Forum › Forum Rules

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Forum Rules

  1. First, and above all, remember that everyone is here to have fun and enjoy yuri together. Being overly aggressive, insulting, or generally a jerk is against the rules. This includes:

    -Hate speech, racism, sexism, etc. By the same token, do not refer to trans people and/or crossdressers as "traps."

    -Wishing harm upon artists, scanlators, other users, or basically any other living person.

    -Backseat moderating, i.e. "You're gonna get banned when the mods come," "How have you not been banned yet?" "Is such a short ban really acceptable?" etc.

  2. Spammers will be shot. Kitchen reno spammers will be shot twice.

  3. We encourage the promotion of yuri works or projects by members of the community and do not consider such promotion to be spam. To advertise your work, please use a relevant thread, post in the Dynasty Cafe, or create a new thread for yourself.

  4. Insulting scanlators is unacceptable, and will result in your comment and possibly you being removed from the forum. They work hard to bring us the yuri we love, and they don’t need abuse for it. Do not ask, plead, or beg for more or quicker releases. It may be acceptable to seek an update on a series that appears to be sitting dormant, but always do so respectfully. Anyone found to be violating this rule may be subject to permanent removal from the site.

  5. Do not link to Mangakalot, Mangahere, or any other illegal, profit-driven online reader. Links will be removed once spotted by staff. Frequent attempts to link to these sources will result in a ban. Links to publishers site's, scanlator's sites, MangaDex and e-hentai are perfectly acceptable.

  6. There is NO rule 6.

  7. No linking to unauthorized scans of material on Lezhin, such as Pulse or What Does the Fox Say. Lezhin are very protective of their copyright, and we'd rather avoid landing the reader in hot water. Generally speaking, links to online-hosted Korean material (manhwa) should be avoided.

  8. No avatars with live-action porn or inflammatory language. Staff may ask you to change your avatar if it is deemed offensive. Failure to do so may result in account removal.

  9. Off-topic posting and conversation should generally be kept to a minimum. Thread derailment or re-purposing is unacceptable in all cases. Threads attached to specific manga are meant primarily for discussion related to that manga. Users are encouraged to visit the Dynasty Cafe, where you will be able to talk about any subject you like. Mods reserve the right to delete, without notice, spillover content from other threads and other chronic off-topic content.

  10. Tags are meant to inform users so that they may interact with works that appeal to them, and avoid those which do not. If your comment on a given work could be summed up as a comment on the tag itself, please avoid making the comment. Repeat offenders may be disciplined as necessary. This rule also applies to pairing tags. Do not engage in "shipping wars" in doujin threads.

  11. Homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia are grounds for immediate removal from the site. These sentiments are acceptable under precisely zero circumstances.

In all cases, Staff reserve the right to interpret the rules as they see fit. We strive for fairness and appropriate case-by-case judgement.

Should you wish to report an incident or inquire for further information, any user is welcome to broach those topics in this thread. Should you wish for a more private setting, you may reach out on Discord. Considering dm'ing Orange Pekoe#0863, or you may highlight me in any channel within the Dynasty Discord Server. Alice Cheshire is also available on Discord, at Alice#3526, or you may highlight her in any channel within the Dynasty Discord Server. (If you do not receive a reply from one of us within 24 hours, you may contact the other.)

last edited at Jan 7, 2021 1:59PM by OrangePekoe

joined Jun 6, 2014

This outta clean up the forums a bit and help smooth out the rough edges that have been formulaically popping up of late.


joined Jan 30, 2013

Regarding rule 1...
It's OK to not like things. But don't be a dick about the things you don't like.
Let others enjoy their horrible taste.

last edited at Dec 20, 2014 5:00AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Regarding rule 1...
It's OK to not like things. But don't be a dick about the things you don't like.
Let others enjoy their horrible taste.

Actually, rule 1 actually was a variant on the "Don't be a dick" rule on another forum I moderate.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Rules are for losers. (And people who don't want to get banned/want to keep the community an enjoyable place.)

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

All posting of any kind will result in a permanent ban.

joined Jul 2, 2013

All posting of any kind will result in a permanent ban.

Oh thank goodness. I was thinking there was something important missing.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012
  1. Spammers will be shot. Kitchen reno spammers will be shot twice.

