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joined Jul 6, 2014

Sad that this ended without a real romantic realization...
Does anybody know if the author will ever follow this up?

joined Jan 13, 2015

I think I have the power of resurrection, because every time I re-read this I swear I die from laughter.
This manga is too good.

joined Aug 10, 2016

Did that follow-up ever come out?

joined Feb 4, 2016

I'll make a nasty comment because I'm salty af. I will summarize this project: The author started this project with lolicon, so he got bored and decided to make a new story within the story that ended up getting better than the original story. Then he went back to the Initial story and said "Oh, fuck it. This story is a mess now" and ended the manga without completion.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I have a book all about Japan and it says making snowman is how girls express their love for each other. It was from this book that i learned tanukis grow to be 6 meters long and are the commonest housepet in Japan.

joined Oct 18, 2017

Had a hard laugh reading this... XDDD..

joined Sep 6, 2011


joined Sep 25, 2015

Reread this for the 3rd time. Such a classic.
Still waiting for the continuation. ;_;

joined Jan 19, 2019

No continuation?,The ending was quite unsatisfied.

joined Oct 26, 2016

Yoshiko is a dangerous individual.
Her extreme imagination, her lack of inhibition, her apparent genius intellect (plot amnesia notwithstanding)
Her personality is pretty unsettling. Ominous even.
Future serial killer.
Potentially. In a total bad end scenario. Luckily, she's a good girl who still walks the path of light.
What a card.

joined Mar 27, 2020

This manga gave me a couple good laughs when i read it the first time.

Its sad that it ended in such an unsatisfying way

joined Aug 10, 2016

God damn it I need that continuation

joined Jun 25, 2017

This was a nice series

joined May 12, 2021

The mostly episodic story started off with was really good but there were promises of good development that were never fulfilled since it was constantly playing with the idea of having the main two actually get together.

Ultimately the the main characters ended up with less progress than anyone else and all the development that did happen with the other characters was crammed into too-few chapters with too much happening off-screen leaving the ending as a rather unsatisfying non-conclusion.

joined Jan 15, 2022

A good laugh

joined Aug 20, 2016

The two later couple were far more intressting that the first two. They should've started the series with them.

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