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joined May 28, 2021

This is unusually wholesome comming from Aweida...

Is this the most wholesome Aweida doujin ever?

Their stuff is normally cute no? Their longer series aren't really posted here but I can't think of a non-wholesome ending to any of those. Even what's posted here is just fun stuff. Am I missing some of their series?

Aweida doesn't usually focus on romance/love like this.

Really? From everything I've read from them, their sexual but typically have set couples who are romantic and end happily. I'm talking about all their longer (20+ page) translated doujinshi. None of those get posted here. I guess it's just subjective anyway but I've known them for "wholesome horny."

Wholesome horny is a very good way to put it IMO. It's always happy and sex positive, which is a major plus and hella refreshing, to me at least. I'll take a story like that any day.

joined Aug 29, 2019

Wholesome horny is the best horny. By a country mile.

joined Apr 19, 2018

Furiously tapping for next page

joined Mar 25, 2015

I, too, have heard of lesbians. I might even believe in their existence.

joined Nov 13, 2022

I, too, have heard of lesbians. I might even believe in their existence.

Naw, anime and manga made them up. You can't believe everything you read online smh

Narrow Escape
joined Jun 8, 2022

Forgive me, the opportunity was too perfect.

joined Mar 15, 2015

missing like 20 morr pages pls fix ty

I think it's a decent concept, but comes off as a bit rushed and too often tells rather than shows.

joined Nov 19, 2022

"I don't know if I'd be feeling this way if I was with other women"

Girl congrats on figuring out your pan. May you and your lesbian girlfriend live happily ever after.

joined Aug 4, 2018

I, too, have heard of lesbians. I might even believe in their existence.

joined Feb 11, 2018

I was subconsciously expecting one more page with some kind of horror reveal about that "new thing" she wants to try, to be honest.

joined Jun 12, 2014

She's heard of lesbians.

To be fair, due to the Japanese commitment to conformity and appearing "normal," LGBT people have much less visibility in Japan outside of the entertainment industry to the point where many doubt that it's a real thing or just consider it something distant that foreigners and weird people do

last edited at Jun 8, 2024 9:07AM

joined Oct 2, 2021

Short and sweet

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