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joined May 24, 2014

Akane is such a good matchmaker!

joined Aug 16, 2014

I wonder what would happen if Akane ran a dating service...

joined Oct 15, 2014

At the very least, she'd probably have her services requested at least once more to sort out Himawari and Sakurako

joined Nov 23, 2014

I would like to see some Akane and Tomoko (Chinatsu's older sister) doujinshi.

joined May 17, 2014

^sammmme, lol i ship them so hard :p

joined Feb 8, 2014

I've to like this because it's Kyouko x Ayano and there is not so much KyouAya doujinshi for me, unfortunately.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Mmmm... sorry, this is cheap hentai... didn't like it at all :/

Funny thing is, it's not even hentai. It's just cheap ecchi with a plot that might as well be from a cheap hentai.

joined Nov 10, 2013

Meh. This is just stupid.

Meh. This is just stupid.

That´s exactly what I thought too. xD

joined Nov 2, 2013

I would like to see some Akane and Tomoko (Chinatsu's older sister) doujinshi.

Same! I feel bad for Tomoko though because she's in love with Akane but Akane is just a siscon who loves her little sister... Feels bad man.

joined Jun 6, 2014

I was happy to see some KyouAya but man I wish it was actually...umm...good.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Such a weird story.

The art wasn't that good, plot thiner than paper and yet it had an undeniably good ending.

joined Jan 8, 2014

I dunno all the tags are there but meh ...maybe if I actually watched yuruyuri?

joined Mar 30, 2012

Same as above, much too shallow to enjoy, it seemed so... fake, and I watched yuruyuri(which wasn't very yuri anyways) maybe best page was the last page.

joined Feb 10, 2013

Mmmm... sorry, this is cheap hentai... didn't like it at all :/

Agree. -.-"

joined Feb 5, 2013

Akane needs like someone.........

joined Jul 12, 2012

No plot, too short, rushed and just plain...
If the story was longer and.. better.. then I would've not complained.

joined Feb 15, 2014

A bad setup with everyone acting out of character for a porn scenario. Which is okay for someone who is looking for something to get off to, but it's so short and it doesn't make full use of the erotic scenario, so even as porn this is disappointing.

In better Yuru Yuri news, the hour-long OVA was recently released, and it was pretty fantastic.

joined Aug 24, 2014

So little Vanilla out there for Yuru Yuri......So disappointing......

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The only really worthwhile thing about this was that it stimulated that part of my brain that wants more Ayano x Kyouko. Beyond that, it wasn't worth the trouble.

joined Dec 12, 2014

No plot, too short, rushed and just plain...
If the story was longer and.. better.. then I would've not complained.


joined Jun 12, 2012

What the hell was this?

I. Franceska S.
joined Sep 15, 2014

I haven't read all of this, but from what I read in the comments and the two pages I saw, this doujin is a poorly executed porn mag aimed at the same kind of people who like the Michael Bay Transformers movies. Excuse my language As soon as I saw Akane's toe being sucked on by Not-Akari I stopped reading. Why can't there be some cute KyouAya and cute and fluffy Akane x Akari. I know I'm one of like three people who like that pairing, but can I please get some vanilla, cute, pure Akane x Akari? Please, Godoka? No? Oh. Alright. I'll go back to shipping Yuzuki and Momoka, the card shop lady, in my corner.

joined Nov 29, 2014

As soon as I saw Akane's toe being sucked on by Not-Akari I stopped reading. Why can't there be some cute KyouAya and cute and fluffy Akane x Akari. I know I'm one of like three people who like that pairing, but can I please get some vanilla, cute, pure Akane x Akari?

There's three of us? That's more than I expected.

joined Jul 4, 2016

I wonder what would happen if Akane ran a dating service...

I shall be her business partner

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