Forum › Sakura Trick discussion

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ah, I love it when the "Lots of kissing", "Romance" and "Yuri" tags are together. =D

joined Apr 27, 2013

Well, this is the natural progression of trends in schoolgirl comedies

joined Feb 28, 2013

Well, this is the natural progression of trends in schoolgirl comedies

I always thought so as well.

WeatheredPeach Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jan 10, 2013

Ah, I love it when the "Lots of kissing", "Romance" and "Yuri" tags are together. =D

Yeah, it's a nice combination. (I think I can say, without spoiling stuff, that the "Lots of kissing" tag is justified.) I'm really happy someone decided to edit this chapter, as the series is so cute.

Kinda feels like the "Romance" tag should be used more often.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Yeah, it's a nice combination. (I think I can say, without spoiling stuff, that the "Lots of kissing" tag is justified.) I'm really happy someone decided to edit this chapter, as the series is so cute.

All of that, was basically what I came to say. And "Trick! I didn't think this was every going to be translated! I'm so happy!" But really, I'm looking forward to reading a nice English version.

joined Jul 4, 2012

I liked that "Sleeping like a boss" on page 6 xDD

joined May 25, 2012

Usually I dislike the 4-koma style, but this one is really good.

joined Jun 8, 2013

Yay! I enjoyed editing this a lot, it's so cute ahh... I hope someone becomes interested enough to translate the other chapters now lol. * w *

joined Nov 11, 2010

Always exciting to see a new series pop up. This one is so cute! Jumps right past all the subtexty 4koma series you see from magazines like Kirara into straight-up yuri. Thanks so much to the Yuri Project team, and I hope you have luck with a translator. (heck, if you don't manage to find anybody after the summer is over, I might give it a try myself.)

Blazing CobaltX
joined May 16, 2012

4-koma style makes understanding panels more difficult for me, so I have to get used to it because this seems cute~

joined May 10, 2013

the world will be a better place if Yuri were to be applied in our daily life. . aaaaaaaaaaafuuuu

joined Feb 3, 2013

Pretty strong start, I like it.

joined Mar 30, 2012

The series seems good, from a few images on search. Can't find any raws or anything beyond this chapter here though :(

joined Feb 8, 2013

That was a promising start!
And here in the two last right panels it reminded of that cute wtf yuri mekuru hibi series

Phyis Moderator
Yuri Project
joined Dec 12, 2012

That was a promising start!
And here in the two last right panels it reminded of that cute wtf yuri mekuru hibi series

Wouldn't know why.

joined Jun 8, 2013

The series seems good, from a few images on search. Can't find any raws or anything beyond this chapter here though :(

the first volume's raws are all in the yuri project thread~

Cryssoberyl Uploader
Zefiberyl Translations
joined Apr 11, 2011
joined Jan 30, 2013

Somehow, someway, this is getting an anime.

Wow. A yuri anime, with real romance and not beating around the bush for 13 episodes?!
I's not like they'll just use half of first chapter, right? ^_^

last edited at Jun 13, 2013 12:27PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Hopefully it won't be as bad as the Sasameki Koto anime, which set the tone in the first episode, summarily ruined said tone in the second, then dithered for the rest of the series and got absolutely nowhere. What a waste.

joined Apr 27, 2013

The main thing I'd worry about is it turning out to be shorts

joined Jan 30, 2013

It wouldn't matter to me if they are shorts or not, I'd still watch it. It is going to be nice to watch a new yuri series for once.

joined Sep 12, 2012

YES PLEASE. It's been years since a pure yuri anime!

joined Nov 11, 2010

Fucking amazing news. Definitely looking forward to it. While this is a generalization, I wouldn't worry too much about it being a short series either 'cause this is a Kirara series, which have consistently done full anime for all of their anime adaptations as far as I know (K-On, Hidamari Sketch, A-Channel, Kill Me Baby, Yuyushiki, etc.). The short anime which have been coming out recently on the other hand are mostly properties from Comic Earth Star; at least the yuri-oriented ones, anyway. In any case, it's been way too long since we've had any non-subtext anime, so I am damned excited for it.

joined Feb 25, 2013

Wow. An /actual/ yuri anime? No yuri goggles needed!? =D

joined Jan 30, 2013

Wait, there are yuri-oriented shorts? Which ones?

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