To everyone that didn't like the first chapter... What, do you all hate fun?
Bad writing, boring characters, and cliche plot isn't "fun". Chapter 2 didn't help with the "no homo" and everything after is mundane. Characters remain unlikable throughout.
I disagree on all counts. Yeah, the first chapter is a pretty cliche plot, but you know what you never see? That plot in the -first chapter-. You never see a story about what happens -after- the lover steals the depressed bride away from her wedding, so this isn't cliche, it's an inversion of a cliche.
And, seriously, chapter 2 has no "no homo" moment. She just didn't want to get married! They're clearly in a relationship! She was bashful about having sex, but c'mon, have you people never seen someone act like a tsundere? She even says "I didn't hate it or anything"!