Started playing for all the yuri stuff I saw. Stayed for the weird and interesting plot. Hope it keeps up.
Adorable. ^_^
Nice. ^_^
To bed!
Nice. :D
Heartwarming. ^_^
"If a rivalry last longer than 7 years then you are no longer just rivals, you are gay"
Knowing her, she'll definitely tell Keqing embarrassing stories of her niece's childhood before giving them their well wishes while she chats their ears off XD
I know the one sitting beside Cloud Retainer isn't Herta but I can't help but see Herta going gaga
OG Yuri ship
Praise Negom
You need to bust out the L word
In case anyone here hasn't seen the video YOASOBI released on these two a while back, you gotta fix that.
Edit: There's also an English version.
last edited at Dec 30, 2023 11:17AM
She's uh...certainly trying lol
uh oh! bad decision, yu-chan!
It looks like a nice combo of the Original Anime's first intro and the 40th episode.
^ The fluffiest kind of yuri. Literally.
@SakuraIce22 If a yurry couple becomes official, does that make it...
last edited at Dec 30, 2023 5:34PM
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