes.

joined May 25, 2020



joined Aug 12, 2021

and so it ends huh...

I really liked this series, it kind of ended up being my introduction to touhou after having wanted to check it out and not knowing where to start for a long long time. So I'm sure that when I get to rereading it I'll get to have many "oh shit that's why that character could do that waow" moments. haha

thanks for translating this DB scans, and thanks for making this Uki Hayahiro. (though I'm sure you're not going to see this comment)

joined Sep 6, 2020

This was a fun journey!
Remilia's powers to manipulate fate allows her to make the best moves for the the desire results, it would be more of surprise for Youmu to win against that.
That being said, I'm still surprised Youmu lost, but it shows that much like the Touhou itself, there many more games to play in the future.
Thanks for all the hard work DB scans!

joined Feb 10, 2022

Thanks so much for the translation DB Scans! Even being a complete stranger to Mahjong, Youmu's journey to the top was fun to follow along with.

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

This was a fun ride, my only disappointment is we never got to see Reimu play

joined Aug 13, 2023

What a fun series, thank you for the translation!!

joined Aug 24, 2024

That being said, I'm still surprised Youmu lost, but it shows that much like the Touhou itself, there many more games to play in the future.

Youmu actually did win. Remember that each of the Four Senses have to be called "-sama" by everyone, and at the end, Yuyuko called Youmu "Youmu-sama".

joined Aug 24, 2024

That being said, I'm still surprised Youmu lost, but it shows that much like the Touhou itself, there many more games to play in the future.

Youmu actually did win. Remember that each of the Four Senses have to be called "-sama" by everyone, and at the end, Yuyuko called Youmu "Youmu-sama".

I thought the last panel was supposed to represent Youmu being announced as the winner of the tournament, but this makes sense as well. The chapter seemed to imply Remillia won at first but the last panel confirms it indeed was the half-phantom! Also, it's hard to tell from the drawing but when Aya was looking at the photo with the winner, Youmu was in it but not Remilia. When it came to Patchouli talking about the final match, she most likely was talking about an alternative outcome rather than what had actually happened (I don't know anything about Mahjong but I don't see what else she could have been explaining).

Other than that, It's funny but not surprising that Youmu lost much of her motivation and dedication to the game after she achieved her goal of making Yuyuko proud of her.

joined May 25, 2020

it's end already???

joined May 6, 2018

That being said, I'm still surprised Youmu lost, but it shows that much like the Touhou itself, there many more games to play in the future.

Youmu actually did win. Remember that each of the Four Senses have to be called "-sama" by everyone, and at the end, Yuyuko called Youmu "Youmu-sama".

She lost, but won Yuyuko's recognition. Barring a complete mistranslation, I see no way to interpret Remilia and Patchouli's conversation as Remilia ultimately losing.

joined Aug 24, 2024

That being said, I'm still surprised Youmu lost, but it shows that much like the Touhou itself, there many more games to play in the future.

Youmu actually did win. Remember that each of the Four Senses have to be called "-sama" by everyone, and at the end, Yuyuko called Youmu "Youmu-sama".

She lost, but won Yuyuko's recognition. Barring a complete mistranslation, I see no way to interpret Remilia and Patchouli's conversation as Remilia ultimately losing.

No, she won. Or else what is the last panel supposed to mean or imply, especially since the manga's author talked about the significance of the last panel and how it was planned ever since the series started, in response to someone else talking about the last panel revealing the winner of the tournament? Not to mention that Yuyuko is the very last person that could call Youmu "-sama" in normal circumstances. In an earlier post I also brought up how with that in mind, it was likely that Patchouli was talking about an alternative outcome and way that Remilia could have won rather than what had happened in reality.

Patchouli's conversation with Remilia was an implication, but the last panel is pretty much the direct confirmation that it was actually Youmu that won.

joined May 6, 2018

That being said, I'm still surprised Youmu lost, but it shows that much like the Touhou itself, there many more games to play in the future.

Youmu actually did win. Remember that each of the Four Senses have to be called "-sama" by everyone, and at the end, Yuyuko called Youmu "Youmu-sama".

She lost, but won Yuyuko's recognition. Barring a complete mistranslation, I see no way to interpret Remilia and Patchouli's conversation as Remilia ultimately losing.

No, she won. Or else what is the last panel supposed to mean or imply, especially since the manga's author talked about the significance of the last panel and how it was planned ever since the series started, in response to someone else talking about the last panel revealing the winner of the tournament? Not to mention that Yuyuko is the very last person that could call Youmu "-sama" in normal circumstances. In an earlier post I also brought up how with that in mind, it was likely that Patchouli was talking about an alternative outcome and way that Remilia could have won rather than what had happened in reality.

Patchouli's conversation with Remilia was an implication, but the last panel is pretty much the direct confirmation that it was actually Youmu that won.

Literally what about Patchouli's dialog sounds like a hypothetical? Yuyuko using -sama to show that she considers Youmu the winner regardless of the actual result is waaaay less of a stretch. And if that's not typical of her, yeah, that's the point. Youmu proved herself by getting as far as she did.

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