Forum › Second Years discussion

joined Jun 6, 2014

I try to tell myself that legitimately loving threesomes arent a thing but dam Im not convincing myself right now.

I still prefer KotoUmi and TsubaHono but I did like this as a second option if Tsubasa isn't a thing.

joined Apr 1, 2014

Nico is honestly the worst character. So irritating and the least attractive in u's. It's like a grouchy old woman desperately trying to be a young girl.

I wasn't a fan of Nico at first but then after her back story I found her really amusing. Plus, think of a µ's without her, someone needs to balance out the overload of kindness. It's like the world's gathering of the Nicest people on Earth (including ARISE.)

I find Honoka worse, she's too simple minded and yet she's glorified.

I mean I'll never understand why she was chosen for student counsel president other than it being a popularity contest and she's totally not fit for it, but she is a good center, has lots of charisma, and has the least amount of problems which let's her help the other characters. She can be annoying at times all them can be really and she is far too simplistic but she does have her movements and does serve a definite purpose, unlike other characters... She's a hard worder, stubborn, and open minded. She's very likable.

Yeah they are all likable but what I wanted to say is that Honoka can annoy me a lot more than Niko x)

Why can't u just love everyone in muse? T__T
Well every character has some unique behaviour appearances etc. But it depends on how each of you see it (negative or positive) and its okay to have those opinions but still try to love everyone in muse! (>__<)

joined May 17, 2014

Yeah they are all likable but what I wanted to say is that Honoka can annoy me a lot more than Nico x)

I see your stand point but I still feel your selling her short, there are worse characters...

Why can't u just love everyone in muse? T__T
Well every character has some unique behaviour appearances etc. But it depends on how each of you see it (negative or positive) and its okay to have those opinions but still try to love everyone in muse! (>__<)

Believe me I tried. I won't go into bashung characters, but it's just there's a member I just can't love, in my heart µ's has 8 members. Blame the writers not me, it's not my fault they just gave up on the last character.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Yeah they are all likable but what I wanted to say is that Honoka can annoy me a lot more than Nico x)
I see your stand point but I still feel your selling her short, there are worse characters...

Why can't u just love everyone in muse? T__T
Well every character has some unique behaviour appearances etc. But it depends on how each of you see it (negative or positive) and its okay to have those opinions but still try to love everyone in muse! (>__<)

Believe me I tried. I won't go into bashung characters, but it's just there's a member I just can't love, in my heart µ's has 8 members. Blame the writers not me, it's not my fault they just gave up on the last character.

Well, there's really no point in arguing over likeable characters because of opinions and stuff but Honoka <
Rin, basically.

last edited at Dec 23, 2014 10:14PM

joined Jun 6, 2014

.......And thus the Love Live shitposting has spread even further.

Can't we all just love them all? And if we don't like one of them, fine, but we won't pretend they'd be better off not existing? I don't think it'd be an exaggeration to say that mu's does need all 9 members.

(not attacking you directly @ari-chan you are not the first nor will you be the last)

last edited at Dec 23, 2014 10:15PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

I think it's just because they don't really have time to do characters development, so they ended up with paper thin personalities. Honoka is basically Stock Main Character #14. But that's the exact reason we have fan fiction, right?

joined Oct 20, 2014


joined Nov 29, 2014

I think it's just because they don't really have time to do characters development, so they ended up with paper thin personalities. Honoka is basically Stock Main Character #14. But that's the exact reason we have fan fiction, right?

Yeah, having 9 main characters is hard to pull off, same with Idolmaster or similar shows. But LL managed to create a pretty likeable cast, depending on the situation at least. So we should all be happy.

It's Christmas here now, by the way, so Merry Christmas, I guess.

joined Feb 4, 2014

After reading some of the other comments and also taking into account other media I've seen, I wonder if I'm like the only one who genuinely loves Honoka's character. I find it odd that despite everything starting with her and happening because of her, that she gets so much dislike and is often overlooked.

joined Oct 16, 2013

^I love Honk-chan. Honkers is my bae~.

Honkers deserves all the threesomes in the world. More love for Honk.

last edited at Dec 24, 2014 12:28AM

joined Apr 14, 2013

Friends 4 eva :D

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

I wonder if I'm like the only one who genuinely loves Honoka's character.

Honkers is love, Honkers is life.

