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joined Apr 1, 2015

Spam, and a bad one at that:

last edited at Jun 17, 2022 10:24PM

joined Mar 29, 2021

Question does the suggestion status option include pending image requests or just manga/doujin suggestions

joined Nov 9, 2021

Without even searching for it, I've come across four instances of characters being locked in a room until they kiss/have sex. Does anyone else know if there are more examples because there seems to be potential for a new tag. I don't know what it would be called, though.

~しないと出られない部屋 is a pretty common trope, especially for oneshots/bonuses, and I thought about suggesting an Escape Room tag before but couldn't dig up enough examples. Here's another - I think in this case the title stems from the translators being unfamiliar with the concept & breaking the sentence at the と conditional rather than realizing it's all a relative clause describing the yuri in the same way it usually describes the room (which is omitted since the reader is assumed to be aware of the scenario), so it's more like "Can't Escape Without Having Sex" Yuri.

edit: And another, which I'm surprised I forgot about.


OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Hazewing posted:

Question does the suggestion status option include pending image requests or just manga/doujin suggestions

The suggestion status only works for tag requests. Sorry, all content suggestions are only one-way for now. If you're curious about a specific item, you're welcome to dm me on Discord @ Orange Pekoe#0863.

lilyflame posted:

~しないと出られない部屋 is a pretty common trope, especially for oneshots/bonuses, and I thought about suggesting an Escape Room tag before but couldn't dig up enough examples. Here's another - I think in this case the title stems from the translators being unfamiliar with the concept & breaking the sentence at the と conditional rather than realizing it's all a relative clause describing the yuri in the same way it usually describes the room (which is omitted since the reader is assumed to be aware of the scenario), so it's more like "Can't Escape Without Having Sex" Yuri.

Thanks for the team effort! I'm on board with this, it'll be in the next batch of new tags.

joined Sep 14, 2016

I'm not really getting email notifications for my subscribed tags anymore? What happened? Is it just me? For example, Miss Sunflower is up to chapter 70 and last notification was for chapter 67.

Same issue. Last notification email I got was from the 18th of may

joined Apr 1, 2015
joined Aug 1, 2011

This looks like a bot, maybe? There only post is certainly weird and out of context.

joined Sep 16, 2014

I'm not really getting email notifications for my subscribed tags anymore? What happened? Is it just me? For example, Miss Sunflower is up to chapter 70 and last notification was for chapter 67.

Same issue. Last notification email I got was from the 18th of may

Same issue, been months since my last notification email

joined Sep 14, 2016

This chapter and this chapter only persistently gets the "something went wrong" error:
The rest of the site loads normally

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Young Blasarius posted:

Found the same work listed three times:

I think we only need one of them. They are also completely untagged, but I don't know the actual title or author. I can suggest the Doujin: Touhou Project , Crossover, and maybe Comedy tags, at least.

Thanks! But, you can ignore these for now. The actual story is Kirby and Flandre.

YuuMimo posted:

This chapter and this chapter only persistently gets the "something went wrong" error:
The rest of the site loads normally

Hmm, that's very odd. Try again now?

joined Sep 14, 2016

Hmm, that's very odd. Try again now?

Yeah, it works now. Thanks

joined Nov 8, 2017

If any of my requests is duplicated, it's because the site malfunctioned while submitting so I wasn't sure if it got through.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Dec 18, 2021

I wasn't sure if it was alrite to bring this here, but moderator OrangePekoe wrote:

If you find other users are being abusive, you should report it to me in the Help thread.

so I guess it 's the correct place after all. It's about this post by user Stannis:

Now it's a topic where discussion can be heated, and people are very harsh about some characters, but this post is extremely offensive and insults the people writing—not the characters, the commenters!—in half a dozen different ways.

joined Aug 11, 2014

Update on the email notifications: just got a notification a few hours ago. Like others above, I haven't received one in over a month. It was in my spam folder, which was weird since I've never marked one as spam.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Maqueovelic posted:

I wasn't sure if it was alrite to bring this here, but moderator OrangePekoe wrote:

If you find other users are being abusive, you should report it to me in the Help thread.

so I guess it 's the correct place after all. It's about this post by user Stannis:

Now it's a topic where discussion can be heated, and people are very harsh about some characters, but this post is extremely offensive and insults the people writing—not the characters, the commenters!—in half a dozen different ways.

Thank you. That's exactly the sort of thing I'd like to see reported, and this is the best place for it.

joined Sep 16, 2014

Update on the email notifications: just got a notification a few hours ago. Like others above, I haven't received one in over a month. It was in my spam folder, which was weird since I've never marked one as spam.

double checked my spam folders nothing has been sent to me since early April

joined May 2, 2012

Update on the email notifications: just got a notification a few hours ago. Like others above, I haven't received one in over a month. It was in my spam folder, which was weird since I've never marked one as spam.

double checked my spam folders nothing has been sent to me since early April

Yeah, I've been having the same issue since April, too.

Nothing in the spam folder, either.

I did get one email for a Kase-san chapter in May, I think, but that was it.

Not sure what's going on.

joined Feb 17, 2022

Wondering if it's possible to filter out tags on images like you can with chapters? Would like to filter out the vtuber images frankly.

joined Dec 19, 2018

hello! i dont know if this has been asked or something but is there any way to see the thumbnail of the recently uploaded chapters? it only seemed to load for the chapters popular this week

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Wondering if it's possible to filter out tags on images like you can with chapters? Would like to filter out the vtuber images frankly.

This was being looked into a while back, but unfortunately it seems like it messes with site performance too much. I'll ask about it though.

hello! i dont know if this has been asked or something but is there any way to see the thumbnail of the recently uploaded chapters? it only seemed to load for the chapters popular this week

From what I understand, the only way you can see thumbnails is from the front page; there isn't any way to see them on the Recently Added page.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I don't know if this has already been suggested, but it would be nice if the advanced search also had a group view with covers, just like when you click on a tag.

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