Still gotta put these 2 up with Mana x Regina and Love X Sesuna as my fav precure pairings :)
Up to this day, Namori is still my most favorite artist. I'm just IN LOVE with her art style tbh.
^ I give them 11 minutes
"Sounded like a yes."
"Definitely a yes."
Is lady killer Nagato back
I give them next collab
She’s worshipping Akko’s body.
^ That hand is going beyond galaxy.
Praying one day I can be in the same position as Harley
Now that's a smug Parsee haha
Aah, Harley just like tought
I love how soft this image is
^ amen
Gudako has too much Insight
they had lots of SAN checks afterwards
Please tsundere responsibly
Hands that could squash Brazil nuts.
Diana with pigtails?
what is it with blonde girls being so tsundere
Gudako x Ina
God I love this arc. I'm not sure if I'd say it's a good one to be honest, but I've always loved stories that aren't afraid to embrace the madness.
gotta love how sweeat and heartwarming they look... and then there is the hand!
but really I love SUmire's happy expression here <3
I like how despite they are already getting kinky with the tentacles, just now Ivy is finding out that Harley likes rough lol.
also that little Ivy head is so cute and funny~
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