Forum › That Game discussion

joined Aug 31, 2020

Fun fact: they're talking about Animal Crossing. The "2500 bell butterfly" means "Emperor butterfly" in-game.

joined Jan 30, 2017

You lost the game.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Fun fact: they're talking about Animal Crossing. The "2500 bell butterfly" means "Emperor butterfly" in-game.

Thank you for the context, I felt increasingly stupid after reading this.

Also, if she "finishes what she starts" this relationship is effectively already over no?

You lost the game.


joined Jul 15, 2016

This was big mood. I am the B type in this case, and I cannot even count the number of types an A friend has gotten me into a game that I've mastered only to discover that they have quietly quit it months ago...

joined Aug 22, 2013

Fun fact: they're talking about Animal Crossing. The "2500 bell butterfly" means "Emperor butterfly" in-game.

Thank you for the context, I felt increasingly stupid after reading this.

Also, if she "finishes what she starts" this relationship is effectively already over no?

I take it to mean she is diligent/doesn’t play around with relationships and it will end as gf/gf and begin as wife/wife :D

Also, the fact that the partner got the thing about the butterfly, either a) the butterfly is memorable for how hard it is to get or b) is so in tune with her partner to get the obscure reference (from dinner to game) is so sweet… relationship goals lol…

joined Jul 23, 2020

i'm totally the B type lol but it's cute how they had their animal crossing date. anyway, the art style Is GORGEOUS.

joined Mar 21, 2019

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that will occasionally recognize an insect and be like "Gasp, that's worth x amount of bells!"

joined Oct 10, 2016

Strangely cute, given I read Inversion.

joined Feb 22, 2019


joined Mar 4, 2018

Fun fact: they're talking about Animal Crossing. The "2500 bell butterfly" means "Emperor butterfly" in-game.

Thank you for the context, I felt increasingly stupid after reading this.

Never feel stupid for that. It is the transmitters job to ensure the receiver understands.

joined Oct 10, 2016

Fun fact: they're talking about Animal Crossing. The "2500 bell butterfly" means "Emperor butterfly" in-game.

Thank you for the context, I felt increasingly stupid after reading this.

Never feel stupid for that. It is the transmitters job to ensure the receiver understands.

Oddly enough I immediately guessed they're talking about Animal Crossing, but not a particular item. (I only played mobile freemium Pocket Camp)

joined Feb 19, 2023

I like it. Tima's art is consistently amazing. I have such a hard time understanding their comics, though...

Idk if it's because of cultural difference, or the translations, or if they just have an unusual storytelling style.

Either way, the stories are more interesting because of it. Feels like I'm experiencing something through a truly alien perspective.

last edited at Sep 21, 2023 5:14PM

joined Aug 29, 2023

Aww, two girlfriends playing Animal Crossing together. Cute.

joined Apr 12, 2018

So glad the comment section could explain this one ><;

But it was cute!

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Animal Crossing is one of my favorite game series and even I was confused before I saw the bell bag, it's one of the last references I would expect to see in a random yuri oneshot

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