Forum › Bean-starch vermicelli salad with bamboo shoots and scallops with a hint of yuzu citrus pepper discussion

joined May 24, 2014

Weird ass tittle but it's still yuri

joined Aug 11, 2019

This feels like a Futaribeya AU where the two meet much later in life, but still end up living in one room together eventually.

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Yuri Project
joined Mar 3, 2022

This feels like a Futaribeya AU where the two meet much later in life, but still end up living in one room together eventually.

That is incredibly accurate actually. It looks like it even predates Futaribeya though — it’s ealier in the anthology than the pilot.

joined Aug 10, 2021

Can someone elaborate this a bit. I think I understand but then again I feel like I don't.

joined Jun 14, 2022

Cute! There is a lot of potential hinted at with their pasta, but just kinda focusing on on the moments worked out really well. Fun one shot I wouldn't mind seeing more of.

joined Feb 6, 2013

This was cute. The food tag almost always delrivers!

joined Mar 20, 2014

And no time was being wasted. I like it!

joined Aug 17, 2012

That was cute - really liked it

joined Apr 26, 2022

The title bruh

joined Aug 1, 2020

So... basically, two people who have trouble sleeping alone meet and then the holy power of yuri compels them to sleep together. Soon, they'll be roommates

joined Apr 4, 2017

yukiko's one shots are so frequently sparse, slightly claustrophobic, and steeped in something short of ennui.
all of these are complements.
this is a great one shot and a delicious yuri

joined Feb 22, 2019

Yukiko’s definitely got a type, or at least a favorite kind of pairing

last edited at Sep 3, 2022 3:20PM

joined Apr 16, 2021

this is so cute, very nice vibes/atmosphere. stuff like this is so relaxing and chill.

joined Feb 7, 2018

lmao this title is something you'd see on one of the many cooking subreddits but yea that was cute for a rather short one

joined Sep 27, 2017

This was nice, thanks for the translation!

joined Dec 18, 2016

welp, time to get the uhaul

joined Dec 18, 2016

So... basically, two people who have trouble sleeping alone meet and then the holy power of yuri compels them to sleep together. Soon, they'll be roommates

i have to say this. here i go:


joined Mar 23, 2022

she was left by someone.....mmmmmmm.time to get a new lov-...I mean roommate.

joined Jun 25, 2020

So... basically, two people who have trouble sleeping alone meet and then the holy power of yuri compels them to sleep together. Soon, they'll be roommates

Lmaaaaaao I had a hard laugh on this one!

joined Feb 27, 2020

Yukiko's one-shots always have some melancholic undertones in 'em. Both of the characters feel just a little bit disfunctional ( like Mikami's alcoholism and the unnamned black haired girl's eating disorder,) but they find comfort in each other. Combine that with the lighting and the seaside locale... it makes the atmosphere feel comfy yet a little bit unnerving. It's great.

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