Probs best Nijika isnt here....
I feel so valid for always having shipped these two compared the other popular ships like Pomu x Elira and Selen x Finana
I love these two so much!
They are so adorable
well anime is a loanword from English
ok but who won the battle?
So cute <3
I'm glad they get to keep hanging out, though the shallow part of me prefers Pomu's design over Mint's lol. And... I do kind of like Selen using her tail in the fanarts.
last edited at Jun 3, 2024 3:45PM
Oh these pictures are right next to each other in the gallery lol. Same artist I suppose.
Now that is sucking face...
I really didn't think my minor grammar mistake would lead to a discussion about plurals
^ Yep, same artist.
I see what you're doing, Dynasty
last edited at Jun 1, 2024 9:14PM
Yeah Ricegnat seems to be flexible with enjoying their favorite ship in all forms haha
last edited at Jun 1, 2024 11:59PM
I'm kinda hoping Scarle goes indie
Is Pomu Mint?
bouta ghust to that ghusy
Yeah now I understand how cute she is. Thank you Shizuko.
...See my question is, why didn't they both get how was it decided which one was going to become prego ya know?
Artemis won that battle, as she soon joins in the orgy, I bet. XD
She's a female NijiEN liver not named Millie, so that's pretty likely
^Bottom gets preggers obviously. They not do lesbian sex ed where you grew up?
^This is the internet. Pedantry is king here xD
^ Love dart.
girls with snouts
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