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joined Jan 11, 2015

dohkey dohkey dezoooo

Took me a while... D:

joined Jan 11, 2015


Japan is considerably more conservative than NA and Europe. Getting married and having children isn't "what most people do", it is "what you should do". Even if you have a fling with someone of the same sex, you'll grow out of it and get a "proper" life at some point.

Personally, I find the conservative atmosphere makes such "forbidden" love all the more interesting. :]

joined Jan 11, 2015


It's not a fictional idea, tbh. I was a pretty late bloomer in real life, and I certainly remember thinking "oh, so two girls can do that?".

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Cryssoberyl posted:

Wonderful and awesome in every way. Reminds me a lot of Oniyuri-san and Himeyuri-san, obviously a very pleasant association for me.

I dunno why that didn't come to mind before you mentioned it but that really is quite similar, isn't it?

joined Mar 12, 2014

omg that was cute. Plus the fact that she stood up for her girlf and came out right there and then to make her happy even though it was fucking difficult (seriously, the word dyke is horrible) was amazing. So gooood

joined Apr 23, 2015

that was good. Didn't think it was going anywhere interesting for a moment there.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Ropponmatsu posted:


It's not a fictional idea, tbh. I was a pretty late bloomer in real life, and I certainly remember thinking "oh, so two girls can do that?".

I have a 10 year old niece and I have a hard time explaining to her (without getting too specific, of course) how or why two persons of the same sex could be a couple or even in love. That's something alien to most children, even when the parents (my brother is rather supportive) are not mocking or talking bad about gays. It's just a whole environment. The whole of society shows as an unshakeable truth that a couple is a boy and a girl. Period. The teacher don't even have to talk about it. The kids teach each other, from what they gather from home.

When she talks about elementary school "loves", she talks about how such girl likes such boy or that this boy and this girl are "lovers" (with the usual amount of snickering and embarrassment). It's just the way things are. That two boys or to two girls could be in the same situation doesn't enter their world, unless they have a example close to them. And even then, talking about it at school would draw incomprehension and "ewww" comments. I try to defuse and explain to her that "for some people, it may happen that they like someone of the same sex and that there's nothing wrong with it, even if it's unusual", but what she hears on the school playground about homosexuals is what most kids bring from home : "it's gross".

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

Imagined conversation with a fictional straight couple

Man: I mean the bible outright says that homosexuality is an abomination.
Self: In the same place it also says that having sex during a woman's period is an abomination.
Woman: Blushes.
Self: And it also condemns working on Saturday and eating shellfish and pork.
Woman: Puts down her fork with the shrimp speared on it.
Man: Taking a bight of his pork loin. So what's your point.

This has been an imaginary conversation from the imaginary conversation network. Had it been an actual conversation, you would have been told where to take cover. The man also doesn't have his bible quote quite right.

last edited at Dec 19, 2016 5:12PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

@Yuri Girl 1001

Ayy~, imaginary conversations! My favourite pastime!

Edit: Also, reviewing what I should have said in past conversations.

last edited at Dec 19, 2016 5:19PM

joined Apr 1, 2014

Eh, this was pretty average.

joined Dec 27, 2014

The perfect amount of sweetness with a hint of bitterness that perfectly enhances the sweetness of it all :)

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

It was pretty cute.

joined Jun 24, 2015

This was a really nice one, very lovely. Those pages towards the end were very heartwarming in the sense that it was great she could get over gossip to fulfill a desire that in her heart was right. And that nuzzling oh page 21/22. Oh man. If I was a girl I'd have no qualms about squealing at how cute and lovely that was

last edited at Mar 19, 2018 4:33PM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Love this

joined Oct 22, 2018

Re-reading this was nice

joined Apr 24, 2022

this is another oneshot I always come back to to re-read because it's short but also incredibly good it's quite cute for what it is <3

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