Is it okay if I legit want to give you guys some good deals on kitchens? Because I am serious about kitchens, and kitchen sales.

Could you kindly stand over here, against this wall? Yeah, the one with all the holes in it, that'd be lovely.

joined May 10, 2014
  1. If you got nothing nice to say just don't say anything...unless you're trolling which is a-ok.

  2. But I love the not-annoying-at-all kitchen ads!

  3. If plan on removing all those "when is the next release" you're gonna have a bad time.

8(suggestion) always double-check your post you never know and please try to use proper grammar not saying it HAS to be perfect.

8.5(suggestion) you can edit/delete your posts don't be lazy.

joined Aug 1, 2013

8(suggestion) always double-check your post you never know and please try to use proper grammar not saying it HAS to be perfect.

Proper grammar? On the internet? Woah, that's crazy.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

8(suggestion) always double-check your post you never know and please try to use proper grammar not saying it HAS to be perfect.

Proper grammar? On the internet? Woah, that's crazy.

Yeah, we ain't doin' that nohow.

joined May 10, 2014

I should probably clarify 8... proper grammar as in at least try not something like "i rly lk id i ct stap ma nosblid" sorry its the best example I could think of, because those are an eyesore and sometimes I can't even translate what they're saying.edit: I finally figured out what I wanted to say "use actual/real words" there we go.

last edited at Dec 20, 2014 4:55PM

joined Oct 20, 2014

I don't get it but I do LOVE :) the great forum rules.

joined May 22, 2013


joined May 22, 2013



As if I care.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Is that an exclamation or an assessment?

joined May 22, 2013


Is that an exclamation or an assessment?


Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Is that an exclamation or an assessment?


Not very helpful, is it? Do you have an issue with anything specific?

Divulge Scans
joined Jun 17, 2014
  1. This isn’t the place for stuff like “WHERE IS THE NEXT RELEASE”. Any similar badgering/demands will be removed if they get obnoxious. Badgering the scanlators is poor form.

Their Tumblr is also not the place for that.

You may want to consider remind posters to check for existing threads before making a new one and to avoid making threads with spoilers in the topic. I'm looking at you, new Korra thread.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012
  1. This isn’t the place for stuff like “WHERE IS THE NEXT RELEASE”. Any similar badgering/demands will be removed if they get obnoxious. Badgering the scanlators is poor form.

Their Tumblr is also not the place for that.

You may want to consider remind posters to check for existing threads before making a new one and to avoid making threads with spoilers in the topic. I'm looking at you, new Korra thread.

Good thought, I fixed the topic on that one.

joined May 1, 2014

All posting of any kind will result in a permanent ban.

Oh thank goodness. I was thinking there was something important missing.

Definitely. That's why I read the whole thing. And this rule is definitely of much importance.

@Rule 2
Glad to see that it's just gonna be a shot. We can still survive. Unless we got Tiro Finale'd or something like being shot by Godoka.

last edited at Dec 22, 2014 12:40PM

joined May 22, 2013


Is that an exclamation or an assessment?


Not very helpful, is it? Do you have an issue with anything specific?

A general rebellion against any kind of rule.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Is that an exclamation or an assessment?


Not very helpful, is it? Do you have an issue with anything specific?

A general rebellion against any kind of rule.

Oh, so being whiny for its own sake. I can respect that.

Oh wait, I can't.

joined May 19, 2014

Lovely! I'm glad we finally have some rulez, though it's quite saddening that these sounds like common sense that everyone should already know. But it's good for the thick-headed ones. Thanks Nezchan!

I'd like to propose two "rulez":
1.) be civil when arguing. No need to say derogatory terms to sound more persuasive.

2.) comments should stay relevant to the thread.


Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Lovely! I'm glad we finally have some rulez, though it's quite saddening that these sounds like common sense that everyone should already know. But it's good for the thick-headed ones. Thanks Nezchan!

Well, the concept is the more detailed you make the rules, the more likely some ass is going to try to lawyer them. Better to have them largely common sense and give the mod(s) latitude to interpret on a case-by-case basis.

2.) comments should stay relevant to the thread.

Oh good heavens, no! We get such awesome irrelevancies, I'd hate to lose that.

I'm all for free-range conversations.

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