I love all the girls. :( I don't know how you could hate any of them.

joined Feb 4, 2014

I wonder if I'm like the only one who genuinely loves Honoka's character.

Honkers is love, Honkers is life.

I love all the girls. :( I don't know how you could hate any of them.

Okay, so maybe I'm not alone, thank you Shimapanda and Chikaon. Sometimes though that's the general consensus I get from majority of the fandom in regards to Honoka and I know everyone's entitled to their opinions but I feel like she doesn't deserve half the negativity she receives.

Also, I love all the girls too. Love Live! is like one of the few shows I've watched were I like all the characters.

last edited at Dec 24, 2014 2:29AM

joined Oct 16, 2013

I wonder if I'm like the only one who genuinely loves Honoka's character.

Honkers is love, Honkers is life.

I love all the girls. :( I don't know how you could hate any of them.

Okay, so maybe I'm not alone, thank you Shimapanda and Chikaon. Sometimes though that's the general consensus I get from majority of the fandom in regards to Honoka and I know everyone's entitled to their opinions but I feel like she doesn't deserve half the negativity she receives.

Her genki is too much for mere mortals to understand and handle. It's okay. More Honkers to keep for ourselves :D

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

excuse me emitsun is best girl that means honkers is also best girl

joined Feb 4, 2014

Her genki is too much for mere mortals to understand and handle. It's okay. More Honkers to keep for ourselves :D

I prefer to share her with everyone, especially all of Muse. By the way just learned what genki means, love the term. Also going back to the main topic of this forum, would love to see more second year threesomes (fluff or adult) and just more Honoka in general.

excuse me emitsun is best girl that means honkers is also best girl

No arguments here.

last edited at Dec 24, 2014 2:53AM

joined Jan 31, 2013

It's Christmas here now, by the way, so Merry Christmas, I guess.

Merry Christmas, for you too.
Santa hasn't been visiting me since I moved out of my parent house, though. So I'll just lurks here until the loneliness go away.

would love to see more second year threesomes (fluff or adult),

Where'd you put this doujin in that category? I mean, is this fluff or adult to you?

last edited at Dec 24, 2014 8:58AM

joined Jun 12, 2012

Love Live shitposting general

Nah I'm just kidding...

last edited at Dec 24, 2014 11:08AM

joined May 1, 2014

Why spread Love Live! hate? :3

I mean, they're all adorable in their own ways just don't touch my ship! Lol. Heck. Let's just spread the love. XD

Now I'm just going to inject some Kotori virus to invade you all!

joined May 17, 2014

^The best kind!!!! Sorry I started off trying to defend Nico and Honoka but lost my way. I'm done. Meery Christmas to everyone tht applies to. It's still Christmas eve here Even tho I already have my present sitting on my lap and chewing on my fingers :p You know I'm a big KotoUmi Shipper but I'd like to see more Umi x Alissa.

last edited at Dec 24, 2014 12:36PM

joined Feb 4, 2014

would love to see more second year threesomes (fluff or adult),

Where'd you put this doujin in that category? I mean, is this fluff or adult to you?

I thought this was obviously fluff, unless there's a panel where someone had their hand up someone's skirt that I missed. Or the term 'fluff' has a different meaning now.

last edited at Dec 24, 2014 4:07PM

joined May 17, 2014

Okay, before anyone has ANYTHING to say about Nico, read this!

Poor Nico.

joined Jan 27, 2019

I try to tell myself that legitimately loving threesomes arent a thing

Er, why would you do that? They're not particularly common, but they exist.

Back to the story — the first two vignettes are very sweet and cute and fluffy, but it's the third that always brings me up short. Honoka and Kotori easily flirt with Umi, with gentle, casual intimacies. Nico catches their attention, triggering Honoka's simultaneous bragging and possessiveness — and when HonoTori leave, Nico is unsettled, but can't easily express that, or point out that the relationship between the three of them doesn't seem like "friends". The scene leaves the whole thing feeling — not quite unfinished, and not quite cut off. A little unsettling to read, I guess. Something has been left unresolved.

joined Jun 8, 2022

I am from the future, and I can confirm that All Girls Deserve love!!!
Every member of Muse is absolutely amazing and they are all equal!

But besides that... HonoKotoUmi singlehandedly making me admit that Polyamory is possible... Goodness!!!

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